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Browser client

Ricardo Devis Agullo edited this page Nov 15, 2021 · 20 revisions


When using the oc library, oc exposes a set of functionalities on the window.oc namespace.

Including the script

The oc-client client-side library is available as a component inside a registry. To include it in your page, the registry exposes a shortcut so that you consume a version that matches the registry you are using.

<script src="//"></script>

We recommend to include the script at the bottom of your <body> html's tag. As default, as soon as it is loaded, it will do a call to oc.renderUnloadedComponents(); to render all the components found in the DOM. This means that if you include the script before your components, you will need to manually call oc.renderUnloadedComponents(); to render the components after the library is ready.

How to use client-side functionalities

Most commonly in your page (inside or outside a component's context) you are going to take advantage of some of this functionalities. Given the asynchronous nature of components' loading and multiple rendering strategies, you may want to ensure you action is performed when the client is ready and available. This pattern guarantees things are going to work smoothly:

window.oc = window.oc || {};
oc.cmd = oc.cmd || [];
  // do stuff with the oc object

For example, if this script is inside a component and your component is loaded on the server-side before the oc-client.js, this is going to be executed as soon as the client is ready. If it is loaded after the oc-client.js, and the client is initialised and ready (for example in a client-side rendering situation) it's going to be executed straight away as soon as it is placed inside the DOM.

oc custom settings

To customise the library settings, you need to expose them before the client. Example:

<script>var oc = { conf: { retryInterval: 2000 }};</script>
<script src="//"></script>

Available settings:

Parameter type description default
debug boolean When true, prints stuff in the console false
globalParameters object When provided, all the calls to client-side rendering or getData() will append the globalParameters to all the components {}
loadingMessage string The message shown inside the component's container during loading
retryInterval number (milliseconds) Retry interval for when component rendering fails 5000
retryLimit number Max number of retries when component rendering fails 30
retrySendNumber boolean Appends an __ocRetry=(number) to a request to mark the retry number. This is a quite powerful feature that you can handle in the server-side logic in order to make your component even behave differently in case something is going wrong true
templates array The configuration needed for performing client-side rendering of specific template types. [{"type": "oc-template-jade","externals": [{"global": "jade","url": "[email protected]/runtime.js"}]},{"type": "oc-template-handlebars","externals": [{"global": "Handlebars","url": ""}]}]
tag string The html tag you want to use for your components in the page oc-component


oc.addStylesToHead (styles)

Append some CSS style inside the <head> of the page inside a <style> tag (options)

It will build an oc-component tag for provided parameters:

Parameter type description
baseUrl string The base url of the registry
name string The component's name
parameters array of objects (optional) The component's parameters
version string (optional) The component's version


var html ={
  baseUrl: '',
  name: 'my-component',
  version: '~2.3.4',
  parameters: {
    age: 23,
    hello: 'world'

// html => <oc-component href=""></oc-component>, callback);

This is for subscribing to specific events. The callback will be a tuple of (eventDetails, [eventData]) objects. Supported events:

eventName eventData
oc:ready oc global getter
oc:rendered An object containing the rendered component data. Example: { name: 'component', version: '1.2.3', id: '827346283476', html: '<div>hi</div>'} [, data]);

This is for firing an event and optionally attach an object to it.;

This is for removing all the subscriptions to all events.

oc.getData(options, callback);

This is to postback to component's server.js and get just the data back. Callback's signature is (err, json). Options are:

Parameter type description
baseUrl string The base url of the registry
name string The component's name
json boolean (optional) If requesting the parameter using JSON instead of formdata
parameters array of objects (optional) The component's parameters
version string (optional) The component's version

oc.renderNestedComponent ($el, callback);

Given a HTMLElement selected (it can also be a jQuery element) $el element, renders it and then executes the callback function.

oc. registerTemplates ([templates])

Allow to add support for client-side rendering for specific templates after the client has been already initialized and configured. It accepts an array of templates configuration and returns an array of all the templates configured.


cons templates = oc.registerTemplates([{
  "type": "custom-react-template",
  "externals": [{
    "global": "React",
    "url": ""

Learn more about the templates system

oc.renderUnloadedComponents ()

Scans the DOM looking for unrendered components and does the rendering. It may be a little bit expensive, so in case you know where the component is, use renderNestedComponent instead.

oc.require ([namespace], url, callback)

A minimal require.js functionality. Loads a file inside the head, and then fires the callback. If it is a .css extension it will loaded as <link>, if it has a .js extension it will be loaded as <script>. When the namespace is provided, the load will happen only if window[namespace] is undefined. This is particularly useful in case we want to use a javascript dependency and we want to load it only if the container does not exposes it on the global scope.


oc.require('_', '', function(_){
  console.log(_.first([1, 2]));

oc.requireSeries ([externalDependenciesToLoad], callback)

A little utility built around oc.require. Loads a series of dependencies in the given order, and then fires the callback. This is particularly useful in case we want to use multiple javascript dependencies that depends on each-other and we want to load them only if the container does not exposes them on the global scope.


  global: 'React',
  url: ''
}, {
  global: 'ReactDOM',
  url: 'htpss://'
}], function(){
  // You can now use React and ReactDOM here