Represent is the open database of Canadian elected officials and electoral districts. It provides a REST API to boundary, representative, and postcode resources.
This repository proxies Google Sheets with elected officials' contact information and reformats the data for import into Represent.
If this repository requires maintenance, it should be merged into scrapers-ca instead.
bundle exec rackup
The only API endpoint is /:id/:gid/:boundary_set
. For a Google Sheets URL of:
is the key7mOZ3yDOsmKJfg3s15S6GFEy6YAtFy461blJEemE81ML
is the parameter059742683
is the slug of a boundary set in Represent
If :boundary_set
is census-subdivisions
or census-subdivisions-and-divisions
, then an optional sgc
query string parameter can be set to a two-digit Standard geographic classification (SGC) code, to limit the search for a matching Census subdivision or Census division to one province or territory.
The proxy:
- Maps between CSV headers and JSON fields
- Formats addresses, genders, and phone numbers
- Preserves unrecognized CSV headers
The proxy attempts to map the District ID or District Name to a boundary in Represent, in the following order:
- If a District ID is four digits, the proxy maps it to a Census division boundary.
- If a District ID is seven digits, the proxy maps it to a Census subdivision boundary.
- If
, the proxy attempts to map the District Name to a unique boundary within the boundary set, and raises an error if it can't. - If
is anything else, the proxy slugifies the District Name and maps it to a boundary within the boundary set.
The proxy performs no validation that the boundary exists, except in the third case as a side effect.
Copyright (c) 2015 Open North Inc., released under the MIT license