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rnr committed Feb 26, 2024
1 parent 00a6c86 commit fb22073
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Showing 5 changed files with 0 additions and 1,230 deletions.
246 changes: 0 additions & 246 deletions Authorization/AuthorizationTests/AuthorizationMock.generated.swift
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Expand Up @@ -2716,249 +2716,3 @@ open class WebviewCookiesUpdateProtocolMock: WebviewCookiesUpdateProtocol, Mock

// MARK: - WebviewCookiesUpdateProtocol

open class WebviewCookiesUpdateProtocolMock: WebviewCookiesUpdateProtocol, Mock {
public init(sequencing sequencingPolicy: SequencingPolicy = .lastWrittenResolvedFirst, stubbing stubbingPolicy: StubbingPolicy = .wrap, file: StaticString = #file, line: UInt = #line) {
self.sequencingPolicy = sequencingPolicy
self.stubbingPolicy = stubbingPolicy
self.file = file
self.line = line

var matcher: Matcher = Matcher.default
var stubbingPolicy: StubbingPolicy = .wrap
var sequencingPolicy: SequencingPolicy = .lastWrittenResolvedFirst

private var queue = DispatchQueue(label: "com.swiftymocky.invocations", qos: .userInteractive)
private var invocations: [MethodType] = []
private var methodReturnValues: [Given] = []
private var methodPerformValues: [Perform] = []
private var file: StaticString?
private var line: UInt?

public typealias PropertyStub = Given
public typealias MethodStub = Given
public typealias SubscriptStub = Given

/// Convenience method - call setupMock() to extend debug information when failure occurs
public func setupMock(file: StaticString = #file, line: UInt = #line) {
self.file = file
self.line = line

/// Clear mock internals. You can specify what to reset (invocations aka verify, givens or performs) or leave it empty to clear all mock internals
public func resetMock(_ scopes: MockScope...) {
let scopes: [MockScope] = scopes.isEmpty ? [.invocation, .given, .perform] : scopes
if scopes.contains(.invocation) { invocations = [] }
if scopes.contains(.given) { methodReturnValues = [] }
if scopes.contains(.perform) { methodPerformValues = [] }

public var authInteractor: AuthInteractorProtocol {
get { invocations.append(.p_authInteractor_get); return __p_authInteractor ?? givenGetterValue(.p_authInteractor_get, "WebviewCookiesUpdateProtocolMock - stub value for authInteractor was not defined") }
private var __p_authInteractor: (AuthInteractorProtocol)?

public var cookiesReady: Bool {
get { invocations.append(.p_cookiesReady_get); return __p_cookiesReady ?? givenGetterValue(.p_cookiesReady_get, "WebviewCookiesUpdateProtocolMock - stub value for cookiesReady was not defined") }
set { invocations.append(.p_cookiesReady_set(.value(newValue))); __p_cookiesReady = newValue }
private var __p_cookiesReady: (Bool)?

public var updatingCookies: Bool {
get { invocations.append(.p_updatingCookies_get); return __p_updatingCookies ?? givenGetterValue(.p_updatingCookies_get, "WebviewCookiesUpdateProtocolMock - stub value for updatingCookies was not defined") }
set { invocations.append(.p_updatingCookies_set(.value(newValue))); __p_updatingCookies = newValue }
private var __p_updatingCookies: (Bool)?

public var errorMessage: String? {
get { invocations.append(.p_errorMessage_get); return __p_errorMessage ?? optionalGivenGetterValue(.p_errorMessage_get, "WebviewCookiesUpdateProtocolMock - stub value for errorMessage was not defined") }
set { invocations.append(.p_errorMessage_set(.value(newValue))); __p_errorMessage = newValue }
private var __p_errorMessage: (String)?

open func updateCookies(force: Bool, retryCount: Int) {
addInvocation(.m_updateCookies__force_forceretryCount_retryCount(Parameter<Bool>.value(`force`), Parameter<Int>.value(`retryCount`)))
let perform = methodPerformValue(.m_updateCookies__force_forceretryCount_retryCount(Parameter<Bool>.value(`force`), Parameter<Int>.value(`retryCount`))) as? (Bool, Int) -> Void
perform?(`force`, `retryCount`)

fileprivate enum MethodType {
case m_updateCookies__force_forceretryCount_retryCount(Parameter<Bool>, Parameter<Int>)
case p_authInteractor_get
case p_cookiesReady_get
case p_cookiesReady_set(Parameter<Bool>)
case p_updatingCookies_get
case p_updatingCookies_set(Parameter<Bool>)
case p_errorMessage_get
case p_errorMessage_set(Parameter<String?>)

static func compareParameters(lhs: MethodType, rhs: MethodType, matcher: Matcher) -> Matcher.ComparisonResult {
switch (lhs, rhs) {
case (.m_updateCookies__force_forceretryCount_retryCount(let lhsForce, let lhsRetrycount), .m_updateCookies__force_forceretryCount_retryCount(let rhsForce, let rhsRetrycount)):
var results: [Matcher.ParameterComparisonResult] = []
results.append(Matcher.ParameterComparisonResult( lhsForce, rhs: rhsForce, with: matcher), lhsForce, rhsForce, "force"))
results.append(Matcher.ParameterComparisonResult( lhsRetrycount, rhs: rhsRetrycount, with: matcher), lhsRetrycount, rhsRetrycount, "retryCount"))
return Matcher.ComparisonResult(results)
case (.p_authInteractor_get,.p_authInteractor_get): return Matcher.ComparisonResult.match
case (.p_cookiesReady_get,.p_cookiesReady_get): return Matcher.ComparisonResult.match
case (.p_cookiesReady_set(let left),.p_cookiesReady_set(let right)): return Matcher.ComparisonResult([Matcher.ParameterComparisonResult(Parameter<Bool>.compare(lhs: left, rhs: right, with: matcher), left, right, "newValue")])
case (.p_updatingCookies_get,.p_updatingCookies_get): return Matcher.ComparisonResult.match
case (.p_updatingCookies_set(let left),.p_updatingCookies_set(let right)): return Matcher.ComparisonResult([Matcher.ParameterComparisonResult(Parameter<Bool>.compare(lhs: left, rhs: right, with: matcher), left, right, "newValue")])
case (.p_errorMessage_get,.p_errorMessage_get): return Matcher.ComparisonResult.match
case (.p_errorMessage_set(let left),.p_errorMessage_set(let right)): return Matcher.ComparisonResult([Matcher.ParameterComparisonResult(Parameter<String?>.compare(lhs: left, rhs: right, with: matcher), left, right, "newValue")])
default: return .none

func intValue() -> Int {
switch self {
case let .m_updateCookies__force_forceretryCount_retryCount(p0, p1): return p0.intValue + p1.intValue
case .p_authInteractor_get: return 0
case .p_cookiesReady_get: return 0
case .p_cookiesReady_set(let newValue): return newValue.intValue
case .p_updatingCookies_get: return 0
case .p_updatingCookies_set(let newValue): return newValue.intValue
case .p_errorMessage_get: return 0
case .p_errorMessage_set(let newValue): return newValue.intValue
func assertionName() -> String {
switch self {
case .m_updateCookies__force_forceretryCount_retryCount: return ".updateCookies(force:retryCount:)"
case .p_authInteractor_get: return "[get] .authInteractor"
case .p_cookiesReady_get: return "[get] .cookiesReady"
case .p_cookiesReady_set: return "[set] .cookiesReady"
case .p_updatingCookies_get: return "[get] .updatingCookies"
case .p_updatingCookies_set: return "[set] .updatingCookies"
case .p_errorMessage_get: return "[get] .errorMessage"
case .p_errorMessage_set: return "[set] .errorMessage"

open class Given: StubbedMethod {
fileprivate var method: MethodType

private init(method: MethodType, products: [StubProduct]) {
self.method = method

public static func authInteractor(getter defaultValue: AuthInteractorProtocol...) -> PropertyStub {
return Given(method: .p_authInteractor_get, products:{ StubProduct.return($0 as Any) }))
public static func cookiesReady(getter defaultValue: Bool...) -> PropertyStub {
return Given(method: .p_cookiesReady_get, products:{ StubProduct.return($0 as Any) }))
public static func updatingCookies(getter defaultValue: Bool...) -> PropertyStub {
return Given(method: .p_updatingCookies_get, products:{ StubProduct.return($0 as Any) }))
public static func errorMessage(getter defaultValue: String?...) -> PropertyStub {
return Given(method: .p_errorMessage_get, products:{ StubProduct.return($0 as Any) }))


public struct Verify {
fileprivate var method: MethodType

public static func updateCookies(force: Parameter<Bool>, retryCount: Parameter<Int>) -> Verify { return Verify(method: .m_updateCookies__force_forceretryCount_retryCount(`force`, `retryCount`))}
public static var authInteractor: Verify { return Verify(method: .p_authInteractor_get) }
public static var cookiesReady: Verify { return Verify(method: .p_cookiesReady_get) }
public static func cookiesReady(set newValue: Parameter<Bool>) -> Verify { return Verify(method: .p_cookiesReady_set(newValue)) }
public static var updatingCookies: Verify { return Verify(method: .p_updatingCookies_get) }
public static func updatingCookies(set newValue: Parameter<Bool>) -> Verify { return Verify(method: .p_updatingCookies_set(newValue)) }
public static var errorMessage: Verify { return Verify(method: .p_errorMessage_get) }
public static func errorMessage(set newValue: Parameter<String?>) -> Verify { return Verify(method: .p_errorMessage_set(newValue)) }

public struct Perform {
fileprivate var method: MethodType
var performs: Any

public static func updateCookies(force: Parameter<Bool>, retryCount: Parameter<Int>, perform: @escaping (Bool, Int) -> Void) -> Perform {
return Perform(method: .m_updateCookies__force_forceretryCount_retryCount(`force`, `retryCount`), performs: perform)

public func given(_ method: Given) {

public func perform(_ method: Perform) {
methodPerformValues.sort { $0.method.intValue() < $1.method.intValue() }

public func verify(_ method: Verify, count: Count = Count.moreOrEqual(to: 1), file: StaticString = #file, line: UInt = #line) {
let fullMatches = matchingCalls(method, file: file, line: line)
let success = count.matches(fullMatches)
let assertionName = method.method.assertionName()
let feedback: String = {
guard !success else { return "" }
return Utils.closestCallsMessage(
for: { invocation in
matcher.set(file: file, line: line)
defer { matcher.clearFileAndLine() }
return MethodType.compareParameters(lhs: invocation, rhs: method.method, matcher: matcher)
name: assertionName
MockyAssert(success, "Expected: \(count) invocations of `\(assertionName)`, but was: \(fullMatches).\(feedback)", file: file, line: line)

private func addInvocation(_ call: MethodType) {
self.queue.sync { invocations.append(call) }
private func methodReturnValue(_ method: MethodType) throws -> StubProduct {
matcher.set(file: self.file, line: self.line)
defer { matcher.clearFileAndLine() }
let candidates = sequencingPolicy.sorted(methodReturnValues, by: { $0.method.intValue() > $1.method.intValue() })
let matched = candidates.first(where: { $0.isValid && MethodType.compareParameters(lhs: $0.method, rhs: method, matcher: matcher).isFullMatch })
guard let product = matched?.getProduct(policy: self.stubbingPolicy) else { throw MockError.notStubed }
return product
private func methodPerformValue(_ method: MethodType) -> Any? {
matcher.set(file: self.file, line: self.line)
defer { matcher.clearFileAndLine() }
let matched = methodPerformValues.reversed().first { MethodType.compareParameters(lhs: $0.method, rhs: method, matcher: matcher).isFullMatch }
return matched?.performs
private func matchingCalls(_ method: MethodType, file: StaticString?, line: UInt?) -> [MethodType] {
matcher.set(file: file ?? self.file, line: line ?? self.line)
defer { matcher.clearFileAndLine() }
return invocations.filter { MethodType.compareParameters(lhs: $0, rhs: method, matcher: matcher).isFullMatch }
private func matchingCalls(_ method: Verify, file: StaticString?, line: UInt?) -> Int {
return matchingCalls(method.method, file: file, line: line).count
private func givenGetterValue<T>(_ method: MethodType, _ message: String) -> T {
do {
return try methodReturnValue(method).casted()
} catch {
private func optionalGivenGetterValue<T>(_ method: MethodType, _ message: String) -> T? {
do {
return try methodReturnValue(method).casted()
} catch {
return nil
private func onFatalFailure(_ message: String) {
guard let file = self.file, let line = self.line else { return } // Let if fail if cannot handle gratefully
SwiftyMockyTestObserver.handleFatalError(message: message, file: file, line: line)


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