In order for Alert App being tested in a short timeframe, please follow steps below
- Go to Content -> Add Content -> Alert (/node/add/alert)
- Verify you can see the form for creating alerts
- Verify the following fields are required:
- Title (plain text)
- Desscription (text editor)
- Background color (dropdown)
- Text color (dropdown)
- Placement
- Verify the following fields are optional:
- Icon color (dropdown)
- Link (renders as a button)
- Visibility Pages -> Pages
- Location (dropdown)
- Fill the form with some data
- Verify alert created and placed in the correct area of the website (header or footer)
- Verify alert look good and correct, according to specified configuration
- Edit Alert and modify some alert settings (background color, link, text colorm etc)
- Verify changes applied correctly.
- Administrator or any user with permissions to create/edit alerts has access to the form
- Form provide some required fields and some optional
- Form provides the possiblity configure where alerts should be placed.
- Alert can be placed in both header and footer
- Alert can be different (look & feel) based on the setings (colors)"
- Specify in the alert some pages where alert should be visible (using the option ""Show for the listed pages"").
- Verify alert is visible only on the specified pages.
- Verify visibility of the alert after changing option to ""Hide for the listed pages""
- Verify location dropdown is not empty, it should contain the list of Branches and Camps"
- Alert can be hidden from specified pages or displayed only on specified pages. There are no limitations on the number of pages.
- Alert can be displayed on Landing pages associated with Branch/Camp after specifiying parent Branch/Camp. "
- Verify you see alerts below the banner (header placement) and above the footer (footer placement).
- Click on the left and right arrows, check that alerts changing
- Verify each alert contains icon, title, description, button(optional) and cross icon
- Verify alerts have different background colors. Icon color also is changable.
- Verify, if you click on the cross icon alert disappers. Verify after reloading the page it is not visible anymore.
- Verify, all clickable elements have hover and focus styles."
- Alerts are displaying
- Alerts can be placed in header and in footer
- Alerts contain required attrributes such as icon, title, description, bacground color, cross icon.
- Alerts may contain optional attrributes such as call to action button.
- Alerts can be hidden and not visible anymore after reloading the page
- All clickable elements have hover and focus styles and look good"