diff --git a/specification/metrics/semantic_conventions/faas-metrics.md b/specification/metrics/semantic_conventions/faas-metrics.md
index 67dcf534e2e..a3adc9a73d9 100644
--- a/specification/metrics/semantic_conventions/faas-metrics.md
+++ b/specification/metrics/semantic_conventions/faas-metrics.md
@@ -32,33 +32,33 @@ type and units.
Below is a table of FaaS invocation metric instruments.
-| Name | Instrument | Unit | Unit ([UCUM](README.md#instrument-units)) | Description |
-| `faas.invoke_duration` | Histogram | milliseconds | `ms` | Measures the duration of the invocation |
-| `faas.init_duration` | Histogram | milliseconds | `ms` | Measures the duration of the function's initialization, such as a cold start |
-| `faas.coldstarts` | Counter | default unit | `{coldstarts}` | Number of invocation cold starts. |
-| `faas.errors` | Counter | default unit | `{errors}` | Number of invocation errors. |
-| `faas.executions` | Counter | default unit | `{executions}` | Number of successful invocations. |
-| `faas.timeouts` | Counter | default unit | `{timeouts}` | Number of invocation timeouts. |
+| Name | Instrument | Unit | Unit ([UCUM](README.md#instrument-units)) | Description |
+| `faas.invoke_duration` | Histogram | milliseconds | `ms` | Measures the duration of the invocation |
+| `faas.init_duration` | Histogram | milliseconds | `ms` | Measures the duration of the function's initialization, such as a cold start |
+| `faas.coldstarts` | Counter | default unit | `{coldstarts}` | Number of invocation cold starts. |
+| `faas.errors` | Counter | default unit | `{errors}` | Number of invocation errors. |
+| `faas.executions` | Counter | default unit | `{executions}` | Number of successful invocations. |
+| `faas.timeouts` | Counter | default unit | `{timeouts}` | Number of invocation timeouts. |
Optionally, when applicable:
-| Name | Instrument | Unit | Unit ([UCUM](README.md#instrument-units)) | Description |
-| `faas.mem_usage` | Histogram | Bytes | `By` | Distribution of max memory usage per invocation |
-| `faas.cpu_usage` | Histogram | milliseconds | `ms` | Distribution of cpu usage per invocation |
-| `faas.net_io` | Histogram | Bytes | `By` | Distribution of net I/O usage per invocation |
+| Name | Instrument | Unit | Unit ([UCUM](README.md#instrument-units)) | Description |
+| `faas.mem_usage` | Histogram | Bytes | `By` | Distribution of max memory usage per invocation |
+| `faas.cpu_usage` | Histogram | milliseconds | `ms` | Distribution of cpu usage per invocation |
+| `faas.net_io` | Histogram | Bytes | `By` | Distribution of net I/O usage per invocation |
## Attributes
Below is a table of the attributes to be included on FaaS metric events.
-| Name | Recommended | Notes and examples |
-| `faas.trigger` | Yes | Type of the trigger on which the function is invoked. SHOULD be one of: `datasource`, `http`, `pubsub`, `timer`, `other` |
-| `faas.invoked_name` | Yes | Name of the invoked function. Example: `my-function` |
-| `faas.invoked_provider` | Yes | Cloud provider of the invoked function. Corresponds to the resource `cloud.provider`. Example: `aws` |
-| `faas.invoked_region` | Yes | Cloud provider region of invoked function. Corresponds to resource `cloud.region`. Example: `us-east-1` |
+| Name | Recommended | Notes and examples |
+| `faas.trigger` | Yes | Type of the trigger on which the function is invoked. SHOULD be one of: `datasource`, `http`, `pubsub`, `timer`, `other` |
+| `faas.invoked_name` | Yes | Name of the invoked function. Example: `my-function` |
+| `faas.invoked_provider` | Yes | Cloud provider of the invoked function. Corresponds to the resource `cloud.provider`. Example: `aws` |
+| `faas.invoked_region` | Yes | Cloud provider region of invoked function. Corresponds to resource `cloud.region`. Example: `us-east-1` |
More details on these attributes, the function name and the difference compared to the faas.invoked_name can be found at the related [FaaS tracing specification](../../trace/semantic_conventions/faas.md).
For incoming FaaS executions, the function for which metrics are reported is already described by its [FaaS resource attributes](../../resource/semantic_conventions/faas.md).
diff --git a/specification/metrics/semantic_conventions/http-metrics.md b/specification/metrics/semantic_conventions/http-metrics.md
index 14b90e4d321..b5166f35199 100644
--- a/specification/metrics/semantic_conventions/http-metrics.md
+++ b/specification/metrics/semantic_conventions/http-metrics.md
@@ -17,17 +17,17 @@ type and units.
Below is a table of HTTP server metric instruments.
-| Name | Instrument | Unit | Unit ([UCUM](README.md#instrument-units)) | Description |
-| `http.server.duration` | Histogram | milliseconds | `ms` | measures the duration of the inbound HTTP request |
+| Name | Instrument | Unit | Unit ([UCUM](README.md#instrument-units)) | Description |
+| `http.server.duration` | Histogram | milliseconds | `ms` | measures the duration of the inbound HTTP request |
| `http.server.active_requests` | UpDownCounter | requests | `{requests}` | measures the number of concurrent HTTP requests that are currently in-flight |
### HTTP Client
Below is a table of HTTP client metric instruments.
-| Name | Instrument | Unit | Unit ([UCUM](README.md#instrument-units)) | Description |
+| Name | Instrument | Unit | Unit ([UCUM](README.md#instrument-units)) | Description |
| `http.client.duration` | Histogram | milliseconds | `ms` | measures the duration of the outbound HTTP request |
## Attributes
@@ -35,28 +35,28 @@ Below is a table of HTTP client metric instruments.
Below is a table of the attributes that SHOULD be included on `duration` metric events
and whether they should be on server, client, or both types of HTTP metric events:
-| Name | Type | Recommended | Notes and examples |
-| `http.method` | `client` & `server` | Yes | The HTTP request method. E.g. `"GET"` |
-| `http.host` | `client` & `server` | see [attribute alternatives](#attribute-alternatives) | The value of the [HTTP host header][]. When the header is empty or not present, this attribute should be the same. |
-| `http.scheme` | `client` & `server` | see [attribute alternatives](#attribute-alternatives) | The URI scheme identifying the used protocol in lowercase: `"http"` or `"https"` |
-| `http.status_code` | `client` & `server` | Optional | [HTTP response status code][]. E.g. `200` (String) |
-| `http.flavor` | `client` & `server` | Optional | Kind of HTTP protocol used: `"1.0"`, `"1.1"`, `"2"`, `"SPDY"` or `"QUIC"`. |
-| `net.peer.name` | `client` | see [1] in [attribute alternatives](#attribute-alternatives) | See [general network connection attributes](../../trace/semantic_conventions/span-general.md#general-network-connection-attributes) |
-| `net.peer.port` | `client` | see [1] in [attribute alternatives](#attribute-alternatives) | See [general network connection attributes](../../trace/semantic_conventions/span-general.md#general-network-connection-attributes) |
-| `net.peer.ip` | `client` | see [1] in [attribute alternatives](#attribute-alternatives) | See [general network connection attributes](../../trace/semantic_conventions/span-general.md#general-network-connection-attributes) |
+| Name | Type | Recommended | Notes and examples |
+| `http.method` | `client` & `server` | Yes | The HTTP request method. E.g. `"GET"` |
+| `http.host` | `client` & `server` | see [attribute alternatives](#attribute-alternatives) | The value of the [HTTP host header][]. When the header is empty or not present, this attribute should be the same. |
+| `http.scheme` | `client` & `server` | see [attribute alternatives](#attribute-alternatives) | The URI scheme identifying the used protocol in lowercase: `"http"` or `"https"` |
+| `http.status_code` | `client` & `server` | Optional | [HTTP response status code][]. E.g. `200` (String) |
+| `http.flavor` | `client` & `server` | Optional | Kind of HTTP protocol used: `"1.0"`, `"1.1"`, `"2"`, `"SPDY"` or `"QUIC"`. |
+| `net.peer.name` | `client` | see [1] in [attribute alternatives](#attribute-alternatives) | See [general network connection attributes](../../trace/semantic_conventions/span-general.md#general-network-connection-attributes) |
+| `net.peer.port` | `client` | see [1] in [attribute alternatives](#attribute-alternatives) | See [general network connection attributes](../../trace/semantic_conventions/span-general.md#general-network-connection-attributes) |
+| `net.peer.ip` | `client` | see [1] in [attribute alternatives](#attribute-alternatives) | See [general network connection attributes](../../trace/semantic_conventions/span-general.md#general-network-connection-attributes) |
| `http.server_name` | `server` | see [2] in [attribute alternatives](#attribute-alternatives) | The primary server name of the matched virtual host. This should be obtained via configuration. If no such configuration can be obtained, this attribute MUST NOT be set ( `net.host.name` should be used instead). |
-| `net.host.name` | `server` | see [2] in [attribute alternatives](#attribute-alternatives) | See [general network connection attributes](../../trace/semantic_conventions/span-general.md#general-network-connection-attributes) |
-| `net.host.port` | `server` | see [2] in [attribute alternatives](#attribute-alternatives) | See [general network connection attributes](../../trace/semantic_conventions/span-general.md#general-network-connection-attributes) |
+| `net.host.name` | `server` | see [2] in [attribute alternatives](#attribute-alternatives) | See [general network connection attributes](../../trace/semantic_conventions/span-general.md#general-network-connection-attributes) |
+| `net.host.port` | `server` | see [2] in [attribute alternatives](#attribute-alternatives) | See [general network connection attributes](../../trace/semantic_conventions/span-general.md#general-network-connection-attributes) |
The following attributes SHOULD be included in the `http.server.active_requests` observation:
-| Name | Recommended | Notes and examples |
-| `http.method` | Yes | The HTTP request method. E.g. `"GET"` |
-| `http.host` | see [attribute alternatives](#attribute-alternatives) | The value of the [HTTP host header][]. When the header is empty or not present, this attribute should be the same |
-| `http.scheme` | see [attribute alternatives](#attribute-alternatives) | The URI scheme identifying the used protocol in lowercase: `"http"` or `"https"` |
-| `http.flavor` | Optional | Kind of HTTP protocol used: `"1.0"`, `"1.1"`, `"2"`, `"SPDY"` or `"QUIC"` |
+| Name | Recommended | Notes and examples |
+| `http.method` | Yes | The HTTP request method. E.g. `"GET"` |
+| `http.host` | see [attribute alternatives](#attribute-alternatives) | The value of the [HTTP host header][]. When the header is empty or not present, this attribute should be the same |
+| `http.scheme` | see [attribute alternatives](#attribute-alternatives) | The URI scheme identifying the used protocol in lowercase: `"http"` or `"https"` |
+| `http.flavor` | Optional | Kind of HTTP protocol used: `"1.0"`, `"1.1"`, `"2"`, `"SPDY"` or `"QUIC"` |
| `http.server_name` | see [2] in [attribute alternatives](#attribute-alternatives) | The primary server name of the matched virtual host. This should be obtained via configuration. If no such configuration can be obtained, this attribute MUST NOT be set ( `net.host.name` should be used instead). |
[HTTP host header]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7230#section-5.4
@@ -67,10 +67,10 @@ The following attributes SHOULD be included in the `http.server.active_requests`
To avoid high cardinality the following attributes SHOULD substitute any parameters when added as attributes to http metric events as described below:
-| Attribute name | Type | Recommended | Notes and examples |
-|`http.url` | `client` & `server` | see [attribute alternatives](#attribute-alternatives) | The originally requested URL |
-|`http.target` | `client` & `server` | see [attribute alternatives](#attribute-alternatives) | The full request target as passed in a [HTTP request line][] or equivalent, e.g. `"/path/{id}/?q={}"`. |
+| Attribute name | Type | Recommended | Notes and examples |
+| `http.url` | `client` & `server` | see [attribute alternatives](#attribute-alternatives) | The originally requested URL |
+| `http.target` | `client` & `server` | see [attribute alternatives](#attribute-alternatives) | The full request target as passed in a [HTTP request line][] or equivalent, e.g. `"/path/{id}/?q={}"`. |
[HTTP request line]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7230#section-3.1.1
diff --git a/specification/metrics/semantic_conventions/process-metrics.md b/specification/metrics/semantic_conventions/process-metrics.md
index 99df0855969..dc8e0d97132 100644
--- a/specification/metrics/semantic_conventions/process-metrics.md
+++ b/specification/metrics/semantic_conventions/process-metrics.md
@@ -27,13 +27,13 @@ metrics](runtime-environment-metrics.md).
Below is a table of Process metric instruments.
-| Name | Instrument | Units | Description | Labels |
-| `process.cpu.time` | Counter | s | Total CPU seconds broken down by different states. | `state`, if specified, SHOULD be one of: `system`, `user`, `wait`. A process SHOULD be characterized _either_ by data points with no `state` labels, _or only_ data points with `state` labels. |
-| `process.cpu.utilization` | Gauge | s | Difference in process.cpu.time since the last measurement, divided by the elapsed time and number of CPUs available to the process. | `state`, if specified, SHOULD be one of: `system`, `user`, `wait`. A process SHOULD be characterized _either_ by data points with no `state` labels, _or only_ data points with `state` labels. |
-| `process.memory.usage` | UpDownCounter | By | The amount of physical memory in use. | |
-| `process.memory.virtual` | UpDownCounter | By | The amount of committed virtual memory. | |
-| `process.disk.io` | Counter | By | Disk bytes transferred. | `direction` SHOULD be one of: `read`, `write` |
+| Name | Instrument | Units | Description | Labels |
+| `process.cpu.time` | Counter | s | Total CPU seconds broken down by different states. | `state`, if specified, SHOULD be one of: `system`, `user`, `wait`. A process SHOULD be characterized _either_ by data points with no `state` labels, _or only_ data points with `state` labels. |
+| `process.cpu.utilization` | Gauge | s | Difference in process.cpu.time since the last measurement, divided by the elapsed time and number of CPUs available to the process. | `state`, if specified, SHOULD be one of: `system`, `user`, `wait`. A process SHOULD be characterized _either_ by data points with no `state` labels, _or only_ data points with `state` labels. |
+| `process.memory.usage` | UpDownCounter | By | The amount of physical memory in use. | |
+| `process.memory.virtual` | UpDownCounter | By | The amount of committed virtual memory. | |
+| `process.disk.io` | Counter | By | Disk bytes transferred. | `direction` SHOULD be one of: `read`, `write` |
## Attributes
diff --git a/specification/metrics/semantic_conventions/rpc.md b/specification/metrics/semantic_conventions/rpc.md
index 02a45f84a75..528328f4e18 100644
--- a/specification/metrics/semantic_conventions/rpc.md
+++ b/specification/metrics/semantic_conventions/rpc.md
@@ -31,26 +31,26 @@ MUST be of the specified type and units.
Below is a table of RPC server metric instruments.
-| Name | Instrument | Unit | Unit ([UCUM](README.md#instrument-units)) | Description | Status | Streaming |
-| `rpc.server.duration` | Histogram | milliseconds | `ms` | measures duration of inbound RPC | Recommended | N/A. While streaming RPCs may record this metric as start-of-batch to end-of-batch, it's hard to interpret in practice. |
-| `rpc.server.request.size` | Histogram | Bytes | `By` | measures size of RPC request messages (uncompressed) | Optional | Recorded per message in a streaming batch |
-| `rpc.server.response.size` | Histogram | Bytes | `By` | measures size of RPC response messages (uncompressed) | Optional | Recorded per response in a streaming batch |
-| `rpc.server.requests_per_rpc` | Histogram | count | `{count}` | measures the number of messages received per RPC. Should be 1 for all non-streaming RPCs | Optional | Required |
-| `rpc.server.responses_per_rpc` | Histogram | count | `{count}` | measures the number of messages sent per RPC. Should be 1 for all non-streaming RPCs | Optional | Required |
+| Name | Instrument | Unit | Unit ([UCUM](README.md#instrument-units)) | Description | Status | Streaming |
+| `rpc.server.duration` | Histogram | milliseconds | `ms` | measures duration of inbound RPC | Recommended | N/A. While streaming RPCs may record this metric as start-of-batch to end-of-batch, it's hard to interpret in practice. |
+| `rpc.server.request.size` | Histogram | Bytes | `By` | measures size of RPC request messages (uncompressed) | Optional | Recorded per message in a streaming batch |
+| `rpc.server.response.size` | Histogram | Bytes | `By` | measures size of RPC response messages (uncompressed) | Optional | Recorded per response in a streaming batch |
+| `rpc.server.requests_per_rpc` | Histogram | count | `{count}` | measures the number of messages received per RPC. Should be 1 for all non-streaming RPCs | Optional | Required |
+| `rpc.server.responses_per_rpc` | Histogram | count | `{count}` | measures the number of messages sent per RPC. Should be 1 for all non-streaming RPCs | Optional | Required |
### RPC Client
Below is a table of RPC client metric instruments. These apply to traditional
RPC usage, not streaming RPCs.
-| Name | Instrument | Unit | Unit ([UCUM](README.md#instrument-units)) | Description | Status | Streaming |
-| `rpc.client.duration` | Histogram | milliseconds | `ms` | measures duration of outbound RPC | Recommended | N/A. While streaming RPCs may record this metric as start-of-batch to end-of-batch, it's hard to interpret in practice. |
-| `rpc.client.request.size` | Histogram | Bytes | `By` | measures size of RPC request messages (uncompressed) | Optional | Recorded per message in a streaming batch |
-| `rpc.client.response.size` | Histogram | Bytes | `By` | measures size of RPC response messages (uncompressed) | Optional | Recorded per message in a streaming batch |
-| `rpc.client.requests_per_rpc` | Histogram | count | `{count}` | measures the number of messages received per RPC. Should be 1 for all non-streaming RPCs | Optional | Required |
-| `rpc.client.responses_per_rpc` | Histogram | count | `{count}` | measures the number of messages sent per RPC. Should be 1 for all non-streaming RPCs | Optional | Required |
+| Name | Instrument | Unit | Unit ([UCUM](README.md#instrument-units)) | Description | Status | Streaming |
+| `rpc.client.duration` | Histogram | milliseconds | `ms` | measures duration of outbound RPC | Recommended | N/A. While streaming RPCs may record this metric as start-of-batch to end-of-batch, it's hard to interpret in practice. |
+| `rpc.client.request.size` | Histogram | Bytes | `By` | measures size of RPC request messages (uncompressed) | Optional | Recorded per message in a streaming batch |
+| `rpc.client.response.size` | Histogram | Bytes | `By` | measures size of RPC response messages (uncompressed) | Optional | Recorded per message in a streaming batch |
+| `rpc.client.requests_per_rpc` | Histogram | count | `{count}` | measures the number of messages received per RPC. Should be 1 for all non-streaming RPCs | Optional | Required |
+| `rpc.client.responses_per_rpc` | Histogram | count | `{count}` | measures the number of messages sent per RPC. Should be 1 for all non-streaming RPCs | Optional | Required |
## Attributes
@@ -58,15 +58,15 @@ Below is a table of attributes that SHOULD be included on metric events and whet
or not they should be on the server, client or both.
-| Attribute | Type | Description | Examples | Required |
-| [`rpc.system`](../../trace/semantic_conventions/rpc.md) | string | A string identifying the remoting system. See below for a list of well-known identifiers. | `grpc` | Yes |
-| [`rpc.service`](../../trace/semantic_conventions/rpc.md) | string | The full (logical) name of the service being called, including its package name, if applicable. [1] | `myservice.EchoService` | No, but recommended |
-| [`rpc.method`](../../trace/semantic_conventions/rpc.md) | string | The name of the (logical) method being called, must be equal to the $method part in the span name. [2] | `exampleMethod` | No, but recommended |
-| [`net.peer.ip`](../../trace/semantic_conventions/span-general.md) | string | Remote address of the peer (dotted decimal for IPv4 or [RFC5952](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5952) for IPv6) | `` | See below |
-| [`net.peer.name`](../../trace/semantic_conventions/span-general.md) | string | Remote hostname or similar, see note below. | `example.com` | See below |
-| [`net.peer.port`](../../trace/semantic_conventions/span-general.md) | int | Remote port number. | `80`; `8080`; `443` | See below |
-| [`net.transport`](../../trace/semantic_conventions/span-general.md) | string | Transport protocol used. See note below. | `ip_tcp` | See below |
+| Attribute | Type | Description | Examples | Required |
+| [`rpc.system`](../../trace/semantic_conventions/rpc.md) | string | A string identifying the remoting system. See below for a list of well-known identifiers. | `grpc` | Yes |
+| [`rpc.service`](../../trace/semantic_conventions/rpc.md) | string | The full (logical) name of the service being called, including its package name, if applicable. [1] | `myservice.EchoService` | No, but recommended |
+| [`rpc.method`](../../trace/semantic_conventions/rpc.md) | string | The name of the (logical) method being called, must be equal to the $method part in the span name. [2] | `exampleMethod` | No, but recommended |
+| [`net.peer.ip`](../../trace/semantic_conventions/span-general.md) | string | Remote address of the peer (dotted decimal for IPv4 or [RFC5952](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5952) for IPv6) | `` | See below |
+| [`net.peer.name`](../../trace/semantic_conventions/span-general.md) | string | Remote hostname or similar, see note below. | `example.com` | See below |
+| [`net.peer.port`](../../trace/semantic_conventions/span-general.md) | int | Remote port number. | `80`; `8080`; `443` | See below |
+| [`net.transport`](../../trace/semantic_conventions/span-general.md) | string | Transport protocol used. See note below. | `ip_tcp` | See below |
**[1]:** This is the logical name of the service from the RPC interface perspective, which can be different from the name of any implementing class. The `code.namespace` attribute may be used to store the latter (despite the attribute name, it may include a class name; e.g., class with method actually executing the call on the server side, RPC client stub class on the client side).
@@ -79,11 +79,11 @@ or not they should be on the server, client or both.
`rpc.system` has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used, otherwise a custom value MAY be used.
-| Value | Description |
-| `grpc` | gRPC |
-| `java_rmi` | Java RMI |
-| `dotnet_wcf` | .NET WCF |
+| Value | Description |
+| `grpc` | gRPC |
+| `java_rmi` | Java RMI |
+| `dotnet_wcf` | .NET WCF |
| `apache_dubbo` | Apache Dubbo |
diff --git a/specification/metrics/semantic_conventions/system-metrics.md b/specification/metrics/semantic_conventions/system-metrics.md
index 5cbb058fb6a..b1111431169 100644
--- a/specification/metrics/semantic_conventions/system-metrics.md
+++ b/specification/metrics/semantic_conventions/system-metrics.md
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ instruments not explicitly defined in the specification.
**Description:** System level processor metrics.
| Name | Description | Units | Instrument Type | Value Type | Attribute Key(s) | Attribute Values |
-| ---------------------- |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| ----- |-----------------| ---------- | ---------------- | ----------------------------------- |
| system.cpu.time | | s | Counter | Double | state | idle, user, system, interrupt, etc. |
| | | | | | cpu | CPU number [0..n-1] |
| system.cpu.utilization | Difference in system.cpu.time since the last measurement, divided by the elapsed time and number of CPUs | 1 | Gauge | Double | state | idle, user, system, interrupt, etc. |
@@ -42,15 +42,16 @@ instruments not explicitly defined in the specification.
| Name | Description | Units | Instrument Type | Value Type | Attribute Key | Attribute Values |
-| ------------------------- | ----------- | ----- |-----------------| ---------- | ------------- | ------------------------ |
| system.memory.usage | | By | UpDownCounter | Int64 | state | used, free, cached, etc. |
| system.memory.utilization | | 1 | Gauge | Double | state | used, free, cached, etc. |
### `system.paging.` - Paging/swap metrics
**Description:** System level paging/swap memory metrics.
| Name | Description | Units | Instrument Type | Value Type | Attribute Key | Attribute Values |
-| ------------------------- | ----------------------------------- | ------------ | --------------- | ---------- | ------------- | ---------------- |
| system.paging.usage | Unix swap or windows pagefile usage | By | UpDownCounter | Int64 | state | used, free |
| system.paging.utilization | | 1 | Gauge | Double | state | used, free |
| system.paging.faults | | {faults} | Counter | Int64 | type | major, minor |
@@ -60,17 +61,18 @@ memory](#systempaging---pagingswap-metrics).
### `system.disk.` - Disk controller metrics
**Description:** System level disk performance metrics.
-| Name | Description | Units | Instrument Type | Value Type | Attribute Key | Attribute Values |
-| --------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- | ------------ | ------------------------ | ---------- | ------------- | ---------------- |
-| system.disk.io | | By | Counter | Int64 | device | (identifier) |
-| | | | | | direction | read, write |
-| system.disk.operations | | {operations} | Counter | Int64 | device | (identifier) |
-| | | | | | direction | read, write |
-| system.disk.io_time\[1\] | Time disk spent activated | s | Counter | Double | device | (identifier) |
-| system.disk.operation_time\[2\] | Sum of the time each operation took to complete | s | Counter | Double | device | (identifier) |
-| | | | | | direction | read, write |
-| system.disk.merged | | {operations} | Counter | Int64 | device | (identifier) |
-| | | | | | direction | read, write |
+| Name | Description | Units | Instrument Type | Value Type | Attribute Key | Attribute Values |
+| system.disk.io | | By | Counter | Int64 | device | (identifier) |
+| | | | | | direction | read, write |
+| system.disk.operations | | {operations} | Counter | Int64 | device | (identifier) |
+| | | | | | direction | read, write |
+| system.disk.io_time\[1\] | Time disk spent activated | s | Counter | Double | device | (identifier) |
+| system.disk.operation_time\[2\] | Sum of the time each operation took to complete | s | Counter | Double | device | (identifier) |
+| | | | | | direction | read, write |
+| system.disk.merged | | {operations} | Counter | Int64 | device | (identifier) |
+| | | | | | direction | read, write |
1 The real elapsed time ("wall clock")
used in the I/O path (time from operations running in parallel are not
@@ -94,35 +96,37 @@ perf counter (similar for Writes)
### `system.filesystem.` - Filesystem metrics
**Description:** System level filesystem metrics.
-| Name | Description | Units | Instrument Type | Value Type | Attribute Key | Attribute Values |
-| ----------------------------- | ----------- | ----- | --------------- | ---------- | -------------- | -------------------- |
-| system.filesystem.usage | | By | UpDownCounter | Int64 | device | (identifier) |
-| | | | | | state | used, free, reserved |
-| | | | | | type | ext4, tmpfs, etc. |
-| | | | | | mode | rw, ro, etc. |
-| | | | | | mountpoint | (path) |
-| system.filesystem.utilization | | 1 | Gauge | Double | device | (identifier) |
-| | | | | | state | used, free, reserved |
-| | | | | | type | ext4, tmpfs, etc. |
-| | | | | | mode | rw, ro, etc. |
-| | | | | | mountpoint | (path) |
+| Name | Description | Units | Instrument Type | Value Type | Attribute Key | Attribute Values |
+| system.filesystem.usage | | By | UpDownCounter | Int64 | device | (identifier) |
+| | | | | | state | used, free, reserved |
+| | | | | | type | ext4, tmpfs, etc. |
+| | | | | | mode | rw, ro, etc. |
+| | | | | | mountpoint | (path) |
+| system.filesystem.utilization | | 1 | Gauge | Double | device | (identifier) |
+| | | | | | state | used, free, reserved |
+| | | | | | type | ext4, tmpfs, etc. |
+| | | | | | mode | rw, ro, etc. |
+| | | | | | mountpoint | (path) |
### `system.network.` - Network metrics
**Description:** System level network metrics.
-| Name | Description | Units | Instrument Type | Value Type | Attribute Key | Attribute Values |
-| ---------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | ---------- | ------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| system.network.dropped\[1\] | Count of packets that are dropped or discarded even though there was no error | {packets} | Counter | Int64 | device | (identifier) |
-| | | | | | direction | transmit, receive |
-| system.network.packets | | {packets} | Counter | Int64 | device | (identifier) |
-| | | | | | direction | transmit, receive |
-| system.network.errors\[2\] | Count of network errors detected | {errors} | Counter | Int64 | device | (identifier) |
-| | | | | | direction | transmit, receive |
-| system.network.io | | By | Counter | Int64 | device | (identifier) |
-| | | | | | direction | transmit, receive |
-| system.network.connections | | {connections} | UpDownCounter | Int64 | device | (identifier) |
-| | | | | | protocol | tcp, udp, [etc.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transport_layer#Protocols) |
-| | | | | | state | [e.g. for tcp](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transmission_Control_Protocol#Protocol_operation) |
+| Name | Description | Units | Instrument Type | Value Type | Attribute Key | Attribute Values |
+| system.network.dropped\[1\] | Count of packets that are dropped or discarded even though there was no error | {packets} | Counter | Int64 | device | (identifier) |
+| | | | | | direction | transmit, receive |
+| system.network.packets | | {packets} | Counter | Int64 | device | (identifier) |
+| | | | | | direction | transmit, receive |
+| system.network.errors\[2\] | Count of network errors detected | {errors} | Counter | Int64 | device | (identifier) |
+| | | | | | direction | transmit, receive |
+| system.network.io | | By | Counter | Int64 | device | (identifier) |
+| | | | | | direction | transmit, receive |
+| system.network.connections | | {connections} | UpDownCounter | Int64 | device | (identifier) |
+| | | | | | protocol | tcp, udp, [etc.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transport_layer#Protocols) |
+| | | | | | state | [e.g. for tcp](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transmission_Control_Protocol#Protocol_operation) |
1 Measured as:
@@ -146,10 +150,11 @@ from
**Description:** System level aggregate process metrics. For metrics at the
individual process level, see [process metrics](process-metrics.md).
-| Name | Description | Units | Instrument Type | Value Type | Attribute Key | Attribute Values |
-| ------------------------ | --------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- | -------------------------- | ---------- | ------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| system.processes.count | Total number of processes in each state | {processes} | UpDownCounter | Int64 | status | running, sleeping, [etc.](https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man1/ps.1.html#PROCESS_STATE_CODES) |
-| system.processes.created | Total number of processes created over uptime of the host | {processes} | Counter | Int64 | - | - |
+| Name | Description | Units | Instrument Type | Value Type | Attribute Key | Attribute Values |
+| system.processes.count | Total number of processes in each state | {processes} | UpDownCounter | Int64 | status | running, sleeping, [etc.](https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man1/ps.1.html#PROCESS_STATE_CODES) |
+| system.processes.created | Total number of processes created over uptime of the host | {processes} | Counter | Int64 | - | - |
### `system.{os}.` - OS Specific System Metrics