An actor framework for ReinforcementLearning.jl
"Success or failure, right or wrong, all turn out vain." - The Immortals by the River, Yang Shen
(Translated by Xu Yuanchong)
- Figure out a set of simple primitives for running distributed applications.
- Apply this package to some typical RL algorithms:
- Parameter server
- Batch serving
- Add macro to expose a http endpoint
- A3C
- D4PG
- AlphaZero
- Deep CFR
- Evolution algorithms
- Resource management across nodes
- State persistence and fault tolerance
- Configurable logging and dashboard
⚠ This package is still under rapid development and is not registered yet.
First install this package:
pkg> activate --temp
pkg> add
adopts the actor model to
parallelize your existing code. One of the core APIs defined in this package is
the @actor
using Oolong
A = @actor () -> @info "Hello World"
By putting the @actor
macro before arbitrary callable object, we defined an
actor. And we can call it as usual:
You'll see something like this on your screen:
Info:[2021-06-30 22:59:51](@/user/#1)Hello World
Next, let's make sure anonymous functions with positional and keyword arguments can also work as expected:
A = @actor (msg;suffix="!") -> @info "Hello " * msg * suffix
# Info:[2021-06-30 23:00:38](@/user/#5)Hello World!!!
For some functions, we are more interested in the returned value.
A = @actor msg -> "Hello " * msg
res = A("World")
Well, different from the general function call, a result similar to Future
returned instead of the real value. We can then fetch the result with the
following syntax:
# "Hello World"
To maintain the internal states across different calls, we can also apply @actor
to a customized structure:
Base.@kwdef mutable struct Counter
n::Int = 0
(c::Counter)() = c.n += 1
A = @actor Counter()
for _ in 1:10
n = A.n
# 10
Note that similar to function call, the return of A.n
is also a Future
like object.
- Be careful with
This package is mainly inspired by the following packages: