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Set up the development environment on Windows

Eugen Kuksa edited this page May 22, 2017 · 2 revisions

We strongly recommend to use a UNIX system for ontohub development and we don't give any Windows-support except for this installation tutorial:

Install git

A git executable is needed in the PATH in order to get yarn to work.

  • Download and run the installer from
  • During installation, select "Use Git from the Windows Command Prompt" or "Use Git and optional Unix tools from the Windows Command Prompt" (your choice). This is necessary to get git into the PATH.
  • Apart from this, the defaults of the installer are fine.

Install node.js and npm

npm is the node package manager and is used to download and install JavaScript libraries. This is a dependency of yarn (see the next step).

Install the yarn package manager

yarn is the package management system we use to install specific versions of our JavaScript dependencies.

Clone the ontohub-frontend repository

Use a git interface of your choice (e.g. Github Desktop) to clone the ontohub-frontend repository:

Install the JavaScript libraries

  • Open the Windows PowerShell in your clone of the ontohub-frontend repository and type:
    yarn --pure-lockfile
    yarn run bower install
    The first command can take a few minutes.

Configure the frontend to run without a backend (using mocking data)

  • Set ENV['ember-cli-mirage']['enabled'] = true in the config/environment.js for the development environment (simply replace false by true in the highlighted line).

Run the ontohub-frontend

After the dependencies have been installed, you can start the Ember app.

  • Open the Windows PowerShell in your clone of the ontohub-frontend repository and type:
    yarn run ember serve
    The first time you run this, it may take some minutes to compile the app and boot. From the second time on, it will startup more quickly.