Below is the list of potential events currently being tracked by the user analytics event hook:
WELCOME - User reached the "Welcome" screen
DOCUMENT_CAPTURE - User reached the “document capture” screen (for one-sided document)
DOCUMENT_CAPTURE_FRONT - User reached the “document capture” screen for the front side (for two-sided document)
DOCUMENT_CAPTURE_BACK - User reached the “document capture” screen for the back side (for two-sided document)
DOCUMENT_CAPTURE_CONFIRMATION - User reached the “document confirmation” screen (for one-sided document)
DOCUMENT_CAPTURE_CONFIRMATION_FRONT - User reached the “document confirmation” screen for the front side (for two-sided document)
DOCUMENT_CAPTURE_CONFIRMATION_BACK - User reached the “document confirmation” screen for the back side (for two-sided document)
DOCUMENT_UPLOAD - User's document is uploading
FACIAL_INTRO - User reached the “selfie intro” screen
FACIAL_CAPTURE - User reached the “selfie capture” screen
FACIAL_CAPTURE_CONFIRMATION - User reached the “selfie confirmation” screen
FACIAL_UPLOAD - User's selfie is uploading
VIDEO_FACIAL_INTRO - User reached the “liveness intro” screen
VIDEO_FACIAL_CAPTURE - User reached the “liveness video capture” screen
VIDEO_FACIAL_CAPTURE_STEP_1 - User reached the 1st challenge during “liveness video capture", challenge_type can be found in eventProperties
VIDEO_FACIAL_CAPTURE_STEP_2 - User reached the 1st challenge during “liveness video capture", challenge_type can be found in eventProperties
VIDEO_FACIAL_CAPTURE_CONFIRMATION - User reached the “liveness video confirmation” screen
VIDEO_FACIAL_UPLOAD - User's liveness video is uploading