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Benchmarking operation count on FM-indexes


Explored dimensions:

  • text type
  • instance size (just adjust the test_case.config file for this)
  • compile options
  • index implementations

Pattern selection:

We use the benchmark code including the random pattern selection and test cases from the Pizza&Chili website.

Directory structure

  • bin: Contains the executables of the project.

    • build_idx_* generates indexes
    • query_idx_* executes the count experiments
    • info_* outputs the space breakdown of an index.
    • genpattern pattern generation from Pizza&Chili website.
  • indexes: Contains the generated indexes.

  • results: Contains the results of the experiments.

  • src: Contains the source code of the benchmark.

  • visualize: Contains a R-script which generates a report.

    Files included in this archive from the Pizza&Chili website:


  • For the visualization you need the following software:
    • R with packages xtable,plyr. You can install the package by calling install.packages("xtable", "plyr") in R.
    • pdflatex to generate the pdf reports.
  • The construction of the 200MB indexes requires about 1GB of RAM.


  • make timing compiles the programs, downloads test the 200MB Pizza&Chili test cases, builds the indexes, runs the performance tests, and generated a report located at visualize/count.pdf. The raw numbers of the timings can be found in results/all.txt. Indexes and temporary files are stored in the directory indexes and tmp. For the 5 x 200 MB of Pizza&Chili data the project will produce about 7.2 GB of additional data. On my machine (MacBookPro Retina 2.6GHz Intel Core i7, 16GB 1600 Mhz DDR3, SSD) the benchmark, invoced by make timing, took about 11 minutes (excluding the time to download the test instances). Have a look at the generated report.
  • All created indexes and test results can be deleted by calling make cleanall.

Customization of the benchmark

The project contains several configuration files:

Note that the benchmark will execute every combination of your choices.

Finally, the visualization can also be configured: