genderGuess tries to guess the gender of Icelandic names.
//When checking a single name you call genderGuess with a string, like so:
genderGuess('Óli Tómas Freysson');
// This specific example returns ---> 'male'
// The function will return one of these strings: 'male', 'female' or 'unknown' (lowercase)
// When you call genderGuess with an array it will analyze the list
// The first parameter is the list of names (array)
// The second parameter is optional. If set then the results will also contain the names sorted into 3 lists (males, females and unknown)
var people = ['Guðrún Arnardóttir', 'Björgvin Halldórsson', 'Bubbi Morthens', 'Jón Arnar Magnússon', 'Vala Flosadóttir'];
genderGuess(people); // This returns:
"males": 2,
"females": 2,
"unknown": 1
// genderGuess can also be called with the second parameter (argument) as true:
genderGuess(people, true); // This returns:
"males": 2,
"females": 2,
"unknown": 1,
"lists": {
"unknown": ["Bubbi Morthens"],
"females": ["Guðrún Arnardóttir", "Vala Flosadóttir"],
"males": ["Björgvin Halldórsson", "Jón Arnar Magnússon"]
It is worth pointing it out that this script is extremely light and is kind of useless if you dont have full names (for now at least). I work at an advertising agency and we just ran a campaign and collected over 8000 names. This script was able to analyze 89% of those names. Pull request and ideas for improvement would be awesome!