From 8b6eba165b090edfc1ff5dbc9c422758d60b6342 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Matthew Zipkin Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2018 17:22:23 -0800 Subject: [PATCH] net: add testnet seeds (for browser) bcoin browser mode can not use DNS to discover seeds, so they are hard-coded. see: There's already plenty in `/lib/net/seeds/main.js` so this is just to get browser-nodes running on testnet. Seeds were pulled from my own `hosts.json` file on a live testnet bcoin node --- lib/net/seeds/testnet.js | 652 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 651 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/lib/net/seeds/testnet.js b/lib/net/seeds/testnet.js index 0af8ee699..56ff3d857 100644 --- a/lib/net/seeds/testnet.js +++ b/lib/net/seeds/testnet.js @@ -7,5 +7,655 @@ module.exports = [ '4zhkir2ofl7orfom.onion', 't6xj6wilh4ytvcs7.onion', 'i6y6ivorwakd7nw3.onion', - 'ubqj4rsu3nqtxmtp.onion' + 'ubqj4rsu3nqtxmtp.onion', + '', + '[2a02:c207:2020:2583::1]:18333', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '[2a01:4f8:c17:199c::2]:18333', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '[2a01:7c8:d001:4be:5054:ff:fef6:95db]:18333', + '', + '[2001:0:9d38:90d7:24a9:2680:86b1:2041]:18333', + '', + '', + '[2601:186:c100:6bcd:219:d1ff:fe75:dc2f]:18333', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '[2001:638:a000:4140::ffff:191]:18333', + '', + '[2a01:4f8:151:30c9::2]:18333', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '[2a01:4f8:221:4689::2]:18333', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '[2400:8901::f03c:91ff:fe81:6f9b]:18333', + '[2a02:7b40:b0df:8401::1]:18333', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '[2a01:4f8:160:4425::2]:18333', + '[2002:b2c9:e697:10:8de0:efc6:f8af:45ec]:18333', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '[2a01:4f9:2a:2768::2]:18333', + '[2a02:7b40:b0df:8682::1]:18333', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '[2a01:4f9:2b:628::2]:18333', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '[2001:999:11:5d72:6425:89fa:fa63:445e]:18333', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '[2a02:a03f:4721:2200:5c7c:282:aafa:5d98]:18333', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '[2a02:2698:7022:166e:3978:80df:7098:5723]:18333', + '[2a00:7c80:0:71::8]:18333', + '', + '', + '[2a01:4f8:190:320c::2]:18333', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '[2607:1a00:0:19::fe]:18333', + '', + '[2a01:4f8:221:e49::2]:18333', + '', + '', + '', + '[2a01:4f8:190:5176::123]:18333', + '', + '', + '', + '[2a02:c207:2014:5152::1]:18333', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '[2001:41d0:1008:2752::]:9343', + '', + '', + '[2a01:4f8:202:626f::2]:18333', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '[2001:41d0:602:e27::]:18333', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '[2a01:4f8:120:918c::2]:18333', + '', + '[2a02:c207:3002:1287::1]:18333', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '[2a01:7e01::f03c:91ff:fe4d:761d]:18333', + '', + '', + '[2a01:4f9:2a:1c85::2]:18333', + '', + '', + '', + '[2a01:4f8:192:826f::2]:18333', + '', + '', + '[2a02:c207:2016:395::1]:18333', + '', + '[2a01:4f8:c0c:1fee::2]:18333', + '', + '', + '[2001:470:26:52:58df:b18a:48be:e30e]:18333', + '[2002:a938:723a::a938:723a]:18333', + '', + 'ocasutxnvl4lwegq.onion:18333', + '', + '', + '[2600:3c01::f03c:91ff:fee4:ff34]:18333', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '[2001:19f0:5:eec:ec4:7aff:fe8e:f776]:18333', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '[2401:a400:3200:5600:b618:d673:f3d9:60da]:18333', + '', + '', + '', + '[f00d::ae4:100:0:8b15]:18333', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '[2a01:4f8:231:915::2]:18333', + '', + '', + '', + 'p7cymjceyfabl45d.onion:18333', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '[2a01:4f8:1c1c:7747::1]:18333', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '[2a07:5740:600::e21:3981]:18333', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '[2607:5300:60:122a::1]:18333', + '[2a01:4f8:1c1c:13d6::1]:18333', + '', + '', + '', + '[2a01:4f8:160:60aa::2]:18333', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '[2a02:c207:2019:6174::1]:18333', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '[2001:19f0:5:5e0a:5400:1ff:feb3:fe70]:18333', + '[2607:5300:60:97bb::]:18333', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '[2a01:4f8:1c1c:5b33::1]:18333', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '[2001:0:dedd:5fc:34f0:1efa:3f57:ff74]:18333', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '[2601:182:ce00:991a::95e0]:18333', + '', + '', + '[2001:0:9d38:953c:38d1:dd9d:8c11:3dcb]:18333', + '', + '[2600:1700:57f0:8050:552b:b508:b8f8:eec3]:18333', + '', + '', + '[2001:0:5ef5:79fd:38c4:138c:41eb:e85c]:18333', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '[2a01:4f9:2b:4ca::2]:18333', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '[2a00:1370:8114:a60d:35e8:b8ee:a828:43f8]:18333', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '[2a01:4f8:190:5095::2]:18333', + '', + '', + '[2001:470:1f06:15b4::2]:18333', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '[2a01:4f9:2a:2510::2]:18333', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '[2001:4800:7818:103:be76:4eff:fe05:ebaf]:18333', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '[2a01:4f8:161:30c9::2]:18333', + '[2001:41d0:800:664::]:18333', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '[2a01:7c8:fff9:16a:5054:ff:fe2e:c06b]:18333', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '[2a01:4f9:2a:2518::2]:18333', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '[2a01:4f8:13a:189b::2]:18333', + '[2a02:c207:2019:3730::1]:18333', + '[2a02:810d:13c0:1254:4dfa:38bb:362f:f9e0]:18333', + '', + '[2001:41d0:a:f7eb::1]:18333', + '', + '', + '[2a01:4f8:191:840b::2]:18333', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '[2a03:b0c0:3:e0::24:3001]:18333', + '[2600:1700:3fa0:d4c0::43]:18333', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '[2600:3c00::f03c:91ff:fefe:2fb4]:18333', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '[2002:5bec:ef5e::5bec:ef5e]:18333', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '[2001:e68:6dc3:1901:14b1:3ca8:c388:5184]:18333', + '', + '', + '[2a02:120b:2c13:a510:5054:ff:fe38:c4e7]:18333', + '', + '[2a02:c207:2021:3648::1]:18333', + '', + '', + '', + '[2a01:4f8:150:6369::2]:18333', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + 'ky6peumxtc5gkog4.onion:18333', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '[2001:19f0:5:eec:ec4:7aff:fe8e:f776]:18333', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '[2a01:4f8:1c1c:5b33::1]:18333', + '', + '', + '[2600:1f1c:c1e:ee3c:7855:3fcf:f351:9cb2]:18333', + '', + '[2a01:4f8:a0:2239::2]:18333', + 'lkiggf5esgs7d5z6.onion:18333', + '[2a01:4f8:151:41cc::2]:18333', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '[2400:8902::f03c:91ff:fe60:a4fe]:18333', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '[2001:0:dcfa:40e1:14a6:14b2:53ea:f543]:18333' ];