[Status: Approved, 2016-06-08 Board Meeting]
A board meeting of the OEMR, was held virtually, on June 8, 2016. The meeting convened at 21:03 Eastern Daylight Time, Chairman Shammem Hameed presiding, and Robert Down, Secretary. A quorum of members was present to conduct business
- Chawla, Jit, present
- Down, Robert, present
Galterio, Lou, absent- Hameed, Shameem C, present
McCormick, Tony, absent- Miller, Brady, present
- Palanisami, Sena, present
- Vasquez, Roberto, present
- Waite, Stephen, present
Yeh, Kevin, absent- Rob Leemhuis (non-board member)
MOTION brought by Robert Down, seconded by Brady Miller, to approve the May 11, 2016 meeting minutes, carried.
- Balance sheet and P&L posted in Forums prior to meeting
- Legal fees and IRS fees have dipped into the net balance
- Waiting to hear from IRS on reinstatement
- MOTION brought by Brady Miller, seconded by Robert Down, to approve the Financial Report, carried.
- A8 - clinical decision support. cert testing w/ 2weeks
- C1-C3 - clin qual measures, (ViSolve) coding mostly complete, testing w/in 2 weeks, merge testing with A8 to help mitigate cost
- E2, F2 - ZH Healthcare, written, tested, code base
- G2 - auto measure - ViSolve, 3-4 rules, est completion ~6weeks
- G3 - ZH offered to help, 2-4 weeks after begin
- 7 more hours of testing, $175/hour
- Just beginning wiki page to track work
- Looking at ~31 developer months
- Testing ~$22,000
MOTION brought by Jit Chawla, seconded by Robert Down, to add Brady Miller and Stephen Waite to the Bank of America account(s) and remove Tony McCormick and Greg Neuman, carried.
MOTION brought by Brady Miller, seconded by Robert Down, to create a Working Committee entitled "Roadmap Working Committee" with the members: Brady Miller, Sena Palanisami, Shammem Hameed, and Robert Down, carried.
MOTION brought by Robert Down, seconded by Brady Miller, to allocate $100 for the purchase of a new logo, carried.
Robert and Sena will work on this with Matthew (cost would range from $0-$800).
The meeting was adjourned at 22:01 Eastern Daylight Time.