@mixin assert()
Define a CSS-output assertion. Assertions are used inside the test()
mixin to define the expected results of the test.
- The
mixin is a wrapper, and should contain oneoutput()
block and oneexpect()
block as nested contents. - These three mixins together describe a single
comparison on output CSS. The compiled CSS-results of theoutput()
mixin will be compared against the results of theexpect()
mixin. - When using Mocha integration, the output comparison is automated – otherwise you will have to compare the output manually. Using
git diff
is a great way to watch for changes in output.
$description: null (string)
Description of the assertion being tested. A null
of false
value generates a default description.
@content (code block)
Use `output()` and `expect()` mixins to define blocks for comparison
@include test('Sass math compiles before output') {
+sass-true Documentation sass-true 3.0.0-beta.1
@mixin assert()
Define a CSS-output assertion. Assertions are used inside the test()
mixin to define the expected results of the test.
- The
mixin is a wrapper, and should contain one output()
block and one expect()
block as nested contents. - These three mixins together describe a single
comparison on output CSS. The compiled CSS-results of the output()
mixin will be compared against the results of the expect()
mixin. - When using Mocha integration, the output comparison is automated – otherwise you will have to compare the output manually. Using
git diff
is a great way to watch for changes in output.
$description: null (string)
Description of the assertion being tested. A null
of false
value generates a default description.
@content (code block)
Use `output()` and `expect()` mixins to define blocks for comparison
scss@include test('Sass math compiles before output') {
@include assert('You can also describe the assertion...') {
@include output {
width: 14em + 2;
diff --git a/.sassdoc/api-assert-values.html b/.sassdoc/api-assert-values.html
index fd06cbd..6cfad9b 100644
--- a/.sassdoc/api-assert-values.html
+++ b/.sassdoc/api-assert-values.html
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-sass-true Documentation sass-true 2.2.2
@mixin assert-true()
Assert that a parameter is truthy.
- Empty lists and strings are excluded from default Sass truthyness. Assertions are used inside the
$assert: (*)
Asserted value to test
$description: null (string)
Description of the assertion being tested. A null
of false
value generates a default description.
scss@include test('Non-empty strings are truthy') {
+sass-true Documentation sass-true 3.0.0-beta.1
@mixin assert-true()
Assert that a parameter is truthy.
- Empty lists and strings are excluded from default Sass truthyness. Assertions are used inside the
$assert: (*)
Asserted value to test
$description: null (string)
Description of the assertion being tested. A null
of false
value generates a default description.
scss@include test('Non-empty strings are truthy') {
@include assert-true(
'Hello World',
'You can optionally describe the assertion...');
diff --git a/.sassdoc/api-test.html b/.sassdoc/api-test.html
index 8b873da..6be2b10 100644
--- a/.sassdoc/api-test.html
+++ b/.sassdoc/api-test.html
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-sass-true Documentation sass-true 2.2.2
@mixin test-module()
aliased as describe()
Test Modules are optional, and can be used to group tests and other modules for organizational purposes. Modules can be nested for additional organization.
$name: (string)
module name
@content (code block)
Include all the tests & modules that are part of this module
scss// Module Group
+sass-true Documentation sass-true 3.0.0-beta.1
@mixin test-module()
aliased as describe()
Test Modules are optional, and can be used to group tests and other modules for organizational purposes. Modules can be nested for additional organization.
$name: (string)
module name
@content (code block)
Include all the tests & modules that are part of this module
scss// Module Group
@include test-module('zip [function]') {
// Test 1
@include test('Returns two lists zipped together') {
diff --git a/.sassdoc/api-xreport.html b/.sassdoc/api-xreport.html
index 3df630d..c12855e 100644
--- a/.sassdoc/api-xreport.html
+++ b/.sassdoc/api-xreport.html
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-sass-true Documentation sass-true 2.2.2
@mixin report()
Report results summary to CSS and (optionally) the command line
$terminal: $true-terminal-output (bool)
Optionally output results to the terminal
$fail-on-error: false (bool)
Optionally error out the compiler if tests have failed
$results: $_true-results (map)
A map of run, pass, fail, and output-to-css results
$stats: $_true-stats (map)
A map of module, test, and assertion statistics
scss$true-terminal-output: false;
+sass-true Documentation sass-true 3.0.0-beta.1
@mixin report()
Report results summary to CSS and (optionally) the command line
$terminal: $true-terminal-output (bool)
Optionally output results to the terminal
$fail-on-error: false (bool)
Optionally error out the compiler if tests have failed
$results: $_true-results (map)
A map of run, pass, fail, and output-to-css results
$stats: $_true-stats (map)
A map of module, test, and assertion statistics
scss$true-terminal-output: false;
@include report;
css compiled/* # SUMMARY ---------- */
/* 0 Tests: */
/* - 0 Passed */
diff --git a/.sassdoc/index.html b/.sassdoc/index.html
index 9b08359..cd210e6 100644
--- a/.sassdoc/index.html
+++ b/.sassdoc/index.html
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-sass-true Documentation sass-true 2.2.2
True is a unit-testing tool for Sass code – initially developed for the Susy layout toolkit. All of the test code is written in pure Sass, and can be compiled by any Sass compiler – but we also provide integration with Mocha JS, for extra features and improved reporting.
To make true; shape, adjust, place, etc., exactly or accurately:
True the wheels of a bicycle after striking a pothole.
To make even, symmetrical, level, etc. (often followed by up):
True up the sides of a door.
To test your Sass code; debug, perfect, etc. (often using True):
True your sweet plugin before you deploy.
In command line:
# npm module
+sass-true Documentation sass-true 3.0.0-beta.1
True is a unit-testing tool for Sass code – initially developed for the Susy layout toolkit. All of the test code is written in pure Sass, and can be compiled by any Sass compiler – but we also provide integration with Mocha JS, for extra features and improved reporting.
To make true; shape, adjust, place, etc., exactly or accurately:
True the wheels of a bicycle after striking a pothole.
To make even, symmetrical, level, etc. (often followed by up):
True up the sides of a door.
To test your Sass code; debug, perfect, etc. (often using True):
True your sweet plugin before you deploy.
In command line:
# npm module
npm install sass-true
Import in your test directory, like any other Sass file:
@import "true";
Depending on your setup, you may need to include the full path name:
// This is only an example
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
You can optionally show a summary report in CSS and/or the command line, after the tests have completed:
@include report;
See the full documentation online or in the .sassdoc
directory, for more details.
Using Mocha (or other JS test runners)
Install true
via npm (npm install sass-true
Write some Sass tests in test/test.scss
(see above).
Write a shim JS test file in test/test_sass.js
var path = require('path');
See the full documentation online or in the .sassdoc
directory, for more details. See CHANGELOG.md when upgrading from an older version of True.
Using Mocha (or other JS test runners)
Install true
via npm (npm install sass-true
Write some Sass tests in test/test.scss
(see above).
Write a shim JS test file in test/test_sass.js
var path = require('path');
var sassTrue = require('sass-true');
var sassFile = path.join(__dirname, 'test.scss');
diff --git a/.sassdoc/private-assert.html b/.sassdoc/private-assert.html
index 57c84c5..b589815 100644
--- a/.sassdoc/private-assert.html
+++ b/.sassdoc/private-assert.html
@@ -1 +1 @@
-sass-true Documentation sass-true 2.2.2
@mixin _true-assert-results() [private]
Get an official result, record it in the database and output, provide details as necessary, and end the assertion.
Parameters & Output
$assert: (*)
Value to consider
$expected: (*)
Expected match
$unequal: false (bool)
Set to true
if the comparison is expected to fail
{CSS output} (code block)
- Document the passing or failing result of the test
@mixin _true-pass-details() [private]
@mixin _true-fail-details() [private]
@mixin _true-update-test() [private]
@mixin _true-update-stats-count() [private]
@mixin _true-context-pop() [private]
@function _true-get-result() [private]
@function _true-is-truthy() [private]
Check that a value is truthy (empty lists and strings return false)
Parameters & Return
$assert: (*)
Value to consider
@return (bool)
@mixin _true-pass-details() [private]
Ouptut a success message for passing tests
Map Properties & Output
{CSS output} (code block)
- a passing-test comment with the name of the passing assertion
used by
@mixin _true-assert-results() [private]
@mixin _true-fail-details() [private]
Failure message, with appropriate details to help you debug various common problems.
$assert: (*)
The assertion value
$expected: (*)
The expected value
$terminal: $true-terminal-output (bool)
whether to use the terminal as an output stream
@mixin _true-message() [private]
@function _true-context() [private]
@function _true-variable-details() [private]
@function _true-edgefail-notes() [private]
used by
@mixin _true-assert-results() [private]
@function _true-variable-details() [private]
Provide the details (type, list-separator, quotation) for a given variable - used to provide context in failure reporting
$var: (*)
Pass in asserted and expected values individually to retrieve comparable details for both
used by
@mixin _true-fail-details() [private]
@function _true-edgefail-notes() [private]
There are some common test failures that can be confusing, where results look identical in the output, but represent different values internally. This function looks for those edge-case failures and adds a clarifying note in the results.
Parameters & Return
$one: (*)
One of the values being compared
$two: (*)
The other calue being compared
@return (null | string)
A helpful note related to your edge-case, when appropriate
used by
@mixin _true-fail-details() [private]
\ No newline at end of file
+sass-true Documentation sass-true 3.0.0-beta.1
@mixin _true-assert-results() [private]
Get an official result, record it in the database and output, provide details as necessary, and end the assertion.
Parameters & Output
$assert: (*)
Value to consider
$expected: (*)
Expected match
$unequal: false (bool)
Set to true
if the comparison is expected to fail
{CSS output} (code block)
- Document the passing or failing result of the test
@mixin _true-pass-details() [private]
@mixin _true-fail-details() [private]
@mixin _true-update-test() [private]
@mixin _true-update-stats-count() [private]
@mixin _true-context-pop() [private]
@function _true-get-result() [private]
@function _true-is-truthy() [private]
Check that a value is truthy (empty lists and strings return false)
Parameters & Return
$assert: (*)
Value to consider
@return (bool)
@mixin _true-pass-details() [private]
Ouptut a success message for passing tests
Map Properties & Output
{CSS output} (code block)
- a passing-test comment with the name of the passing assertion
used by
@mixin _true-assert-results() [private]
@mixin _true-fail-details() [private]
Failure message, with appropriate details to help you debug various common problems.
$assert: (*)
The assertion value
$expected: (*)
The expected value
$terminal: $true-terminal-output (bool)
whether to use the terminal as an output stream
@mixin _true-message() [private]
@function _true-context() [private]
@function _true-variable-details() [private]
@function _true-edgefail-notes() [private]
used by
@mixin _true-assert-results() [private]
@function _true-variable-details() [private]
Provide the details (type, list-separator, quotation) for a given variable - used to provide context in failure reporting
$var: (*)
Pass in asserted and expected values individually to retrieve comparable details for both
used by
@mixin _true-fail-details() [private]
@function _true-edgefail-notes() [private]
There are some common test failures that can be confusing, where results look identical in the output, but represent different values internally. This function looks for those edge-case failures and adds a clarifying note in the results.
Parameters & Return
$one: (*)
One of the values being compared
$two: (*)
The other calue being compared
@return (null | string)
A helpful note related to your edge-case, when appropriate
used by
@mixin _true-fail-details() [private]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.sassdoc/private-context.html b/.sassdoc/private-context.html
index ca2cae6..4cc102c 100644
--- a/.sassdoc/private-context.html
+++ b/.sassdoc/private-context.html
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-sass-true Documentation sass-true 2.2.2
$_true-context (list) [private]
scss$_true-context: ();
Stores the current module/test/assertion context stack
used by
@mixin _true-context() [private]
@mixin _true-context-pop() [private]
@function _true-context() [private]
@function _true-context-all() [private]
@mixin _true-context() [private]
Update the current context for a given scope
$scope: (string)
Either module
, test
or assert
$name: (string)
Name or description of the current scope
$_true-context (list) [private]
used by
@mixin assert()
@mixin assert-true()
@mixin assert-false()
@mixin assert-equal()
@mixin assert-unequal()
@mixin _true-module-start() [private]
@mixin _true-test-start() [private]
@mixin _true-context-pop() [private]
Remove the deepest context layer from $_true-context
$_true-context (list) [private]
used by
@mixin assert()
@mixin _true-assert-results() [private]
@mixin _true-module-stop() [private]
@mixin _true-test-stop() [private]
$_true-output-context (list) [private]
scss$_true-output-context: ();
Make sure every output test includes an assert
, output
, and expect
used by
@mixin _true-output-context() [private]
@mixin _true-output-context() [private]
Add assert
, output
, or expect
context to an output test, or check to make sure they all exist before resetting the context.
$new: ('assert' | 'output' | 'expect' | null)
Add a new assert
, output
, or expect
layer to the context of an output-test, or use null
to check that all context is properly formed and then reset it at the end of a test
$context: $_true-output-context (list)
The current output context
@function _true-validate-output-context() [private]
Validate the new context, and return an updated context value
Parameters & Return
$new: ('assert' | 'output' | 'expect' | null)
Add a new assert
, output
, or expect
layer to the context of an output-test, or use null
to check that all context is properly formed and then reset it at the end of a test
$context: $_true-output-context (list)
The current output context
@return (list)
Updated output context
When adding unknown context
When trying to add context that already exists
When assert()
is missing before expect
or output
When context is missing before a reset
@function _true-error() [private]
used by
@mixin _true-output-context() [private]
@function _true-context() [private]
Get information on current context for a given scope
Parameters & Return
$scope: (string)
@return (string)
$_true-context (list) [private]
used by
@mixin assert()
@mixin assert-true()
@mixin assert-false()
@mixin assert-equal()
@mixin assert-unequal()
@mixin _true-pass-details() [private]
@mixin _true-fail-details() [private]
@function _true-context-all() [private]
Get list of context names for a given scope
Parameters & Return
$scope: (string)
@return (list)
$_true-context (list) [private]
used by
@mixin _true-module-start() [private]
@function _true-get-result() [private]
Compare two values, and return a pass
or fail
Parameters & Return
$assert: (*)
Value to consider
$expected: (*)
Expected match
$unequal: false (bool)
Set to true
if the comparison is expected to fail
@return ('pass' | 'fail')
used by
@mixin _true-assert-results() [private]
$_true-results (Map) [private]
scss$_true-results: (
+sass-true Documentation sass-true 3.0.0-beta.1
$_true-context (list) [private]
scss$_true-context: ();
Stores the current module/test/assertion context stack
used by
@mixin _true-context() [private]
@mixin _true-context-pop() [private]
@function _true-context() [private]
@function _true-context-all() [private]
@mixin _true-context() [private]
Update the current context for a given scope
$scope: (string)
Either module
, test
or assert
$name: (string)
Name or description of the current scope
$_true-context (list) [private]
used by
@mixin assert()
@mixin assert-true()
@mixin assert-false()
@mixin assert-equal()
@mixin assert-unequal()
@mixin _true-module-start() [private]
@mixin _true-test-start() [private]
@mixin _true-context-pop() [private]
Remove the deepest context layer from $_true-context
$_true-context (list) [private]
used by
@mixin assert()
@mixin _true-assert-results() [private]
@mixin _true-module-stop() [private]
@mixin _true-test-stop() [private]
$_true-output-context (list) [private]
scss$_true-output-context: ();
Make sure every output test includes an assert
, output
, and expect
used by
@mixin _true-output-context() [private]
@mixin _true-output-context() [private]
Add assert
, output
, or expect
context to an output test, or check to make sure they all exist before resetting the context.
$new: ('assert' | 'output' | 'expect' | null)
Add a new assert
, output
, or expect
layer to the context of an output-test, or use null
to check that all context is properly formed and then reset it at the end of a test
$context: $_true-output-context (list)
The current output context
@function _true-validate-output-context() [private]
Validate the new context, and return an updated context value
Parameters & Return
$new: ('assert' | 'output' | 'expect' | null)
Add a new assert
, output
, or expect
layer to the context of an output-test, or use null
to check that all context is properly formed and then reset it at the end of a test
$context: $_true-output-context (list)
The current output context
@return (list)
Updated output context
When adding unknown context
When trying to add context that already exists
When assert()
is missing before expect
or output
When context is missing before a reset
@function _true-error() [private]
used by
@mixin _true-output-context() [private]
@function _true-context() [private]
Get information on current context for a given scope
Parameters & Return
$scope: (string)
@return (string)
$_true-context (list) [private]
used by
@mixin assert()
@mixin assert-true()
@mixin assert-false()
@mixin assert-equal()
@mixin assert-unequal()
@mixin _true-pass-details() [private]
@mixin _true-fail-details() [private]
@function _true-context-all() [private]
Get list of context names for a given scope
Parameters & Return
$scope: (string)
@return (list)
$_true-context (list) [private]
used by
@mixin _true-module-start() [private]
@function _true-get-result() [private]
Compare two values, and return a pass
or fail
Parameters & Return
$assert: (*)
Value to consider
$expected: (*)
Expected match
$unequal: false (bool)
Set to true
if the comparison is expected to fail
@return ('pass' | 'fail')
used by
@mixin _true-assert-results() [private]
$_true-results (Map) [private]
scss$_true-results: (
'run': 0,
'pass': 0,
'fail': 0,
diff --git a/.sassdoc/private-message.html b/.sassdoc/private-message.html
index a1ca405..08b2998 100644
--- a/.sassdoc/private-message.html
+++ b/.sassdoc/private-message.html
@@ -1 +1 @@
-sass-true Documentation sass-true 2.2.2
@mixin _true-message() [private]
Output a message to CSS comments, or command line terminal (via debug/warn)
$message: (String)
Message to output
$output: comments (String)
Type of output, either comments
, terminal
, debug
or warn
used by
@mixin assert()
@mixin output()
@mixin expect()
@mixin report()
@mixin _true-pass-details() [private]
@mixin _true-fail-details() [private]
@mixin _true-module-start() [private]
@mixin _true-module-stop() [private]
@mixin _true-test-start() [private]
@mixin _true-test-stop() [private]
@mixin _true-error() [private]
@function _true-report-message() [private]
Report results summary to CSS and (optionally) the command line
$linebreak: false (bool)
Return single-line messages for results/stats, or optionally break into multi-line lists.
$results: $_true-results (map)
A map of run, pass, fail, and output-to-css results
$stats: $_true-stats (map)
A map of module, test, and assertion-counts in your project
@function _true-join-multiple() [private]
@function _true-results-message() [private]
@function _true-stats-message() [private]
used by
@mixin report()
@function _true-results-message() [private]
Report message
Parameters & Return
$linebreak: false (Bool)
Return message either as a single line or in multiple lines
$results: $_true-results (Map)
A map of run, pass, fail, and output-to-css results
@return (String)
Single or multi-line message for reporting
used by
@function _true-report-message() [private]
@function _true-stats-message() [private]
Stats message
Parameters & Return
$linebreak: false (Bool)
Return message either as a single line or in multiple lines
$stats: $_true-stats (Map)
Map that contains the stats counts for modules, tests, and assertions found
@return (String)
Stats count message
used by
@function _true-report-message() [private]
\ No newline at end of file
+sass-true Documentation sass-true 3.0.0-beta.1
@mixin _true-message() [private]
Output a message to CSS comments, or command line terminal (via debug/warn)
$message: (String)
Message to output
$output: comments (String)
Type of output, either comments
, terminal
, debug
or warn
used by
@mixin assert()
@mixin output()
@mixin expect()
@mixin report()
@mixin _true-pass-details() [private]
@mixin _true-fail-details() [private]
@mixin _true-module-start() [private]
@mixin _true-module-stop() [private]
@mixin _true-test-start() [private]
@mixin _true-test-stop() [private]
@mixin _true-error() [private]
@function _true-report-message() [private]
Report results summary to CSS and (optionally) the command line
$linebreak: false (bool)
Return single-line messages for results/stats, or optionally break into multi-line lists.
$results: $_true-results (map)
A map of run, pass, fail, and output-to-css results
$stats: $_true-stats (map)
A map of module, test, and assertion-counts in your project
@function _true-join-multiple() [private]
@function _true-results-message() [private]
@function _true-stats-message() [private]
used by
@mixin report()
@function _true-results-message() [private]
Report message
Parameters & Return
$linebreak: false (Bool)
Return message either as a single line or in multiple lines
$results: $_true-results (Map)
A map of run, pass, fail, and output-to-css results
@return (String)
Single or multi-line message for reporting
used by
@function _true-report-message() [private]
@function _true-stats-message() [private]
Stats message
Parameters & Return
$linebreak: false (Bool)
Return message either as a single line or in multiple lines
$stats: $_true-stats (Map)
Map that contains the stats counts for modules, tests, and assertions found
@return (String)
Stats count message
used by
@function _true-report-message() [private]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.sassdoc/private-test.html b/.sassdoc/private-test.html
index 1ab7a7d..3fcb989 100644
--- a/.sassdoc/private-test.html
+++ b/.sassdoc/private-test.html
@@ -1 +1 @@
-sass-true Documentation sass-true 2.2.2
@mixin _true-module-start() [private]
Module start helper
$name: (string)
module name
@mixin _true-context() [private]
@mixin _true-message() [private]
@function _true-context-all() [private]
used by
@mixin test-module()
@mixin _true-module-stop() [private]
Module stop helper
@mixin _true-update-stats-count() [private]
@mixin _true-context-pop() [private]
@mixin _true-message() [private]
used by
@mixin test-module()
@mixin _true-test-start() [private]
Test start helper
$name: (string)
Describe what is being tested
used by
@mixin test()
@mixin _true-test-stop() [private]
Test stop helper
@mixin _true-update() [private]
@mixin _true-update-stats-count() [private]
@mixin _true-context-pop() [private]
@mixin _true-message() [private]
$_true-test-result (String) [private]
used by
@mixin test()
\ No newline at end of file
+sass-true Documentation sass-true 3.0.0-beta.1
@mixin _true-module-start() [private]
Module start helper
$name: (string)
module name
@mixin _true-context() [private]
@mixin _true-message() [private]
@function _true-context-all() [private]
used by
@mixin test-module()
@mixin _true-module-stop() [private]
Module stop helper
@mixin _true-update-stats-count() [private]
@mixin _true-context-pop() [private]
@mixin _true-message() [private]
used by
@mixin test-module()
@mixin _true-test-start() [private]
Test start helper
$name: (string)
Describe what is being tested
used by
@mixin test()
@mixin _true-test-stop() [private]
Test stop helper
@mixin _true-update() [private]
@mixin _true-update-stats-count() [private]
@mixin _true-context-pop() [private]
@mixin _true-message() [private]
$_true-test-result (String) [private]
used by
@mixin test()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.sassdoc/private-utils.html b/.sassdoc/private-utils.html
index 5f89e0d..91fb4ec 100644
--- a/.sassdoc/private-utils.html
+++ b/.sassdoc/private-utils.html
@@ -1 +1 @@
-sass-true Documentation sass-true 2.2.2
$_true-error-output-override (bool) [private]
scss$_true-error-output-override: false !default;
Override error-output for the purpose of testing failure-cases
@function _true-error() [private]
Optionally override error-output for testing failure-cases
Parameters & Return
$message: (string)
The error to report
$source: (string)
The source of the error
$override: $_true-error-output-override (bool)
Optionally override error-output for testing failure-cases
@return (string)
A message detailing the source and error, when the $override
is true
[#{$source}] #{$message}
@mixin _true-error() [private]
Optionally override error-output for testing failure-cases
Parameters & Output & Return
$message: (string)
The error to report
$source: (string)
The source of the error
$override: $_true-error-output-override (bool)
Optionally override error-output for testing failure-cases
{CSS output} (code block)
A message detailing the source and error, when the $override
is true
[#{$source}] #{$message}
@mixin _true-message() [private]
used by
@mixin report()
@function _true-map-increment() [private]
Add map values together
Parameters & Return
$base: (map)
Initial map to add values to
$add: (map)
Map of values to be added
@return (map)
@function _true-join-multiple() [private]
Extends the Sass join()
function to accept and combine any number of lists
Parameters & Return
$lists...: (list | 'space' | 'comma')
Any number of lists to be joined, with an optional final argument describing the desired list-separator ('space' or 'comma')
@return (list)
Joined items in a single list
@function _true-error() [private]
used by
@function _true-report-message() [private]
\ No newline at end of file
+sass-true Documentation sass-true 3.0.0-beta.1
$_true-error-output-override (bool) [private]
scss$_true-error-output-override: false !default;
Override error-output for the purpose of testing failure-cases
@function _true-error() [private]
Optionally override error-output for testing failure-cases
Parameters & Return
$message: (string)
The error to report
$source: (string)
The source of the error
$override: $_true-error-output-override (bool)
Optionally override error-output for testing failure-cases
@return (string)
A message detailing the source and error, when the $override
is true
[#{$source}] #{$message}
@mixin _true-error() [private]
Optionally override error-output for testing failure-cases
Parameters & Output & Return
$message: (string)
The error to report
$source: (string)
The source of the error
$override: $_true-error-output-override (bool)
Optionally override error-output for testing failure-cases
{CSS output} (code block)
A message detailing the source and error, when the $override
is true
[#{$source}] #{$message}
@mixin _true-message() [private]
used by
@mixin report()
@function _true-map-increment() [private]
Add map values together
Parameters & Return
$base: (map)
Initial map to add values to
$add: (map)
Map of values to be added
@return (map)
@function _true-join-multiple() [private]
Extends the Sass join()
function to accept and combine any number of lists
Parameters & Return
$lists...: (list | 'space' | 'comma')
Any number of lists to be joined, with an optional final argument describing the desired list-separator ('space' or 'comma')
@return (list)
Joined items in a single list
@function _true-error() [private]
used by
@function _true-report-message() [private]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index 36f23b9..2fdacf0 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ True Changelog
-3.0.0 (unreleased)
+3.0.0-beta.1 (6/1/17)
- Added `describe` and `it` mixins,
as alias for `test-module` and `test` respectively.
- Added `$inspect` argument to `assert-equal` and `assert-unequal` mixins,
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 003e1e9..7c9cda3 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -144,6 +144,8 @@ after the tests have completed:
See the [full documentation online](http://oddbird.net/true)
or in the `.sassdoc` directory,
for more details.
+See [CHANGELOG.md](https://github.com/oddbird/true/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)
+when upgrading from an older version of True.
## Using Mocha (or other JS test runners)
diff --git a/VERSION b/VERSION
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e541ae..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 178aa25..15a68bb 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "sass-true",
- "version": "2.2.2",
+ "version": "3.0.0-beta.1",
"description": "Unit testing for Sass.",
"homepage": "http://oddbird.net/true",
"main": "lib/main.js",