ocrmypdf 13.2.0.post0+g298bdb86.d20211219 Running: ['tesseract', '--list-langs'] stdout/stderr = List of available languages (7): chi_sim deu eng fra osd por spa Running: ['tesseract', '--version'] Found tesseract 4.1.1 Running: ['gs', '--version'] Found gs 9.53.3 reading file from standard input os.symlink(/tmp/ocrmypdf.io.z7anoxaq/stdin, /tmp/ocrmypdf.io.z7anoxaq/origin.pdf) Using Tesseract OpenMP thread limit 3 1 Rasterize with pnggray, rotation 0 1 Running: ['gs', '-dQUIET', '-dSAFER', '-dBATCH', '-dNOPAUSE', '-dInterpolateControl=-1', '-sDEVICE=pnggray', '-dFirstPage=1', '-dLastPage=1', '-r150.000000x150.000000', '-o', '-', '-sstdout=%stderr', '-dAutoRotatePages=/None', '-f', '/tmp/ocrmypdf.io.z7anoxaq/origin.pdf'] 1 Rotating output by 0 1 resolution (150.01239999999999, 150.01239999999999) 1 Running: ['tesseract', '-l', 'deu', '-c', 'textonly_pdf=1', '/tmp/ocrmypdf.io.z7anoxaq/000001_ocr.png', '/tmp/ocrmypdf.io.z7anoxaq/000001_ocr_tess', 'pdf', 'txt'] 1 Text rotation: (text, autorotate, content) -> text misalignment = (0, 0, 0) -> 0 1 Grafting 1 Page rotation: (content, auto) -> page = (0, 0) -> 0 Postprocessing... os.symlink(/tmp/ocrmypdf.io.z7anoxaq/graft_layers.pdf, /tmp/ocrmypdf.io.z7anoxaq/fix_docinfo.pdf) Running: ['gs', '-dBATCH', '-dNOPAUSE', '-dSAFER', '-dCompatibilityLevel=1.6', '-sDEVICE=pdfwrite', '-dAutoRotatePages=/None', '-sColorConversionStrategy=LeaveColorUnchanged', '-dAutoFilterColorImages=true', '-dAutoFilterGrayImages=true', '-dJPEGQ=95', '-dPDFA=2', '-dPDFACompatibilityPolicy=1', '-o', '-', '-sstdout=%stderr', '/tmp/ocrmypdf.io.z7anoxaq/fix_docinfo.pdf', '/tmp/ocrmypdf.io.z7anoxaq/pdfa.ps'] GPL Ghostscript 9.53.3 (2020-10-01) Copyright (C) 2020 Artifex Software, Inc. All rights reserved. This software is supplied under the GNU AGPLv3 and comes with NO WARRANTY: see the file COPYING for details. Processing pages 1 through 1. Page 1 Some input metadata could not be copied because it is not permitted in PDF/A. You may wish to examine the output PDF's XMP metadata. The following metadata fields were not copied: {'{http://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/}MetadataDate'} Treating 18 as an optimization candidate While extracting image xref 18, an error occurred Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/ocrmypdf/optimize.py", line 268, in extract_images result = extract_fn( File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/ocrmypdf/optimize.py", line 203, in extract_image_generic pim.as_pil_image().save(png_name(root, xref)) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/pikepdf/models/image.py", line 719, in as_pil_image im = self._extract_transcoded() File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/pikepdf/models/image.py", line 527, in _extract_transcoded if self.mode in {'DeviceN', 'Separation'}: File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/pikepdf/models/image.py", line 271, in mode raise NotImplementedError( NotImplementedError: Not sure how to handle PDF image of this type Optimizable images: JPEGs: 0 PNGs: 0 Treating 18 as an optimization candidate Optimizable images: JBIG2 groups: (0,) Optimize ratio: 1.00 savings: 0.0% os.symlink(/tmp/ocrmypdf.io.z7anoxaq/optimize.opt.pdf, /tmp/ocrmypdf.io.z7anoxaq/optimize.pdf) /tmp/ocrmypdf.io.z7anoxaq/optimize.pdf -> - ÀÌ-CI>Ãì¿ AZ›xÑ·»¤ŽÒB§¯®ÿ=·i FøâDÖýõCMžrÔ—ª\‘–C<„—on'}: 1ššxÑ·»¤ŽÒBe NotImplementedError( A@²x`´x 18 as an optimization candidate@0ú¥xÑ·»¤ŽÒB©¼ÿ¡8³l Ø+÷&)åÞ áðByÐiymypdf.io.z7anoxaq/optimize.pdf -> - .op1@žx\yz7anoxaq/optimizpPŠ<< /Subtype /XML /Type /Metadata /Length 1323 >> ÁªÁÂÇS£€n·’-¥!ð¬x ®xà ŠÑ·»¤ŽÒBcription xmlns:pdfaid="http://www.aiim.org/pdfa/ns/id/" rdf:about="" pdfaid:part="2" pdfaid:conformance="B"/>