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p5 polymorphic method that creates a quadrille object whose individual cells may be filled either with numbers, strings, p5.Colors, p5.Images and p5.Graphics, arrays, objects and null which defined empty cells. Drawing a quadrille will be covered separately later on in [another chapter]({{< relref "draw_quadrille" >}}).

{{< callout type="warning" >}} Observation
Before delving into this function's details, consider reviewing the Coding Train tutorial on p5.Graphics first:

<iframe allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" loading="eager" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" src="" style="position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; border:0;" title="p5.Graphics tutorial" ></iframe>
{{< /callout >}}



Creates an 8x8 quadrille with a chessboard pattern.

{{< p5-global-iframe quadrille="true" width="425" height="425" >}} use strict; // Global style vars // Quadrille cell length default is: 100, we change it to 50 Quadrille.cellLength = 50; // Disable the tile display algorithm Quadrille.tileDisplay = 0; // quadrille object declaration let quadrille;

function setup() { createCanvas(8 * Quadrille.cellLength, 8 * Quadrille.cellLength); // quadrille object initialization quadrille = createQuadrille(); }

function draw() { // to display the quadrille a call to drawQuadrille is needed drawQuadrille(quadrille); } {{< /p5-global-iframe >}}

{{< details title="code" open=false >}}

// Global style vars
// Quadrille cell length default is: 100, we change it to 50
Quadrille.cellLength = 50;
// Disable the tile display algorithm
Quadrille.tileDisplay = 0;
// quadrille object declaration
let quadrille;

function setup() {
  createCanvas(8 * Quadrille.cellLength, 8 * Quadrille.cellLength);
  // quadrille object initialization
  quadrille = createQuadrille();

function draw() {
  // to display the quadrille a call to drawQuadrille is needed

{{< /details >}}

{{< callout type="info" >}} Observation
Observe that createQuadrille() is equivalent to createQuadrille(8, 8).fill(). See [createQuadrille(width, height)]({{< ref "create_quadrille/#createquadrillewidth-height" >}}) and [fill()]({{< ref "fill" >}}). {{< /callout >}}

createQuadrille(width, height)

Creates an empty quadrille having width number of columns and height number of rows.

{{< p5-global-iframe quadrille="true" width="625" height="425" >}} use strict; // quadrille object declaration let quadrille;

function setup() { // Quadrille.cellLength is a constant defining the quadrille // cell length default is: 100 createCanvas(6 * Quadrille.cellLength, 4 * Quadrille.cellLength); // quadrille object initialization quadrille = createQuadrille(4, 3); }

function draw() { background('violet'); // to display the quadrille a call to drawQuadrille is needed drawQuadrille(quadrille); } {{< /p5-global-iframe >}}

{{< details title="code" open=false >}}

// quadrille object declaration
let quadrille;

function setup() {
  // Quadrille.cellLength is a constant defining the quadrille
  // cell length default is: 100
  createCanvas(6 * Quadrille.cellLength, 4 * Quadrille.cellLength);
  // quadrille object initialization
  quadrille = createQuadrille(4, 3);

function draw() {
  // to display the quadrille a call to drawQuadrille is needed

{{< /details >}}

{{< callout type="warning" >}} Observation
To run the above sketch you need to include the library in your html file, i.e.,

<script src=""></script>

Have a look the the above p5 editor version of the above example here. {{< /callout >}}


Creates a quadrille and fills its cells taking the jagged_array items as source.

{{< p5-global-iframe quadrille="true" width="625" height="425" >}} use strict; let al; let pg; let quadrille;

function preload() { // loading an image should be done in preload // al = loadImage('../abraham_lincoln.jpg'); }

function setup() { createCanvas(6 * Quadrille.cellLength, 4 * Quadrille.cellLength); // refer to the coding train tutorial linked above pg = createGraphics(Quadrille.cellLength, Quadrille.cellLength); quadrille = createQuadrille([['hi', 100, al, pg], [null, color('red'), pg]]); }

function draw() { background('orange'); update(); drawQuadrille(quadrille); }

function update() { pg.background('green'); let radius = map(mouseX, 0, width, 10, pg.width); pg.noStroke(); pg.fill('cyan');, pg.height/2, radius); } {{< /p5-global-iframe >}}

{{< details title="code" open=false >}}

let al;
let pg;
let quadrille;

function preload() {
  // loading an image should be done in preload
  al = loadImage('abraham_lincoln.jpg');

function setup() {
  createCanvas(6 * Quadrille.cellLength, 4 * Quadrille.cellLength);
  // refer to the coding train tutorial linked above
  pg = createGraphics(Quadrille.cellLength, Quadrille.cellLength);
  quadrille = createQuadrille([['hi', 100,          al, pg],
                               [null, color('red'), pg]]);

function draw() {

function update() {
  let radius = map(mouseX, 0, width, 10, pg.width);
  pg.fill('cyan');, pg.height/2, radius);

{{< /details >}}


Creates a quadrille and fills its cells taking the array items as source.

{{< p5-global-iframe quadrille="true" width="625" height="425" >}} use strict; let al; let pg; let quadrille;

function preload() { al = loadImage('../abraham_lincoln.jpg'); }

function setup() { createCanvas(6 * Quadrille.cellLength, 4 * Quadrille.cellLength); pg = createGraphics(Quadrille.cellLength, Quadrille.cellLength); quadrille = createQuadrille(['hi', 100, al, color('red'), pg]); }

function draw() { background('orange'); update(); drawQuadrille(quadrille); }

function update() { pg.background('green'); let radius = map(mouseX, 0, width, 10, pg.width); pg.noStroke(); pg.fill('cyan');, pg.height/2, radius); } {{< /p5-global-iframe >}}

{{< details title="code" open=false >}}

let al;
let pg;
let quadrille;

function preload() {
  al = loadImage('abraham_lincoln.jpg');

function setup() {
  createCanvas(6 * Quadrille.cellLength, 4 * Quadrille.cellLength);
  pg = createGraphics(Quadrille.cellLength, Quadrille.cellLength);
  quadrille = createQuadrille(['hi', 100, al, color('red'), pg]);

function draw() {

function update() {
  let radius = map(mouseX, 0, width, 10, pg.width);
  pg.fill('cyan');, pg.height/2, radius);

{{< /details >}}

createQuadrille(width, array)

Creates a quadrille and fills its cells taking the array items as source up to width number of columns. Observe that (one or) several quadrille rows may be created to include all the array items.

{{< p5-global-iframe quadrille="true" width="625" height="425" >}} use strict; let al; let pg; let quadrille;

function preload() { al = loadImage('../abraham_lincoln.jpg'); }

function setup() { createCanvas(6 * Quadrille.cellLength, 4 * Quadrille.cellLength); pg = createGraphics(Quadrille.cellLength, Quadrille.cellLength); quadrille = createQuadrille(3, ['hi', 100, al, color('red'), pg]); }

function draw() { background('orange'); update(); drawQuadrille(quadrille); }

function update() { pg.background('green'); let radius = map(mouseX, 0, width, 10, pg.width); pg.noStroke(); pg.fill('cyan');, pg.height/2, radius); } {{< /p5-global-iframe >}}

{{< details title="code" open=false >}}

let al;
let pg;
let quadrille;

function preload() {
  al = loadImage('abraham_lincoln.jpg');

function setup() {
  createCanvas(6 * Quadrille.cellLength, 4 * Quadrille.cellLength);
  pg = createGraphics(Quadrille.cellLength, Quadrille.cellLength);
  quadrille = createQuadrille(3, ['hi', 100, al, color('red'), pg]);

function draw() {

function update() {
  let radius = map(mouseX, 0, width, 10, pg.width);
  pg.fill('cyan');, pg.height/2, radius);

{{< /details >}}


Creates a quadrille with the chess board position described by the given FEN.

{{< p5-global-iframe quadrille="true" width="425" height="425" >}} use strict; Quadrille.cellLength = 50; Quadrille.tileDisplay = 0; Quadrille.textColor = 'black'; const COLS = 8, ROWS = 8; // two quadrille layers let board, fen;

function setup() { createCanvas(COLS * Quadrille.cellLength, ROWS * Quadrille.cellLength); board = createQuadrille(); fen = createQuadrille('rnbqkbnr/pp1ppppp/8/2p5/4P3/5N2/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKB1R'); }

function draw() { // background quadrille layer drawQuadrille(board); // foreground quadrille layer drawn on top drawQuadrille(fen); } {{< /p5-global-iframe >}}

{{< details title="code" open=false >}}

Quadrille.cellLength = 50;
Quadrille.tileDisplay = 0;
Quadrille.textColor = 'black';
const COLS = 8, ROWS = 8;
// two quadrille layers
let board, fen;

function setup() {
  createCanvas(COLS * Quadrille.cellLength, ROWS * Quadrille.cellLength);
  board = createQuadrille();
  fen = createQuadrille('rnbqkbnr/pp1ppppp/8/2p5/4P3/5N2/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKB1R');

function draw() {
  // background quadrille layer
  // foreground quadrille layer drawn on top

{{< /details >}}


Creates a quadrille and fills its cells taking string as source. The resulting number of quadrille columns matches that of the string length.

{{< p5-global-iframe quadrille="true" width="625" height="425" >}} use strict; let quadrille;

function setup() { createCanvas(6 * Quadrille.cellLength, 4 * Quadrille.cellLength); quadrille = createQuadrille('hi 👽'); }

function draw() { background('orange'); drawQuadrille(quadrille); } {{< /p5-global-iframe >}}

{{< details title="code" open=false >}}

let quadrille;

function setup() {
  createCanvas(6 * Quadrille.cellLength, 4 * Quadrille.cellLength);
  quadrille = createQuadrille('hi 👽');

function draw() {

{{< /details >}}

createQuadrille(width, string)

Creates a quadrille and fills its cells taking string as source. Note that (one or) several quadrille rows may be created to include all the string characters.

{{< p5-global-iframe quadrille="true" width="625" height="425" >}} use strict; let quadrille;

function setup() { createCanvas(6 * Quadrille.cellLength, 4 * Quadrille.cellLength); quadrille = createQuadrille(2, 'hi 👽'); }

function draw() { background('orange'); drawQuadrille(quadrille); } {{< /p5-global-iframe >}}

{{< details title="code" open=false >}}

let quadrille;

function setup() {
  createCanvas(6 * Quadrille.cellLength, 4 * Quadrille.cellLength);
  quadrille = createQuadrille(2, 'hi 👽');

function draw() {

{{< /details >}}

createQuadrille(width, image)

Converts image (either a p5.Image or a p5.Graphics) into a quadrille.

{{< p5-global-iframe quadrille="true" width="625" height="625" >}} use strict; let al; let quadrille;

function preload() { al = loadImage('../abraham_lincoln.jpg'); }

function setup() { Quadrille.cellLength = 25; createCanvas(24 * Quadrille.cellLength, 24 * Quadrille.cellLength); quadrille = createQuadrille(24, al); }

function draw() { background('orange'); drawQuadrille(quadrille); } {{< /p5-global-iframe >}}

{{< details title="code" open=false >}}

let al;
let quadrille;

function preload() {
  al = loadImage('abraham_lincoln.jpg');

function setup() {
  Quadrille.cellLength = 25;
  createCanvas(24 * Quadrille.cellLength, 24 * Quadrille.cellLength);
  quadrille = createQuadrille(24, al);

function draw() {

{{< /details >}}

createQuadrille(width, image, coherence)

Converts image (either a p5.Image or a p5.Graphics) into a pixelated quadrille. The coherence boolean param defines whether or not the quadrille filling algorithm should use spatial coherence.

{{< p5-global-iframe quadrille="true" width="625" height="625" >}} use strict; let al; let quadrille;

function preload() { al = loadImage('../abraham_lincoln.jpg'); }

function setup() { Quadrille.cellLength = 25; createCanvas(24 * Quadrille.cellLength, 24 * Quadrille.cellLength); quadrille = createQuadrille(24, al, false); }

function draw() { background('orange'); drawQuadrille(quadrille); } {{< /p5-global-iframe >}}

{{< details title="code" open=false >}}

let al;
let quadrille;

function preload() {
  al = loadImage('abraham_lincoln.jpg');

function setup() {
  Quadrille.cellLength = 25;
  createCanvas(24 * Quadrille.cellLength, 24 * Quadrille.cellLength);
  quadrille = createQuadrille(24, al, false);

function draw() {

{{< /details >}}

createQuadrille(width, height, order, value)

Creates a quadrille and fills its cells using value (any data type instance but undefined) which is randomly repeated along the quadrille up to order number of times.

{{< p5-global-iframe quadrille="true" width="625" height="425" >}} use strict; let quadrille;

function setup() { createCanvas(6 * Quadrille.cellLength, 4 * Quadrille.cellLength); quadrille = createQuadrille(4, 3, 7, 150); }

function draw() { background('orange'); drawQuadrille(quadrille); } {{< /p5-global-iframe >}}

{{< details title="code" open=false >}}

let quadrille;

function setup() {
  createCanvas(6 * Quadrille.cellLength, 4 * Quadrille.cellLength);
  quadrille = createQuadrille(4, 3, 7, 150);

function draw() {

{{< /details >}}

createQuadrille(width, bigint, value)

Converts a bigint into a quadrille pattern, filling 1 (or on) bits with the specified value. For instance the following code snippet draws the T tetromino which may be part of the tetris game.

{{< p5-global-iframe quadrille="true" width="625" height="425" >}} use strict; let quadrille;

function setup() { createCanvas(6 * Quadrille.cellLength, 4 * Quadrille.cellLength); /* | 5 | 4 | 3 | | 2 | 1 | 0 | (0)2⁰ + (1)2¹ + (0)2² + (1)2³ + (1)2⁴ + (1)2⁵ = 58 */ quadrille = createQuadrille(3, 58n, color('blue')); }

function draw() { background('orange'); drawQuadrille(quadrille); } {{< /p5-global-iframe >}}

{{< details title="code" open=false >}}

let quadrille;

function setup() {
  createCanvas(6 * Quadrille.cellLength, 4 * Quadrille.cellLength);
  | 5 | 4 | 3 |
  | 2 | 1 | 0 |
  (0)2⁰ + (1)2¹ + (0)2² + (1)2³ + (1)2⁴ + (1)2⁵ = 58
  quadrille = createQuadrille(3, 58n, color('blue'));

function draw() {

{{< /details >}}

{{< callout type="info" >}} Observation
Observe that a bigint may represent a bitboard. {{< /callout >}}



createQuadrille(width, height)



createQuadrille(width, array)



createQuadrille(width, string)

createQuadrille(width, image, [coherence])

createQuadrille(width, height, order, value)

createQuadrille(width, bigint, value)


param description
jagged_array jagged_array: containing any combination of p5.Image | p5.Graphics | p5.Color | array | object | string | number | null cells
array array: containing any combination of p5.Image | p5.Graphics | p5.Color | array | object | string | number | null cells
FEN String: FEN describing a particular board position of a chess game
string String: containing any combination of chars
width Number: total number of columns
height Number: total number of rows
image p5.Image instance
coherence Boolean: define whether or not to use spatial coherence to convert image default is false
bigint BigInt (or Number): integer representation using big-endian byte order
order Number: total number of non-empty cells
value p5.Image | p5.Graphics | p5.Color | array | object | string | number | null: empty cells