In order to build a trigram hmm model, you need a place to start that will be able to build a vocabulary with cooresponding distributed possible parts of speech per vocabulary term. Traditionally, this is done by using treebanks which contain example uses of various terms and their cooresponding parts of speech. Treebanks give you enough information to be able to derive a dictionary with the probability distribution of each part of speech for every term that is found in the treebank. As an alternative to this, you can leverage a source like wiktionary to download and derive a dictionary and determine all the types of parts of speech that a term occurs in a given language. Without the frequencies, the distribution will be evenly divided among the term, weighted additionally by the overall probability of that tag.
To parse wiktionary, use the following command line with an XML export of the language page articles.
$ node bin/parsewik.js language-pages-articles.xml ./
This should generate 2 files documenting the overall vocabulary of the language and the part of speech distribution within that dictionary parsed from the wikipedia export.
$ cat bin/es.wik.dist
Total Vocabulary: 155391
Unambiguous: 148871 96%
Dual: 5841 4%
Tri: 552 0%
Quad: 96 0%
+4: 30 0%
# The following displays the order of frequency and distribution
# for all the mapped states for the given language {es}
0 NOUN 62431 40%
2 ADJ 45821 29%
6 PRON 37752 24%
1 VERB 12274 8%
3 ADV 2926 2%
4 X 623 0%
10 ADP 318 0%
7 CONJ 285 0%
5 NUM 253 0%
8 DET 66 0%
9 PRT 10 0%
11 . 0 0%
12 * 0 0%
Next, you'll need to acquire a treebank to build a trigram distribution model over the various parts of speech. A treebank may also help to enhance the vocabulary built off of the existing set of data downloaded from wiktionary or other dictionary sources. For example, the Brown Corpus is parsed and as a result of the output:
node bin/browncorpus.js ~/Public/brown
The output of this will generate 3 different files. en-brown.tag.vocab
, en-brown.tag.dist
, and en-brown.sentences
. The output of the en-brown.tag.vocab
is a vocabulary distribution similar to the one created by the wiktionary parser. The only difference is this particular vocabulary also includes part of speech term frequencies.
the 69971 DET/69969,X/4
, 58334 ./58334,X/2
. 49346 ./49347
of 36412 ADP/36411,X/3
and 28853 CONJ/28851,X/4
The second file en-brown.tag.dist
contains part of speech tri-gram distributions, including end of sentence STOP and beginning of sentence prefix *.
VERB+ADP+DET 27583 22%
VERB+. 27385 22%
DET+NOUN+VERB 26952 22%
NOUN+NOUN+. 26015 20%
ADV+VERB 25236 20%
NUM 25006 18%
*+DET 24476 21%
*+*+DET 24476 21%
NOUN+VERB+VERB 23734 20%
VERB+PRT 22353 18%
ADP+NOUN+. 21934 18%
ADP+ADJ 21758 17%
.+NOUN 21168 16%
DET+NOUN+NOUN 21165 17%
Following this, a generated file for all the sentences will be generated in the appropriate penn treebank format.
The/DET Fulton/NOUN County/NOUN Grand/ADJ Jury/NOUN said/VERB Friday/NOUN an/DET investigation/NOUN of/ADP Atlanta's/NOUN recent/ADJ primary/NOUN election/NOUN produced/VERB ``/. no/DET evidence/NOUN ''/. that/ADP any/DET irregularities/NOUN took/VERB place/NOUN ./.
A simple set of options --lines=1000 --skip=1000
will allow you to skip and select a number of lines from a corpus which can be used for cross validation of the data. This is important when actually building the hidden markov model as the distributions will most certainly vary with each corpus.
Given that the tree bank may cover less or more than the dictionary source, it would be advised to merge the vocabularies together in order to get better coverage of the language as well as the general frequency distribution of each term and the cooresponding parts of speech. You can check the coverage of two vocabularies with the following:
node bin/corpuscoverage.js en.wik.dist en.wik.vocab en-brown.tag.vocab
This will generate two files, uncovered.corpus.vocab
and covered.corpus.vocab
along with the output of how much of the corpus was found in the original dictionary source, how much was not found, and how much of the vocabulary was found in the corpus. Once you've figured out what needs to be merged, you can use the command:
node bin/mergevocabulary.js en.wik.vocab covered.corpus.vocab
This will generate corpus.vocab
as an output of the merged vocabulary between the dictionary source and what was covered by the tree bank corpus. It is necessary to merge these items given that we want to include the frequency terms of items in which the tree bank have frequencies for where the dictionary does not. Additionally, you may want to consider just merging in the uncovered.corpus.vocab
for good measure, but this depends on whether you want to exclude vocabulary terms to see how well the model performs.
Now that we have a sound vocabulary, we can create an n-gram model used by the Hidden Markov code. To do this we can simply run the command. The output of this will create a model.json
serialized form of the Hidden Markov Model loaded with the vocabulary from both the dictionary and the tree bank source.
node bin/ngrammodel.js corpus.vocab
We can now use the en-brown.tag.dist
(tag distribution from the tree bank) to create a hidden markov chain. This is easily done by using the command below. The output of this will create a model.tagdist.json
serialized form of the Hidden Markov Model with the tag distribution and various estimated distributions all calculated for us.
node bin/hmmtags.js en-brown.tag.dist
In order to cross validate and accurately test our model, we need to select from a subset of samples in the tree bank or tree bank sources we have. In order to do this, we have to generate the model.tagdist.json
by selecting from a subset of sentences.
node bin/browncorpus.js ~/Public/brown --lines=15000
This would help us create a training set initially for the tag distribution model that we can estimate on. We can generate another model.tagdist.json
from the hmmtags
command above from a different sample set. Ideally you will want to split up between a training set
, cross validation set
, and a test set
. Once you have created these 3 tag distribution models you can then actually train the hidden markov model to pick the right weights for the model.
node bin/hmmtrain.js model.validation-tagdist.json model.test-tagdist.json
This will output the best lambda weight values to use for the hidden markov model. Once you have those, you can configure those into the HiddenMarkovModel via the model.lambdaV
. The initial configuration is setup for english, but this can be overridden for any new model.
Since we have 2 different files that represent parts of the same HiddenMarkovModel we will want to merge these files. Take a look at bin/hmmloader.js
for a quick example on how to merge them together. The output of below should give you a unified output model output.hmm.json
that you can then use to test.
node bin/hmmloader.js model.json model.tagdist.json en.hmm.json
Testing the accuracy of your model can be done against any of your tree banks sample sets or test sets. It is useful to use this in order to determine the overall precision and accuracy of what you've put together.
node bin/hmmtest.js en-brown.sentences en.hmm.json --lines=1000 --skip=10000
It should be noted that most machine learning algorithms would be better suited in environments that can take advantage of many cores, such as in the case of GPU accelerated machine learning. Such things are necessary in order to speed up the learning rate as well as the task at hand given that many complex linear algebra operations can be done efficiently in parallel. As a result, this project is more of an example test case implementation for a wide-variety of machine learning and artificial intelligence problems. For more robust implementations, it is recommended that you glean from my implementations and others (i.e. by reference to Andrew Ng's Machine Learning course) and use that within the scope of your projects. However, there are other techniques such as map-reduce that may be able to improve the performance of running some of these operations within this package on multiple cores and multiple systems in parallel.
Licensed under GPLv2
Copyright (c) 2014 Thomas Holloway (@nyxtom)