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1050 lines (871 loc) · 48.1 KB

File metadata and controls

1050 lines (871 loc) · 48.1 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog.



  • N/A

Package Updates

  • N/A


  • N/A


  • N/A


  • N/A


  • N/A



  • EffectType: Added new 8193.36 constants
  • GuiEventType: Added new 8193.36 constants
  • PlayerDeviceProperty: Added new 8193.36 constants
  • ResRefType: Added new 8193.36 constants and missing constants for 8193.35
  • Effect: Added EnemyAttackBonus method.
  • SQLQuery: Added Columns property.
  • SQLResult: Added overloads with column name parameters.
  • OnPlayerGuiEvent: Added missing documentation for EventObject event types.
  • NwArea: Added SetAreaTileBorderDisabled method.
  • NwArea: Added SetAreaGrassOverride method.
  • NwArea: Added RemoveAreaGrassOverride method.
  • NwArea: Added SetAreaDefaultGrassDisabled method.
  • NwGameObject: Added CasterLevel property. This replaces LastSpellCasterLevel from NwCreature.
  • NwCreature: Added SpellAbilities property for managing creature spell-like abilities.
  • NwPlayer: Added StartAudioStream method.
  • NwPlayer: Added StopAudioStream method.
  • NwPlayer: Added SetAudioStreamPaused method.
  • NwPlayer: Added SetAudioStreamVolume method.
  • NwPlayer: Added SeekAudioStream method.
  • CRulesKeyHash: New structure to support working with the new hash-based ruleset key labels.
  • RulesetKeys: New constants class with hashed keys for all known ruleset definitions.
  • NwGameTables: Added SurfaceMaterialTable.

Package Updates

  • NWNX: 51162c5 -> 9865013
  • NWN.Core: 8193.35.21 -> 8193.36.1
  • NWN.Native: 8193.35.9 -> 8193.36.2
  • NLog: 5.2.5 -> 5.2.8


  • Effect: DamageReduction now supports an optional rangedOnly parameter.
  • Effect: DamageResistance now supports an optional rangedOnly parameter.
  • Effect: EffectType will return the new types introduced in 8193.36.
  • NwDoor: Clone now uses the shared CloneInternal behaviour.
  • NwEncounter: Clone is now supported.
  • NwGameObject: ActionCastSpellAt now supports optional spellClass and spontaneousCast parameters.
  • NwPlayer: FloatingTextString now supports an optional chatWindow parameter.
  • NwPlayer: FloatingTextStrRef now supports an optional chatWindow parameter.
  • CampaignVariableObject: Tightened generic constraint to only allow NwGameObject instead of NwObject to match base game behaviour.


  • ItemProperty: LimitUseByClass(IPClass) - Use the LimitUseByClass(NwClass) overload instead.


  • Fixed Possessor not correctly returning bags/containers.



  • Removed custom crash handler due to preventing dotnet from collecting a crash dump.



  • Effect: Added AreaOfEffect overload with PersistentVfxTableEntry support.
  • Effect: Added Polymorph overload with PolymorphTableEntry support.
  • Location: Added TileInfo property.
  • Events: Added OnDispelMagicApply event.
  • NuiDrawList: Added NuiDrawListItemType.Line support.
  • NuiDrawList: Added support for item order and render options.
  • NuiDrawList: Added ImageRegion property.
  • NuiImage: Added ImageRegion property.
  • NuiImage: Added WordWrap property.
  • Nui: Added NuiToggles widget.
  • NuiElement: Added DisabledTooltip, Encouraged properties.
  • NuiWindow: Added AcceptsInput property.
  • CreatureLevelInfo: Added AbilityGained property.
  • NwArea: Added TileInfo property.
  • NwCreature: Added RemainingSkillPoints property.
  • NwCreature: Added BroadcastSkillRoll method.
  • NwCreature: Added CalculateAbilityModifierFromScore method.
  • NwCreature: Added GetArmorClassVersus method.
  • NwCreature: Added parameter to RemoveFeat to optionally remove the feat from the level stat list (for ELC).
  • NwItem: Extended AddItemProperty to support additional behaviours for managing existing item properties.
  • NwItem: Added CompareItem method.
  • NwItem: Added HasItemProperty method.
  • NwItem: Added RemoveItemProperties method.
  • NwModule: Added RefreshClientObjects method.
  • NwPlayer: Added RefreshClientObject method.
  • NwPlayer: Added RefreshPlayerClientObject method.
  • NwServer: Added DebugMode, DebugCombat, DebugSaveThrows, DebugHitDie, DebugMoveSpeed properties.
  • NwGameTables: Added PlaceableTypeTable
  • NwGameTables: Added PolymorphTable
  • NwGameTables: Added PortraitTable
  • NwGameTables: Added PersistentEffectTable
  • PluginManager: Added support for specifying additional plugin directories with a new environment variable, ADD_PLUGIN_PATHS
  • UnobservedTaskExceptionLogger: Added new service for logging and handling uncaught async Task exceptions.

Package Updates

  • NWNX: b419e42 -> 51162c5
  • NWN.Core: 8193.35.6 -> 8193.35.21
  • NWN.Native: 8193.34.6 -> 8193.35.9
  • NLog: 5.1.4 -> 5.2.5


  • Effect: Tag property is now correctly marked as nullable.
  • ItemProperty: Tag property is now correctly marked as nullable.
  • OnClientConnect: PlayerName, CDKey properties are no longer nullable.
  • CreatureLevelInfo: Feats property is now a mutable list.
  • EncounterListEntry: CreatureResRef is now correctly marked as nullable.
  • NwCreature: DialogResRef is now correctly marked as nullable.
  • NwCreature: TalentBest, TalentRandom now returns the correct talent class type.
  • NwDoor: DialogResRef is now correctly marked as nullable.
  • NwGameObject: PortraitId now uses the 2da PortraitTableEntry type.
  • NwPlaceable: DialogResRef is now correctly marked as nullable.
  • NwBaseItem: DefaultIcon is now correctly marked as nullable.
  • NwBaseItem: DefaultModel is now correctly marked as nullable.
  • NwClass: IconResRef, SpellTableColumn properties are now correctly marked as nullable.
  • NwClass: PreReqTable is now a nullable reference to a TwoDimArray wrapper of the associated class prereq table.
  • NwDomain: Icon is now correctly marked as nullable.
  • NwFeat: IconResRef is now correctly marked as nullable.
  • NwRace: DefaultCharacterDescription, Description, Name, PluralName properties are now correctly marked as nullable.
  • NwSkill: IconResRef is now correctly marked as nullable.
  • NwSpell: CastGroundVisual, CastHandVisual, CastHeadVisual, CastSound, ConjureGroundVisual, ConjureHandVisual, ConjureHeadVisual, ConjureSound, IconResRef, ImpactScript, ProjectileModel, ProjectileSound properties are now correctly marked as nullable.
  • NativeObjectExtensions: Moved to Anvil.Native to prevent missing method errors when using other extension overloads, and made public again.
  • ArrayWrapper: Added additional error checking.
  • EnforceLegalCharacterService: Added 8 multiclass support.
  • ServerLogRedirectorService: Don't log empty or null messages.
  • ScriptDispatchService: Remove redundant try/catch, optimization.
  • AnvilCore: Merged VirtualMachineFunctionHandler into AnvilCore.
  • AnvilCore: Use better performant unmanaged function pointers for handling low level events from NWNX.
  • AnvilCore: Implement custom crash handler with managed stacktrace.


  • IPRacialType - use NwRace instead.
  • HitEffect.SlayRace - use NwRace overload instead.
  • ItemProperty.ACBonusVsRace - use NwRace overload instead.
  • ItemProperty.AttackBonusVsRace - use NwRace overload instead.
  • ItemProperty.DamageBonusVsRace - use NwRace overload instead.
  • ItemProperty.EnhancementBonusVsRace - use NwRace overload instead.
  • ItemProperty.LimitUseByRace - use NwRace overload instead.
  • DamageData properties - use GetDamageByType, SetDamageByType instead.


  • EventService: Built-in game events subscribed in anvil will now preserve the event script identifier when calling the original script.
  • ItemAppearance: Now correctly supports the extended appearance types added in 8193.35.
  • NwArea: GetTileInfo now correctly returns the correct tile when specifying a tile coordinate.
  • NwCreature: Fixed ActionUseFeat subFeat parameter not working.
  • EnforceLegalCharacterService: Fixed an erroneous calculation when calculating ability scores with a level stat bonus.
  • WeaponService: Fixed a rare server crash when calculating levels for a specific class.



  • (Docker) Fixed an issue with libssl dependency.



  • DamageType: Added CustomXX damage type constants
  • EffectSubType: Added Unyielding subtype.
  • EffectType: Added Pacify, BonusFeat, TimeStopImmunity, ForceWalk effects.
  • GuiEventType: Added RadialOpen
  • GuiPanel: Added Tile, Trigger, Creature, Item, Placeable, Door, Quickbar panels.
  • PlayerDeviceProperty: Added various graphics properties.
  • Effect: Added BonusFeat, ForceWalk, Pacified, TimeStopImmunity effect methods.
  • Effect: Added LinkId, IgnoreImmunity properties.
  • Location: Added TileId, TileRotation, TileHeight properties.
  • Location: Added SetTile, SetTileAnimationLoops methods.
  • SQLQuery: Added Reset method.
  • ModuleEvents.OnPlayerEquipItem: Added Slot property.
  • ModuleEvents.OnPlayerGuiEvent: Added Vector property.
  • ModuleEvents.OnPlayerUnequipItem: Added Slot property.
  • SpellEvents.OnSpellCast: Added IsSpontaneousCast, SpellLevel properties.
  • NwArea: Added ReloadAreaGrass, ReloadAreaBorder, SetTiles, GetAreaLightColor, SetAreaLightColor, GetAreaLightDirection, SetAreaLightDirection, SetFogColor methods.
  • NwCreature: Added ControllingPlayer setter.
  • NwCreature: Added ActionUseFeat, GetSpellUsesLeft, SetEffectIconFlashing methods
  • NwGameObject: Added Usable, VisibleDistance, VisualTransform, UiDiscoveryFlags properties.
  • NwGameObject: Added GetVisualTransform method with scope option.
  • NwGameObject: Added ReplaceObjectAnimation, ClearObjectAnimationOverride, SetTextBubbleOverride methods.
  • NwPlayer: Added CameraFlags, ClientVersionCommitSha1 properties.
  • NwPlayer: Added AttachCamera, SetCameraLimits, SetShaderUniform, SetSpellTargetingData methods.
  • VisualTransform: Added Clear method.
  • VisualTransformLerpSettings: Added BehaviorFlags, Repeats properties.
  • DevastatingCriticalData: Added Attacker property.

Package Updates

  • NWNX: 2692ecb -> d44d373
  • NWN.Core: 8193.34.15 -> 8193.35.6
  • NWN.Native: 8193.34.5 -> 8193.35.6
  • LightInject: 6.6.3 -> 6.6.4
  • NLog: 5.1.3 -> 5.1.4


  • !! Anvil now targets .NET 7. You may need to update your plugin's target framework to successfully compile against Anvil.
  • !! HookService: NWNX and NWN.Native no-longer exposes a list of function addresses, and the address parameter has been removed from RequestHook. The RequestHook now expects a delegate with the NativeFunction attribute. See here for an example.
  • ItemAppearance: Update return values to support the extended part ranges introduced in 8193.35.
  • NwPlayer: ClientVersion now includes the revision value of the client version.
  • NwPlayer: EnterTargetMode now specifies a setting object that contains all new options added in 8193.35.


  • ItemAppearanceArmorModel: Removed deprecated class.
  • DoorEvents.OnDialogue: Removed deprecated class.
  • PlaceableEvents.OnDialogue: Removed deprecated class.
  • ItemAppearanceArmorModel: Removed deprecated class.
  • Effect: Removed deprecated EffectIcon overload.
  • ItemProperty: Removed deprecated PropertyType property.
  • CreatureEvents.OnConversation: Removed deprecated CurrentSpeaker property.
  • ModuleEvents.OnNuiEvent: Removed deprecated WindowToken property.
  • CreatureClassInfo: Removed deprecated AddKnownSpell, GetKnownSpellCountByLevel, GetKnownSpells, RemoveKnownSpell methods.
  • ItemAppearance: Removed deprecated ClearArmorPieceColor, GetArmorModel, GetArmorPieceColor, SetArmorModel, SetArmorPieceColor overloads.
  • NativeObjectInfoAttribute: Removed unused class.
  • NwArea: Removed deprecated GetFogAmount, GetFogColor methods.
  • NwGameObject: Removed deprecated CreatureAppearanceType property.
  • NwGameObject: Remove Destroy, PlaySoundByStrRef overloads.
  • NwPlayer: Remove ClearTlkOverride, CreateNuiWindow, NuiDestroy, NuiGetUserData, NuiGetWindowId, NuiSetUserData, SetTlkOverride methods.
  • Color: Removed ToInt method.


  • (NWNX) Fixed an issue where nested VM scopes would cause an invalid stack and assertion error.



  • NwCreature: Fixed an issue where GetAssociates would return an empty list for certain associate types.
  • VirtualMachine: Fix an issue where the context object would be incorrectly flagged as invalid.
  • Creature.OnDeath: Support Area/Module as the killer of the creature.
  • EventService: More reliable handling of game events.



  • NwCreature: Added BodyBag, BodyBagTemplate properties.
  • NwPlaceable: Added IsBodyBag property.


  • OnPlayerGuiEvent: EffectIcon property is now nullable.
  • OnDebugPlayVisualEffect: Effect property is now nullable.
  • APIs that accept a TableEntry parameter now have implicit casts (e.g. EffectIconTableEntry & EffectIcon).


  • NwCreature: Fixed an infinite loop caused by the Associates property when having dominated creature associates.
  • Added some index/range checks for some usages of game table data.



  • NwGameTables: Added EffectIconTable.
  • CreatureClassInfo: Added School, KnownSpells properties.
  • CreatureLevelInfo: Added AddedKnownSpells, RemovedKnownSpells properties.

Package Updates

  • NWNX: 2692ecb -> d44d373
  • NWN.Core: 8193.34.12 -> 8193.34.15
  • NWN.Native: 8193.34.5 -> 8193.34.7
  • Newtonsoft.Json: 13.0.2 -> 13.0.3
  • NLog: 5.1.2 -> 5.1.3
  • Paket.Core: 7.2.0 -> 7.2.1


  • CollectionExtensions: InsertOrdered now returns the index in which the item was inserted.
  • Anvil will now log a managed stack trace during an assertion failure. We're hoping this will help track down issues where the nwscript VM reports an invalid stack state.


  • CreatureClassInfo.AddKnownSpell - use CreatureClassInfo.KnownSpells[].Add instead.
  • CreatureClassInfo.RemoveKnownSpell - use CreatureClassInfo.KnownSpells[].Remove instead.
  • CreatureClassInfo.GetKnownSpellCountByLevel - use CreatureClassInfo.KnownSpells[].Count instead.
  • CreatureClassInfo.GetKnownSpells - use CreatureClassInfo.KnownSpells instead.


  • Fixed null/empty script names not clearing object event scripts.
  • Fixed an issue where an invalid script name could be assigned to an object event.
  • Fixed a NRE in the ModuleEvents.OnAcquireItem event caused by characters failing ELC.
  • Fixed a cast exception in the PlaceableEvents.OnDisturbed event when the last inventory event was not caused by a creature.
  • NwStore: Fixed WillNotBuyItems, WillOnlyBuyItems lists not removing items, and LINQ functions (ToList/ToArray) not working.
  • CreatureLevelInfo: ClassInfo now returns the correct creature class.
  • ItemPropertyItemMapTable: Fixed some item property values returning valid when they shouldn't be.



  • Exposed HomeStorage class for accessing paths in anvil home.
  • Added support for creating Cassowary solvers through new Cassowary()
  • NwGameObject: Added ActionJumpToLocation method.
  • Events: Added OnPlayerQuickChat event.
  • NwPlayer: Added object name override support (SetObjectNameOverride)
  • NwPlayer: Added player-specific looping vfx support (AddLoopingVisualEffect)
  • NwCreature: Added LevelUp method that bypasses validation.

Package Updates

  • NLog: 5.1.1 -> 5.1.2
  • Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp: 4.4.0 -> 4.5.0


  • Optional anvil services will now log a message when they are used.


  • !! Fixed a memory leak when not using Dispose() on engine structures. (Effect, Location, ItemProperty, Json, SQLQuery, Talent)



  • Implemented AI message and listen system.
    • NwGameObject: Added IsListening property.
    • NwGameObject: Added SetListenPattern method.
    • NwCreature: Added SetAssociateListenPatterns method.
    • OnConversation events: Added ListenPattern, AssociateCommand properties.
  • OnTrapTriggered: Added TriggeredBy property to door/placeable traps.
  • CreatureClassInfo: Added Domains array for reading/modifying creature domains.

Package Updates

  • NWN.Core: 8193.34.10 -> 8193.34.12


  • DoorEvents.OnDialogue - use DoorEvents.OnConversation instead.
  • PlaceableEvents.OnDialogue - use PlaceableEvents.OnConversation instead.


  • Fixed an issue with events that caused script handlers not to be called after reloading anvil.



  • Added ANVIL_ENCODING environment variable for specifying a custom encoding when converting native strings from nwserver.
  • Added EncodingService for changing the server encoding at runtime.
  • NUI: Added StrRef support with NuiBindStrRef and NuiValueStrRef types.
  • Events: Added OnDoorSetOpenState event.
  • Events: Added OnObjectUse event.
  • Extensions: Added TryParseObject extension for parsing object ID strings.
  • NwCreature: Added GetInitiativeModifier,SetInitiativeModifier,ClearInitiativeModifier methods.
  • NwCreature: Added IsDMAvatar property.
  • NwCreature: Added IsFlanking method.
  • NwDoor: Added DoorOpenState property.
  • NwRuleset: Added NwDomain ruleset table and replaced constant usages with table references.
  • NwServer: Added IsActivePaused property.
  • NwServer: Added IsTimestopPaused property.

Package Updates

  • Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp: 4.3.1 -> 4.4.0
  • NWN.Core: 8193.34.7 -> 8193.34.10
  • NWN.Native: 8193.34.4 -> 8193.34.5
  • LightInject: 6.6.1 -> 6.6.3
  • Newtonsoft.Json: 13.0.1 -> 13.0.2
  • NLog: 5.0.5 -> 5.1.1
  • Paket.Core: 7.1.5 -> 7.2.0
  • NWNX: fe195ec -> 2692ecb


  • Events: OnSpellAction Domain and Feat is now nullable.
  • Events: OnSpellInterrupt Domain and Feat is now nullable.
  • Events: OnSpellSlotMemorize Domain is now nullable.
  • System.Random usages now use the System.Random.Shared instance, instead of individual instances.


  • Fixed an issue where a GameObject or Player could become stuck in a hash-based collection when it became invalid.
  • NwPlayer: IsDM now correctly returns true when a DM is possessing a creature. Use ControlledCreature.IsDM for the prior behaviour.


Package Updates

  • NLog: 5.0.4 -> 5.0.5


  • OnSpellCast: Item, Spell and TargetObject can be null.
  • NwItem: Clone() now preserves the item's Droppable flag. An optional parameter is provided to keep the old behaviour.



  • NwAreaOfEffect: Added Radius property.

Package Updates

  • NWNX: 8faa9d4 -> fe195ec


  • OnSpellCast: Caster and TargetObject now correctly use NwObject as the event data type.


  • Fixed a server crash when a module or area attempted to cast a spell.
  • Fixed an edge case where a deleted player's TURD would not be deleted.



  • CollectionExtensions: Added IList AddRange extension.
  • NwCreature: Added IsBartering property.
  • NwObject: Added TryGetUUID method.
  • NwObject: Added SerializeToJson method.
  • NwStore: Added BuyStolenGoods, MarkDown, MarkDownStolen, MarkUp, WillNotBuyItems, WillOnlyBuyItems properties.

Package Updates

  • LightInject: 6.5.1 -> 6.6.1


  • Exposed Json engine structure.


  • VirtualMachine: Fixed an issue where ObjectSelf would not be correctly assigned.



  • Events: Added OnLoadCharacterFinish event.



  • Fix an InvalidOperationException being thrown when checking player for equality.



  • NwCreature: Added SittingObject property.
  • NwArea: Added LoadScreen property.
  • ResourceManager: Added CreateResourceDirectory.


  • NwBaseItem: Fixed ItemClass returning a type name instead of the item class name.
  • Fixed a rare compile issue when using ToNwObject caused by exposed native types.



  • Events: Added OnDebugPlayVisualEffect, OnDebugRunScript, OnDebugRunScriptChunk events.
  • NwGameObject: Added AnimationState.
  • Effect: Added Effect.VisualEffect(VisualEffectTableEntry, bool, float, Vector3, Vector3) overload.

Package Updates

  • NWN.Core 8193.34.6 -> 8193.34.7
  • LightInject 6.4.1 -> 6.5.1
  • NLog 5.0.1 -> 5.0.4
  • NWNX 5ade7de -> 8faa9d4


  • SchedulerService: Use PriorityQueue to improve main server loop performance.



  • ItemProperty: Added SubTypeTable.


  • Fixed CalculateValidItemsForProperty returning false for base items using column 0.



  • NuiText: Added Border and Scrollbars properties.
  • ItemProperty: Added properties for referencing 2da data.
  • ItemProperty: Added Create() factory method overload using the new table class types.
  • NwGameTables: Added ItemPropertyTable, ItemPropertyItemMapTable, ItemPropertyCostTables, ItemPropertyParamTables


  • BREAKING CHANGE: TwoDimArrays must now be initialized via NwGameTables.GetTable.


  • Fixed a server crash when using TwoDimArray after the native array structure was evicted from the 2da cache.
  • Fixed updating the weight of a equipped item with NwItem.Weight not correctly updating creature weight and encumbrance.
  • Fixed NwBaseItem.ArmorCheckPenalty returning an unsigned integer.


Package Updates

  • NLog 5.0.0 -> 5.0.1
  • NWN.Core 8193.34.5 -> 8193.34.6
  • NWNX 95e700a -> 5ade7de


  • NUI: DrawList is now supported on all NUI elements, instead of just layout elements.
  • NUI: NuiGroup now supports a non-layout element.



  • NwGameTables: Exposed armor (armor.2da) and parts (parts_*.2da) tables.



  • NwCreature: Added GetSlotFromItem
  • NwCreature: Added RunEquip(item, EquipmentSlots)
  • ItemAppearance: Added ChangeAppearance
  • NuiWindowToken: Added Get/SetUserData()
  • Effect: Added SkillIncreaseAll, SkillDecreaseAll

Package Updates

  • NWNX 4842f60 -> 95e700a
  • NWN.Native 8193.34.3 -> 8193.34.4
  • NWN.Core 8193.34.4 -> 8193.34.5
  • NLog 4.7.15 -> 5.0.0


  • ItemAppearanceArmorModel enum. Use CreaturePart instead.
  • NwPlayer.NuiDestroy. Use NuiWindowToken.Close instead.
  • NwPlayer.NuiGetUserData. Use NuiWindowToken.NuiGetUserData instead.
  • NwPlayer.NuiSetUserData. Use NuiWindowToken.NuiSetUserData instead.
  • NwPlayer.NuiGetWindowId. Use NuiWindowToken.NuiGetWindowId instead.


  • Fixed NwGameObject.Location setter not working for newly deserialized game objects.
  • Fixed a crash when an equipped item was sent to limbo with NwModule.MoveObjectToLimbo.
  • Fixed NuiWindowToken.WindowId returning an empty string from events.
  • Speculative fix for a rare native crash when fetching 2da strings.



  • Added ClientVersion/ClientPlatform properties to OnClientConnect event.

Package Updates

  • NWNX 3227d60 -> 4842f60
  • NWN.Core 8193.34.3 -> 8193.34.4



  • NwCreature - Added setters for base armor & shield arcane spell failure
  • NuiWindowToken - small structure with helper methods for controlling NuiWindow instances. Can be created from NwPlayer.TryCreateNuiWindow
  • NwCreature - Added getter for BaseAttackCount
  • NwCreature - Added setter for ChallengeRating.

Package Updates

  • Paket 7.1.4 -> 7.1.5


  • NwCreature.Position will no-longer block the action queue from being modified.
    • This fixes inconsistencies with actions queued after setting the position, but the new position can sometimes not apply for players using drive mode.
    • For players, it is recommended to immobilize them before setting their position.


  • NwPlayer.TryCreateNuiWindow - use the NuiWindowToken overload instead.
  • NwPlayer.CreateNuiWindow - use TryCreateNuiWindow instead.
  • ModuleEvents.OnNuiEvent.WindowToken - use ModuleEvents.OnNuiEvent.Token instead.


  • Fixed NwGameObject.Location setter re-triggering Area Enter events.
  • Fixed NwPlayer.PartyMembers throwing a NRE when a party contained associate creatures.
  • Fixed a typo in PlayOptions.OnePartyOnly.



  • NwObject.Destroy(float delay) - Use the non-delay overload instead, with the SchedulerService.


  • Fixed NwEncounter.Destroy() not destroying the encounter object.
  • Fixed PlaceableEvents.OnPhysicalAttacked event always returning no data.


Package Updates

  • NWNX 6a552d9 -> 3227d60


  • Fixed an edge case issue that caused some servers to enter an infinite crash loop when shutting down.
  • Fixed NWNX_CORE_SHUTDOWN_SCRIPT throwing a NRE during shutdown.



  • Added Color equality members Equals and operators == !=
  • NwGameTables: Added ExpTable
  • NwGameTables: Added SkillItemCostTable

Package Updates

  • Paket.Core 7.0.2 -> 7.1.4
  • NWNX d15bc22 -> 6a552d9


  • Fixed an issue that prevented .NET 6 plugins from being loaded with Paket.



  • NwCreature.Encounter: Gets the encounter that spawned the creature.
  • NwAreaOfEffect.Spell: Gets the spell that created the area of effect.
  • NwAreaOfEffect.RemainingDuration: Gets the remaining duration on the area of effect.



  • Fixed an issue where API services would not be constructed in the expected order.



  • StrRef.ToParsedString(): Gets the string associated with a StrRef and parses any tokens (e.g. <CUSTOM0>)
  • StrTokenCustom: New structure for resolving/setting custom token values.
  • NwGameTables: Added new 2da tables
    • BodyBagTable
    • LightColorTable
    • PlaceableSoundTable
    • PlaceableTable
    • ProgrammedEffectTable
    • VisualEffectTable
  • NwArea: Added GetTileInfo()
  • Added InjectionService & ServiceBinding tests.
  • NwPlaceable.Appearance: Gets or sets the appearance for the placeable.
  • ModuleLoadTracker: Added core service for tracking module load progress as debug log messages.
    • If a module fails to load due to an error with an area, the area is logged as an error instead.
  • NwPlayer: Added player name override methods.
    • PlayerNameOverrideService contains configuration options.
  • NwCreature: Added GetFeatRemainingUses GetFeatTotalUses SetFeatRemainingUses
  • Added OnMapPinAddPin, OnMapPinChangePin, OnMapPinDestroyPin events.
  • NwCreature: Added damage level override functions (ClearDamageLevelOverride, GetDamageLevelOverride, SetDamageLevelOverride)
  • NwCreature: Added DamageLevel property.
  • NwGameTables: Added DamageLevelTable

Package Updates

  • NWNX c51d233 -> d15bc22
  • NWN.Core 8193.34.2 -> 8193.34.3
  • LightInject 6.4.0 -> 6.4.1
  • NLog 4.7.13 -> 4.7.15
  • Paket.Core 6.2.1 -> 7.0.2


  • Rewrote core services and initialisation logic for easier extensibility, and reduced coupling with AnvilCore.
    • All core services now implement ICoreService, an interface containing specific event functions that are called at specific times in the server lifecycle.
    • Core services are executed in the order defined by ServiceBindingOptions.
    • The CoreService composition root is defined in AnvilServiceManager.
    • AnvilCore is now "dumber", and simply passes signals to AnvilServiceManager and VirtualMachineFunctionHandler.
    • AnvilServiceManager merges service initialization in AnvilCore, with the container/composition root setup from IContainerFactory
  • OnPlayerDeath.Killer now tries to GetLastDamager when GetLastHostileActor is invalid.


  • NwGameObject.CreatureAppearanceType. Use NwCreature.Appearance instead.
  • APIs using int-based StrRef parameters have been deprecated. Please use the StrRef overloads:
    • NwGameObject.PlaySoundByStrRef()
    • NwPlayer.ClearTlkOverride()
    • NwPlayer.SetTlkOverride()
    • NwBaseItem.BaseItemStatsText
    • NwBaseItem.Description
    • NwBaseItem.Name
    • NwClass.Description
    • NwClass.Name
    • NwClass.NameLower
    • NwClass.NamePlural
    • NwFeat.Description
    • NwFeat.Name
    • NwSkill.Description
    • NwSkill.Name
    • NwSpell.AltMessage
    • NwSpell.Description
    • NwSpell.Name
    • OnELCValidationFailure.StrRef


  • Fixed a stack overflow when injecting the InjectionService as a property dependency.
  • Unload is now triggered on all plugins before waiting for the assemblies to be unloaded. This fixes some edge cases where assemblies would not unload.



  • Added net6.0 target framework. Since multiple frameworks are now being targeted, there is a small change to the binary output paths.
    • When building locally, binaries are now located in NWN.Anvil/bin/Release/<framework>. Release binaries on github will now have a folder for each framework.
  • NwColor: Added FromRGBA, ToRGBA ToUnsignedRGBA methods. ToString is now more explicit.
  • Added various tests for Color conversion.
  • Added ResourceManager tests.
  • NwArea: Added various properties for environment visual options and metadata.
  • NwArea: Added CreateEnvironmentPreset, ApplyEnvironmentPreset for saving and loading preset visual options.
  • NwWaypoint.Create: Added overload without template parameter for creating a general waypoint.
  • PlayOptions: Added PlayerPartyControl option.
  • StrRef: Added value structure for string references (StrRefs). The associated talk table string can be resolved by invoking ToString.
  • NwGameTables: Contains static members for commonly used 2das (internally cached by CTwoDimArrays).
    • Implemented AppearanceTable & EnvironmentPresetTable
  • Implemented new TwoDimArray, TwoDimArrayEntry and ITwoDimArrayEntry APIs.
    • Supports general usage through TwoDimArray, and a generic TwoDimArray<T> type for specifying a custom row format. See the docs for more info.
  • ResourceManager: Added DeleteTempResource and GetResourceText.
  • ResourceManager: Added string overload for WriteTempResource.
  • LocalVariableStruct: Added local variable type for serializing any C# type to JSON.
  • PersistentVariableStruct: Added persistent variable type for serializing any C# type to JSON.
  • Added OnTriggerEnter event.

Package Updates

  • NWNX: 790a54b -> c51d233
  • NWN.Core: 8193.34.1 -> 8193.34.2
  • NWN.Native: 8193.34.2 -> 8193.34.3



  • NwServer.ReloadRules(). Use NwRuleset.ReloadRules() instead.
  • NwColor.ToInt(). Use NwColor.ToRGBA() instead.
  • ITwoDimArray/TwoDimArrayFactory: The 2da APIs have been superseded by a simpler API. See the ITwoDimArrayEntry example for more info.
  • NwArea.GetFogAmount: Use SunFogAmount and MoonFogAmount instead.
  • NwArea.GetFogColor: Use SunFogColor and MoonFogColor instead.


  • NuiColor was removed and functionality replaced with the standard Color class. The intention is to remove confusion and conversion issues when interacting with both types.


  • Fixed a NRE when using visibility properties.
  • Fixed a NRE when using PersistentVariableEnum.



  • NwPlayer: IsConnected boolean added. Should be checked when enumerating NwModule.Players
  • NwPlayer: Added DMPossessCreature and UnpossessCreature for controlling player creature.
  • NwPlayer: ForceExamine now supports creatures, placeables, items and doors.
  • Implemented NWN.Anvil.TestRunner for running automated tests.
  • NwPlayer: Added Get/SetPersonalVisibilityOverride methods for customizing object visibility per player.
  • NwGameObject: Added VisibilityOverride property for customizing object visibility globally.
  • Creature Events: Added OnCreatureCheckProficiencies event.
  • Added Local/Campaign/PersistentVariableEnum<T> object variable type for user enum types. The underlying type must be an integer.
  • NwGameObject: Added Clone method for cloning non-creature and item objects.
  • NwDoor: Added Create method for creating doors from ResRefs.
  • NwEncounter: Added Create method for creating encounters from ResRefs.
  • NwSound: Added Create method for creating sound objects from ResRefs.
  • NwTrigger: Added Create method for creating triggers from ResRefs.
  • NWN.Anvil.TestRunner: Added generator for generating ResRef constants from the standard creator palette.

Package Updates

  • NWN.Core: 8193.34.0 -> 8193.34.1


  • NwCreature.WalkRateCap and NwCreature.AlwaysWalk properties are no-longer persistent. Additionally, the services and functions are not hooked until the associated property is used for the first time.
  • NwObject.ObjectId is now public.


  • AnvilCore.Reload() now uses the scheduler service to schedule the reload. This should fix some edge cases where async methods would hold a reference preventing unload.
  • Fixed an issue where the SchedulerService would throw an exception if the server was shutdown/reloaded during a schedule callback.
  • Fixed a rare crash when subscribed to effect events.



  • NwBaseItem: Added various properties.
  • NwSpell: Added various properties.
  • NwClass: Added various properties.
  • Added support for NuiList & NuiListTemplateCell.
  • Effect.DurationType: Added setter.
  • Added assembly attribute PluginInfo for defining optional dependencies.
  • PluginManager: Added check for missing types from optional plugins.

Package Updates

  • (Docker) NWNX: 16b2c88 -> 790a54b
  • NWN.Core: 8193.33.4 -> 8193.34.0
  • NWN.Native: 8193.33.4 -> 8193.34.2


  • Services implementing IInitializable are now executed in deterministic order based on the service binding order defined in ServiceBindingOptions.
  • Updated APIs to use ruleset classes
    • Effect.SkillDecrease(NwSkill,int)
    • Effect.SkillIncrease(NwSkill,int)
    • Effect.Spell
    • ItemProperty.DecreaseSkill(NwSkill,int)
    • ItemProperty.SkillBonus(NwSkill,int)
    • Talent.Feat
    • Talent.Skill
    • Talent.Spell
    • NwSkill.ToTalent(this NwSkill)
    • NwSkill.ToTalent(this NwSpell)
    • NwSkill.ToTalent(this NwFeat)
    • CreatureEvents.OnSpellCastAt.Spell
    • CreatureEvents.OnSpellCastAt.Signal(NwObject,NwCreature,NwSpell,bool)
    • DoorEvents.OnSpellCastAt.Spell
    • DoorEvents.OnSpellCastAt.Signal(NwObject,NwDoor,NwSpell,bool)
    • ModuleEvents.OnPlayerGuiEvent.FeatSelection
    • ModuleEvents.OnPlayerGuiEvent.SkillSelection
    • PlaceableEvents.OnSpellCastAt.Spell
    • PlaceableEvents.OnSpellCastAt.Signal(NwObject,NwPlaceable,NwSpell,bool)
    • OnDisarmWeapon.Feat
    • OnUseFeat.Feat
    • OnUseSkill.Skill
    • OnSpellAction.Feat
    • OnSpellAction.Spell
    • OnSpellBroadcast.Feat
    • OnSpellBroadcast.Spell
    • OnSpellCast.Spell
    • OnSpellInterrupt.Feat
    • OnSpellInterrupt.Spell
    • OnSpellSlotMemorize.Spell
    • SpellEvents.OnSpellCast.Spell
    • SpellEvents.OnSpellCast.SpellCastClass
    • CreatureClassInfo.Class
    • CreatureClassInfo.AddKnownSpell(NwSpell,byte)
    • CreatureClassInfo.ClearMemorizedKnownSpells(NwSpell)
    • CreatureClassInfo.GetKnownSpells(byte)
    • CreatureClassInfo.RemoveKnownSpell(byte,NwSpell)
    • CreatureLevelInfo.Class
    • CreatureLevelInfo.Feats
    • CreatureLevelInfo.GetSkillRank(NwSkill)
    • CreatureLevelInfo.SetSkillRank(NwSkill,sbyte)
    • CreatureTypeFilter.Class(NwClass)
    • CreatureTypeFilter.DoesNotHaveSpellEffect(NwSpell)
    • CreatureTypeFilter.HasSpellEffect(NwSpell)
    • MemorizedSpellSlot.Spell
    • NwCreature.Classes
    • NwCreature.Feats
    • NwCreature.ActionCastFakeSpellAt(NwSpell,Location,ProjectilePathType)
    • NwCreature.ActionCastFakeSpellAt(NwSpell,NwGameObject,ProjectilePathType)
    • NwCreature.ActionUseFeat(NwFeat,NwGameObject)
    • NwCreature.ActionUseSkill(NwSkill,NwGameObject,SubSkill,NwItem)
    • NwCreature.AddFeat(NwFeat)
    • NwCreature.AddFeat(NwFeat,int)
    • NwCreature.DecrementRemainingFeatUses(NwFeat,int)
    • NwCreature.DoSkillCheck(NwSkill,int)
    • NwCreature.GetClassDomains(NwClass)
    • NwCreature.GetClassInfo(NwClass)
    • NwCreature.GetFeatGainLevel(NwFeat)
    • NwCreature.GetSkillRank(NwSkill,bool)
    • NwCreature.GetSpecialization(NwClass)
    • NwCreature.HasFeatEffect(NwFeat)
    • NwCreature.HasFeatPrepared(NwFeat)
    • NwCreature.HasSkill(NwSkill)
    • NwCreature.HasSpellEffect(NwSpell)
    • NwCreature.HasSpellUse(NwSpell)
    • NwCreature.IncrementRemainingFeatUses(NwFeat,int)
    • NwCreature.KnowsFeat(NwFeat)
    • NwCreature.LevelUpHenchman(NwClass,PackageType,bool)
    • NwCreature.MeetsFeatRequirements(NwFeat)
    • NwCreature.RemoveFeat(NwFeat)
    • NwCreature.SetSkillRank(NwSkill)
    • NwGameObject.ActionCastSpellAt(NwSpell,NwGameObject,MetaMagic,bool,int,ProjectilePathType,bool)
    • NwGameObject.ActionCastSpellAt(NwSpell,Location,MetaMagic,bool,int,ProjectilePathType,bool)
    • SpecialAbility(NwSpell,byte,bool)
    • SpecialAbility.Spell
    • OnELCSkillValidationFailure.Skill
    • OnELCSkillValidationFailure.Feat
    • OnELCSkillValidationFailure.Spell
    • WeaponService.Add***Feat(NwBaseItem,NwFeat)


  • CursorTargetService.EnterTargetMode - Use NwPlayer.EnterTargetMode/NwPlayer.TryEnterTargetMode instead.


  • Effect.AreaOfEffect(int,string,string,string)
  • AttributeExtensions
  • StandardFactionExtensions
  • CreatureTypeFilter.RacialType
  • Inventory.CheckFit(BaseItemType)
  • NwCreature.RacialType
  • NwCreature.ChangeToStandardFaction
  • NwItem.BaseItemType
  • NwItem.CanStack
  • NwItem.IsStackable
  • NwPlayer.NuiSetGroupLayout(int,string,NuiGroup)
  • NwPlayer.NuiSetGroupLayout(int,string,NuiWindow)
  • NwFaction(int)
  • Anvil.Services.NwDateTime
  • LoopTimeService
  • ServiceBindingOptions.MissingPluginDependencies
  • ServiceBindingOptions.Order



  • NwModule: Added LimboGameObjects property to list all GameObjects currently stored in limbo.
  • NwModule: Added MoveObjectToLimbo method to remove a GameObject from an area and store it in limbo.
  • NwCreature: Added AlwaysWalk and WalkRateCap for restricting creature & player movement.
  • Added OnCheckEffectImmunity event for bypassing effect immunity checks.
  • Added OnEffectApply and OnEffectRemove events.
  • Added ruleset APIs: NwRuleset, NwBaseItem, NwClass, NwFeat, NwRace NwSkill and NwSpell


  • Migrated LoopTimeService properties to static class Anvil.API.Time.
  • Exposed ScheduledTask to Scheduler Service.
  • Services implementing IUpdateable are now executed in deterministic order based on the service binding order defined in ServiceBindingOptions.


  • LoopTimeService - use Anvil.API.Time instead.
  • Moved NwDateTime and NwTimeSpan to Anvil.API namespace.
  • Duplicated APIs NwItem.CanStack/NwItem.IsStackable. Use NwBaseItem.IsStackable instead.


Package Updates


  • Startup log now includes the git revision of the current running server binary.
  • Server revision is now printed to stdout if startup fails.



  • Implemented PaketPluginSource for installing and running NuGet-based plugins.
  • Implemented support for custom plugin sources with the IPluginSource interface.
  • Implemented PluginStorageService - a unified API for storing plugin data and configurations.
  • Added ANVIL_HOME environment variable. This variable defines the root path where Anvil config files, plugins and plugin data are read from.
  • Added additional properties to NwEncounter.
  • Added IsStackable to 'NwItem'

Package Updates

  • NWN.Core -> 8193.33.4
  • NWN.Native -> 8193.33.4


  • BREAKING CHANGE - Removed ANVIL_NLOG_CONFIG environment variable. The config path is now fixed to {ANVIL_HOME}/nlog.config
  • BREAKING CHANGE - Removed ANVIL_PLUGIN_PATH environment variable. The plugin load path is now fixed to {ANVIL_HOME}/Plugins


  • Fixed a server crash when preventing player connections in the OnClientConnect event.
  • Fixed OnClientConnect.CDKey returning a type name instead of the client's public CD key.



  • ResourceManager: Implemented GffResource API.
  • [Inject]: Property-based dependencies can now be flagged as "Optional". Optional dependencies do not throw exceptions if the service could not be loaded from a missing plugin assembly.


  • [ServiceBindingOptions] - The BindingPriority property defines the initialization order of a service. (Higher priority = initialized first).
  • When injecting a dependency of an interface/base class and multiple candidates are available, the service with the highest BindingPriority will be injected.
  • NwCreature.Age can now be set.


  • [ServiceBindingOptions] - Order has been deprecated and replaced with the BindingPriority property.
  • [ServiceBindingOptions] - MissingPluginDependencies has been deprecated as functionality is covered by the BindingPriority dependency resolve behaviour.
  • AttributeExtensions - moved to ReflectionExtensions.
  • NwPlayer.NuiSetGroupLayout - moved to NuiGroup.SetLayout.


  • Properties injected into service classes with plugin dependency requirements will no-longer throw an exception when the assembly is missing.
  • Fixed NuiGroup.SetLayout creating nested layout elements instead of updating the existing element (NwPlayer.NuiSetGroupLayout still has the old behaviour.)



  • Update to NWN.Core 8193.33.1


  • Fixed an issue when retrieving bind values for certain class/structures (NuiRect, NuiVector, etc.) would return the default value.
  • Fixed an incorrect API/object mapping for NuiDrawList.



  • NUI: Implement API with classes, added methods to NwPlayer.
  • Effect: Added Effect.Icon() factory method for creating Icon effects.
  • Effect: Added Effect.RunAction() factory methods for creating effects that invoke C# actions.
  • ScriptHandleFactory: New service for dynamically creating function callbacks at runtime that are bound to script names. The returned handle is currently used for script parameters in effects.
  • ModuleEvents: Added OnPlayerGuiEvent, OnNuiEvent and OnPlayerTarget events.
  • GUIPanel: Added new constants published with NWN 8193.31
  • NwPlayer: Added SetGuiPanelDisabled for disabling built-in GUI elements.
  • NwPlayer: Added RestDurationOverride property.
  • VirtualMachine: Added RecursionLevel property.
  • LocalVariableCassowary: Added to support cassowary local variables.
  • ILateDisposable: Added a new service event interface that is invoked after the server is destroyed.
  • ServiceBindingOptions: Added PluginDependencies and MissingPluginDependencies properties for setting up services with optional plugin dependencies.
  • Added PRELINK_ENABLED setting for disabling native prelink checks.


  • Refactored various internal usages of NWN.Native to use collection/list accessors for native types.
  • VirtualMachine: IsInScriptContext now checks the current executing thread, and now only returns true while on the main thread and inside of a VM script context.
  • HookService: Hooks are now returned/disposed after the server has been destroyed.
  • IScriptDispatcher: Custom Script Dispatchers must now define an execution order. This order is used when a script call is triggered from the VM, and determines which service/s implementing this interface get executed first.
  • ObjectStorageService (Breaking): Persistent data written in Anvil can no-longer be accessed by NWNX. Anvil can still import NWNX persistent data.
  • ObjectStorageSerive: Anvil no-longer writes a duplicate NWNX_POS serialized field and instead writes its own ANVIL_POS field for persistent object data.


  • Effect: Deprecated Effect.AreaOfEffect that uses strings for the script handlers. Use the overload that uses ScriptCallbackHandle parameters instead.


  • HookService: Removed the optional shutdownDispose parameter (superseded by ILateDisposable).
  • AnvilCore: Removed custom ITypeLoader support, and hardcoded references to the updated PluginManager.


  • Fixed an issue where the ObjectStorageService would cause errors when performing hot reloads with AnvilCore.Reload()
  • Fixed an issue where the PluginLoader would attempt to unload plugins too early during server shutdown/hot reload.
  • Fixed an issue where the EnforceLegalCharacterService would call the ELCValidationBefore event outside of a script context.
  • Fixed OnChatMessageSend.Target always being null.
  • Fixed Plugin Unloadability & Hot Reload.
  • Fixed a native crash caused by a conflict with Anvil's ObjectStorageService and NWNX's Object Storage (POS).



  • OnCreatureDamage: Fixed damage hook function returning void instead of an int. Resolves an issue where damage effects would persist on a character, and be applied again after login.



  • IEvent: Exposed "Context" property, allowing plugins to implement custom events.



  • OnCreatureDamage: Fixed a server crash when a creature received damage from non-object sources. (EffectDamage from a module/area event, etc.)


Initial Release!