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Sample of NuScien

This is a sample for NuScien 6 framework. It targets .NET 6.0 and licensed by MIT. Sample uses Microsoft SQL Server as its database, but the framework supports any based on Entity Framework Core 6.0.


Before all, please start SSMS to connect local service and create a database NuScien5. Then open Sql\NuScien.ssmssln solution to execute TablesCreation.sql and TestTablesCreation.sql TSQL files to create the tables.


We often define DAL, BLL and UX as the standard architecture layers for a system. For this, UX should be replaced by Web API because it is a web service. And don't forget we also need models for each layer. Plus, an HTTP SDK layer is especially useful for client reference.

  • DAL (data access layer) is used to link database and business logic. This layer is implemented by the framework by default so we can skip it unless we have a special reason to override it.
  • BLL (business logic layer) is based on DAL and ACL to provide the complete business logic.
  • Web API is used to public the JSON APIs via HTTP service to access BLL only with advanced network processing.
  • HTTP SDK is a JSON HTTP client used for console and GUI.


You can inherit BaseResourceEntity class or its sub-class to implement the unique shared model for all of DAL, BLL and Web API. It also supports property changing notifier so it can be used as view model of UWP and WPF with databinding. Following are some tips you may need.

  • Set an attribute [Table] on the class to map the table name in database.
  • Set an attribute [Column] on the property to map the column name in the table of the database; or attribute [NotMapped] for the one without mapping.
  • Set an attribute [JsonPropertyName] on the property to map the JSON property name for network transfer; or attribute [JsonIgnore] for the one that does not need serialize and deserialzie.
  • The getter and setter of the property should be implemented by GetCurrentProperty<T> and SetCurrentProperty method to supports databinding feature except the ones you don't care about it or they are just route and convert to/from other properties.


You can inherit OnPremisesResourceEntityProvider<T> class to implement the provider of the specific entity as its business logic layer. The base class contains some methods for basic accessing capabilities. And you can override it to add ACL and extend it to add further accessing way. Please make sure it contains the constructors with parameter types and orders as same as the one of base class. And, of course, you can add further constructors as you want.

Then inherit OnPremisesResourceAccessContext class to organize all the entity providers in your business logic. The way is very simple: define them as properties with public getter and setter. They will be filled automatically when the instance is initialized.


Targets ASP.NET Core 6.0.

In Web API controllers, you need implement ResourceAccessController class with attribute [ApiController] and attribute [Route] with api and nuscien5 input values. This is used for passport and settings.

Then inherit OnPremisesResourceEntityController<TProvider, TEntity> class to enable the controller of entity provider. You need implement GetProviderAsync member method and call it to get the entity provider in actions. The base controller has implememented the basic logic to map the entity provider and you need append others.


You can just do as BLL to inherit HttpResourceEntityProvider class for entity provider and to inherit HttpResourceAccessContext class for organizing them.


Recommended add 3 projects in the solution (SampleProject for example): Core for entity and HTTP SDK (named SampleProject); Bll for BLL (named SampleProject.Bll); and, Web for Web API (named SampleProject.Web). You can also merge BLL into Web if you do not have a plan to export the BLL as a reference in future.

In this sample, as a simple solution, we only setup 2 projects: Bll with entity, HTTP SDK and BLL; Web with Web API. And a separated Sql is a SMSS solution for necessary TSQL files and other database related files. The sample contains Customers and Goods for example.