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Rewrite utilities for refactoring clojure files.

Mostly a collection of useful extensions written on top of rewrite-clj.

This is an experimental alpha-stage library that is sure to have many bugs and coverage issues. Please be patient and feel free to contribute issues and fixes.

current version:

Current Version

docs: Found on cljdoc


managing requires of a namespace

In the umschreiben-clj.requires namespace you'll find:


Replaces the require of the namespace <from> with <to>, also replacing all usages of <from> accordingly to <to>, applying alias and :refer symbols if they are present.


Able to add a require to the list of requires of a namespace. If the namespace being added already exists in the list of requires, add behaves like replace.

renaming variables across namespaces

in the umschreiben-clj.variables namespace you'll find:


Allows one to rename a variable that may or may not have also live in a new namespace.

(umschreiben-clj.variables/rename ..node-representation-of-clj-ns.. 'clojure.string/join 'my-join '[my.helpers :as helpers])

run on

(ns rename-example
  (:require [clojure.string :as str]))
(str/join ["hello" "world"])

results in

(ns rename-example
  (:require [clojure.string :as str] ;; left in-place in case other usages are present
            [my.helpers :as helpers]))
(helpers/join ["hello" "world"])

Depending on the structure of the namespaces :requires the behavior of umschreiben-clj.variables/rename differs widely so we encourage one to check out the examples in the test suite and also play around with it yourself.

known issues

Renaming variables that are required using :refer has limited support and isn't recommended. Since umschreiben-clj doesn't consider binding information, renaming un-namespaced variables that are :refer'ed from other namespaces can conflict with local variable bindings. For example, running (umschreiben-clj.variables/rename ..node-of-code-below.. 'clojure.string/join 'my-join '[my.helpers :as helpers]) on:

(ns shadowing-issue
  (:require [clojure.string :refer [join]]))
(let [join "hello world"]
  (println join))

currently results in the incorrect result:

(ns shadowing-issue
  (:require clojure.string
            [my.helpers :as helpers]))
(let [helpers/join "hello world"]
  (println helpers/join))

examples in use

At Nubank this library, used in conjuction with ordnungsamt, allows us to realize namespace and function deprecations across hundreds of Clojure repositories


Please feel encouraged to contribute to this library by either opening an issue or contributing a patch.


If you introduce a new feature please provide test coverage of it.

Tests can be run using:

lein test


Before opening a pull request, please check that the linter is happy

lein lint

One can apply lint fixes via

lein lint-fix


Rewrite utilities for refactoring clojure files







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Contributors 3
