Your living listening history
Echoes makes it easy to remember, rate, and relive albums you’ve enjoyed. Keep track of the albums and artists in our easy to use calendar, and leave mementos of your thoughts for future you to reference.
Major music apps like Spotify and Apple Music keep histories of the albums and songs you’ve listened to, but they don’t offer a way to catalog your impressions of those albums so that you can refer back to them later. Those apps are also loaded with other features that obscure the user’s ability to use them as a listening journal.
Echoes allows you to log music that you have listened to along with your thoughts, giving you the ability to revisit your favorite music.
Echoes started as a Google Doc where one of our founders meticulously recorded his listening history for the past seven years. Each entry included detailed notes about the album’s genre, his favorite songs, and his overall rating of the album at the time. He wanted to have an app where he could continue his listening journal in a more visual and interactive format, and he wanted to provide a platform for other music lovers to store and share their listening histories.
Getting started is easy. Create a profile. Look up an album. Add it to your journal.
“I work in tech, and I listen to several albums a day while I’m at work. Because I listen to so much music, it’s hard to remember what I thought of each record, or what songs I liked. I love using Echoes because it’s a super quick and easy to revisit those albums a week, a month, or even a year later.” -Jerry Krusinski
Build your living listening history with Echoes. Go to “placeholder url” to get started!