The users for this application are crafty entrepreneurs to sell products and for hard-liners against mass retail to buy products. It's all about making it special.
Both types of users will need to register. Consider the information needed from each. (price, shipping info, email, phone, etc). Sellers will need to add product and quanties available. Buyers should be able to add things to a cart and go through a checkout process. Consider, sellers can also be buyers.
Within each team, there will be sub-teams working on specific components. All components will come together to create the full app. As a team review the github tickets and determine what you will tackle and accomplish. Starting out, the sub-teams will consist of project mangagement, design, and db/connections. Moving along, members will transition into the sign-up, buy/sell(show products), and purchase groups. Each sub-group will have one of the project managers. Project managers are the only ones to approve merges.
You must interview at least two people and come up with a persona and challenge statement for the application you are building. What challenge will this app solve for your users?
Your group will need to decide on a style guide for this application. Make sure you sketch the screens as part of your planning process. The design of the final interface is up to your group.
Your team will decide on the data needed and how it is organized.
End of Day 1 Your team should have the following completed:
- Interviews, persona, and challenge statement
- Repo and started
- File structure
- Style guide/design
- Data structure
Project Mangers will work with Product Owner regarding deadlines for "group defined" mini deliverables.
- React
- JSON server
- CSS library
- Personas
- Challenge statement
- Wireframes/Prototype
- Styleguide
- Useability testing/results
- Comprehensive README
- App
- Final Presentation Deck – Sample