Java basics
- Running code using the terminal covering custom class path
- Read and dump command line arguments
- max of 3 nos
- nth fibonacci no, factorial
- find occurance of x in a integer n
- reverse an integer, isPalindrome (leverage reverseInteger)
- check if the no is prime or not
- conditionals, switch, var args
- armstrong no (sum of cubes of all digits == n)
array, arraylists, 2d array
- lists, arraylists, multi-d arrays, reverse a list, find max
- split array into positive, negative integers cleanly
- leetcode 1295 - find nos with even digits in an array = leetcode 1470 - shuffle/rearrange a array of size 2n
- linear search, binary search, order agnostic bin search
binary search
- find ceiling, floor for a no in an array
- leetcode754 - find celing in char array
- leetcode34 - find (start, end) in sorted array for target
- binSearch on an infinite sorted array (amz)
- leetCode852 - find index of peak in mountain array
- basic code to print100 nos all in their own threads
- threadpool - print100 nos constrained by the pool size