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KubeconDemo: Istio Pi

So you want to onboard a Raspberry Pi into your Istio mesh? It's easy as pi... 🥧


Follow the instructions to install the required tools:


The scripts (and Kind) require Docker Engine to be installed before getting started. You can follow these instructions( to install docker on linux.

sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli

Verify docker was installed:

docker version


Kind (Kubernetes in Docker) is a tool for running local Kubernetes clusters using Docker container “nodes”. Kind was primarily designed for testing Kubernetes itself, but may be used for local development or CI. You will need the cli tool in order to run the scripts and setup the kind cluster.

Download the latest release with the command (for amd64):

[ $(uname -m) = x86_64 ] && curl -Lo ./kind

Move kind to /usr/local/bin:

chmod +x ./kind
sudo mv ./kind /usr/local/bin/kind

Validate kind was successfully installed:

kind version


You will need the kubectl cli tool in order to run the scripts. You can follow these instructions to install kubectl on linux.

Download the latest release with the command:

curl -LO "$(curl -L -s"

Move kubectl in /local/bin:

chmod +x kubectl
mkdir -p ~/.local/bin
mv ./kubectl ~/.local/bin/kubectl
# and then append (or prepend) ~/.local/bin to $PATH

Validate kubectl was sucessfully installed:

kubectl version


In order to run Istio, we need to install istioctl. The scripts will use this cli tool in order to install istio on the Kind cluster and onboard the Raspberry Pi into the mesh.

First install istioctl:

curl -L | ISTIO_VERSION=1.19.0  sh -

Remember to export the Istio path and add it to your bashrc/zshrc file:

export PATH="$PATH:<path-to-istio>"


The scripts use jq to format and parse JASON. Install jq with a package manager via:

sudo apt-get install jq

Rasberry Pi ARM 64-bit

  1. Download Raspberry pi imager:
  2. Select Raspberry pi OS (64-bit) Debian Bookworm with Raspberry Pi Desktop and write to microSD card. Use advanced setup to set hostname, username, password and enable ssh.
  3. Connect microSD card to pi, complete setup on the pi
  4. Test ssh to make sure you can connect with the pi.

If you are unsure of the IP address of the raspberry pi, you can find ip address by scanning what's running on the network via nmap which you can get with your package-manager with apt-get install nmap:

nmap -sP

Building ztunnel on ARM64

ztunnel is the "zero-trust tunnel" that provides L4 policy enforcement in the ambient mesh.

This repo includes a ztunnel arm64 build (ztunnel_0.0.0-1_arm64.deb) that will run on Raspian Bookworm. The scripts will use this build to run the ztunnel.

If you wish to build your own ztunnel, clone the repo to where you want to build the ztunnel. There are a couple changes you may need to make to disable fips before building for the pi.

cargo build --no-default-features

See the setup-ztunnel/ script for more instructions on building a .deb and cross-compiling.


To onboard the Pi into the mesh and get Istio running there are two parts: 1) Kind cluster setup, 2) Raspberry Pi setup.


Before you get started, clone the repo on the local linux machine with git and make sure you have sudo access.

1. Setup a kind cluster on the linux machine


2. Setup networking

There are two parts to setting up networking, enable the pod and services on the Kind cluster to be reachable from the host running the docker container, and enable the pi to reach pods and services in the Kind cluster via the linux machine running the cluster.

Automatic script

All of the network setup (both on the linux machine and the pi) can be done using the script:

sudo ./networking/ --all <pi-address>  <pi-username>

To run only the kind cluster networking setup:

sudo ./networking/ --kind

To run only the pi networking setup (over ssh):

sudo ./networking/ --pi <pi-address>  <pi-username>

To run only the pi networking setup locally (not over ssh):

sudo ./networking/ --pi local-pi  <cluster-address>

Manual steps

If you want to manually set up the networking and understand what the script is doing, follow these steps:

Host machine -> Docker steps:

  1. Edit /etc/sysctl.conf to enable ip forwarding by uncommenting this line:
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1

You can also do this via, but setting it in /etc/sysctl.conf will save you the headache of having to set it again:

sudo sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
  1. Add the following ip route rules to enable the pod/service CIDR to be reachable from the host machine:

Add the routing rule:

sudo ip route add $SERVICE_POD_CIDR via $NODE_IP dev $BRIDGE_DEVICE

You may be able to skip the dev $BRIDGE_DEVICE part if only one device is routable to the docker container IP, since linux should infer it needs to send packets to it on its own.

You should now be able to ping pods running in the Kind cluster directly from your machine with the pod IP. Get a pod IP via:

❯ kubectl get pods -A -o wide
NAMESPACE            NAME                                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE   IP           
default              curl                                             1/1     Running   0          66m   
kube-system          coredns-5d78c9869d-2bwjx                         1/1     Running   0          90m   
kube-system          coredns-5d78c9869d-nbjp7                         1/1     Running   0          90m   
kube-system          etcd-cluster1-control-plane                      1/1     Running   0          91m   
kube-system          kindnet-8vmzp                                    1/1     Running   0          90m   

And then check you get a response with something like: ping

Add a rule so we don't drop packets coming from the pi:

sudo iptables -t filter -A FORWARD -d "$SERVICE_POD_CIDR" -j ACCEPT

Pi -> Cluster

  1. Add a routing rule to allow the pi to access the Pods and Service IPs running in the kind cluster:
sudo ip route add $SERVICE_POD_CIDR via $CLUSTER_ADDRESS

Where the CLUSTER_ADDRESS is the address of your host linux machine running the kind cluster. This can be found with ip addr show or ifconfig.

3. Setup Istio

First install the Istio control plane in Ambient mode along with the east-west gateway:


4. Setup example apps (bookinfo, helloworld, sleep)

Apply some simple applications to the cluster to demonstrate ambient and sidecar modes in the cluster:


5. Create on-board config for Pi

Next, create the necessary resources in the cluster to onboard the Raspeberry Pi:

If doing Istio sidecar-mode

./istio/ <pi-address> <pi-username> 

If doing Istio ztunnel mode

./istio/ <pi-address> <pi-username> --ztunnel

Now we're all done with the setup on the linux side! Before we head over to the pi, we need to grab the Kubernetes cluster east-west gateway cluster IP address via:

kubectl get svc -n istio-system

Remember, since we are running on a flat network and have exposed our pod/service CIDRs from the Kind cluster, we do not need the external IP for the gateway, just the Cluster-IP.


6. Setup pi

Copy the setup directory over to the pi with scp:

If doing Istio sidecar-mode

scp -r setup-sidecar <username>@<pi-addr>:<path-to-script-dir>

If doing Istio ztunnel mode

scp -r setup-ztunnel <username>@<pi-addr>:<path-to-script-dir>

Now it's time to ssh into the pi and run the scripts to setup!

Running in sidecar mode

ssh into the pi and then cd into the setup-sidecar directory you copied over earlier. To setup and run the sidecar version, run the following script with sudo permissions on the pi:

sudo ./ <istio-ew-svc-internal-address> <opt-path-to-pi-files>

Where istio-ew-svc-internal-address is the Cluster-IP of the east-west gateway service running on the Kind cluster.

Running in ztunnel mode

ssh into the pi and then cd into the setup-ztunnel directory you copied over earlier. To setup and run the ztunnel version, run the following script with sudo permissions on the pi:

sudo ./ <istio-ew-svc-internal-address> <opt-path-to-pi-files>

Where istio-ew-svc-internal-address is the Cluster-IP of the east-west gateway service running on the Kind cluster.

Note There are some known issues running ztunnel from the home directory. If the script fails with permission errors, create a subdirectory and run the ztunnel setup from there. Remember to include the path to the pi-files directory in this case.


To test if the onboarding process was successful we need to check that communication works between the Pi -> Cluster and Cluster -> Pi.

Check the Pi is getting xDS updates

Now that Istio is running, the Raspberry Pis' are receiving xDS (discovery service) updates. xDS is a group of APIs (endpoint/cluster/route/listener/secret/...) that are used to dynamically configure Envoy (or ztunnel).

You can view the logs of sidecar Istio running in the raspberry pi with:

cat /var/log/istio/istio.log

The admin panel for both sidecar and ztunnel can be viewed on localhost:15000. The config dump is found at localhost:15000/config_dump. You can view these in a browser if you ssh into the pi with the port forwarding setup via:

ssh -X -L 15000:localhost:15000 <username>@<pi-address>

Pi -> Cluster

You should now be able to hit services from the raspberry pi via their hostnames:

curl helloworld.helloworld:5000/hello

Let's apply a policy on the cluster side to block HTTP requests. First, let's take a look at the policy we want to apply:

cat policies/helloworld_l7cluster_auth.yaml

Apply the policy

kubectl apply -f policies/helloworld_l7cluster_auth.yaml

It should fail with 403:

curl -v helloworld.helloworld:5000/hello -v

Re-run with the following header and the request should be successful:

curl -H "X-Test: istio-is-cool" helloworld.helloworld:5000/hello -v

Policies applied to the mesh will also be applied to traffic coming from the pi.

Cluster -> Pi

Run a simple python server on the pi on the command line via:

sudo python3 -m http.server 9080

Create a service for a simple python on the cluster:

./ <ip_of_pi>

Make sure your default namespace is labeled with either istio injection or for ambient mode. Then run a curl container (such as netshoot) in the default namespace to test:

kubectl run netshoot  --image=nicolaka/netshoot -i --tty --rm

Then send a request from the container:

curl hello-pi.pi-namespace:9080

Pi -> Pi

Now that your Raspberry Pis are on the mesh, they also now know about applications running on each pi! After following the instructions described in the Cluster -> Pi, section keep the python3 server running, and run this directly from the second pi (the one not running the python server):

curl hello-pi.pi-namespace:9080

Istio Policy

Authorization policies are applied on the server side. The ztunnel can only enforce L4 policies, but the sidecar or waypoint will be able to enforce L7 policies.

Before applying the policies, head to the policies folder and run the following script

./ <ip_of_1st_pi> <ip_of_2nd_pi>

Auth Policy Pi (ztunnel) -> Cluster (sidecar)

kubectl apply -f policies/l4pi_auth.yaml

Auth Policy Cluster (ztunnel) -> Pi (ztunnel)

kubectl apply -f policies/l7pi_auth.yaml

Client side L7 policy on pi (needs to be running sidecar on pi)

Apply policy:

kubectl apply -f policies/pi_headers.yaml


kubectl run netshoot --image=nicolaka/netshoot -i --tty --rm 

Then send traffic:

Client side L7 policy on cluster (needs to be running waypoint/sidecar on cluster)

Apply policy:

kubectl apply -f policies/teapot_faultinjection_cluster.yaml

Test (remember the helloworld namespace is labeled for istio injection):

kubectl run netshoot -n helloworld --image=nicolaka/netshoot -i --tty --rm 

Then send traffic:

curl teapot-pi.pi-namespace:80/switchOne/on
curl -H "tea-drinker: nina" teapot-pi.pi-namespace:80/switchOne/on

✨ Fancy Testing ✨

Instead of testing with a simple python server, we can hook up some ✨ fancy ✨ hardware to our pi to make a more compelling illustration of onboarding the Pi into the mesh.


As part of our demo, we use NeoPixels and the WS2812b led strip. You can find a great (open source!) wiring guide here on AdaFruit.

We need to create a K8s Service to map to the app running on the pi. To apply the Kubernetes service, run:

./pi_service_config/ <pi-address>

We wrap the WS2812b python library with a simple Flask webserver. To run this server:

sudo python3 ./pi_led_server/ 

This will run on port 8080 and will be reachable via:


Since we have Istio running on the pi, we can curl with the led-pi.pi-namespace hostname via from the sleep pod:

curl led-pi.pi-namespace:8080/switch

Now let's apply an authorization policy on the server side. This L4 policy is enforced on the Pi side in the ztunnel:

cat policies/l4pi_auth.yaml

Apply the policy on the cluster side:

kubectl apply -f policies/l4pi_auth.yaml

Now let's try sending the same curl as before from the sleep pod. We expect to be denied because of the L4 policy we just applied:

curl led-pi.pi-namespace:8080/switch

Let's try running a curl from a different pod that does not use the sleep service account:

kubectl run netshoot --image=nicolaka/netshoot -i --tty --rm 

Sending traffic from the netshoot pod should work even though netshoot is in the same namespace as sleep because netshoot is using a different SA.

curl led-pi.pi-namespace:8080/switch


As part of our demo, we use a MSNSwitch to control outlets remotely.

We wrap the MSNSwitch APIs with a simple Flask webserver. To run this server:

sudo python3 ./msn_switch_server/ 

This has several paths:


This will run on port 80 and will be reachable via:


To apply the Kubernetes service, run:

kubectl apply -f pi_service_config/teapot-setup.yaml

Then you will be able to curl once Istio is running via:

curl teapot-pi.pi-namespace:80/switchTwo/on

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