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radius2 is a command line utility that can be installed with cargo install radius2. It allows users to solve reversing problems quickly using symbolic execution and aims to be both user friendly and flexible enough to do nearly any task straight from the terminal. Running radius2 -h outputs the usage information

radius2 1.0.10
Austin Emmitt (@alkalinesec) <[email protected]>
Symbolic Execution tool using r2 and boolector

    radius2 [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --path <path>

    -C, --color         Use color output
    -h, --help          Prints help information
    -z, --lazy          Evaluate symbolic PC values lazily
        --no-sims       Do not simulate imports
        --plugins       Load r2 plugins
    -P, --profile       Get performance and runtime information
    -M, --selfmodify    Allow selfmodifying code (slower)
    -2, --stderr        Show stderr output
    -0, --stdin         Use stdin for target program
    -1, --stdout        Show stdout output
        --strict        Panic on invalid instructions and ESIL
    -V, --version       Prints version information
    -v, --verbose       Show verbose / debugging output

    -a, --address <address>                   Address to begin execution at
    -A, --arg <arg>...                        Argument for the target program
    -x, --avoid <avoid>...                    Avoid addresses
    -X, --avoid-strings <avoid_strings>...    Avoid code xrefs to strings
    -B, --break-strings <break_strings>...    Breakpoint code xrefs to strings
    -b, --break <breakpoint>...               Breakpoint at some target address
    -c, --constrain <SYMBOL> <EXPR>           Constrain symbol values with string or pattern
        --env <env>...                        Environment variable for the target program
    -e, --eval <ESIL>...                      Evaluate ESIL expression
    -E, --eval-after <ESIL>...                Evaluate ESIL expression after execution
    -f, --file <PATH> <SYMBOL>                Add a symbolic file
    -F, --fuzz <fuzz>                         Generate testcases and write to supplied dir
    -H, --hook <ADDR> <EXPR>                  Hook the provided address with an ESIL expression
    -L, --libs <libs>                         Load libraries from path
        --max <max>                           Maximum number of states to keep at a time
    -m, --merge <merge>...                    Set address as a mergepoint
    -p, --path <path>                         Path to the target binary
    -r, --r2-cmd <CMD>...                     Run r2 command on launch
    -S, --set <REG/ADDR> <VALUE> <BITS>       Set memory or register values
    -s, --symbol <NAME> <BITS> <num|str>      Create a symbolic value
    -t, --threads <threads>                   Number of threads to execute [default: 1]

The only required argument is --path and the default behaviour of radius2 is simply to begin execution from an entry_state, a state at the entrypoint of the program and run until the program exits, so radius2 -p /bin/ls will run, print nothing, and finish. To see what is "going on" the -v option can be used to view the instructions as they execute (-C will output with color)

$ radius2 -p /bin/ls -v
0000000100003f00:  pacibsp                                  |  
0000000100003f04:  stp x28, x27, [sp,  -0x60]!              |  96,sp,-=,x28,sp,=[8],x27,sp,8,+,=[8]
0000000100007154:  mov w0,  0x1                             |  0x1,w0,=
0000000100007158:  bl sym.imp.exit                          |  pc,lr,=,4294997208,pc,=
00000001000074d8:  adrp x17, 0x100008000                    |  4295000064,x17,=

The string on the right is ESIL, the intermediate language that is actually being executed by radius. It will be explained more below. By default no libraries are loaded and standard c functions are emulated (see the contents of radius/sims/ Shared libraries can be loaded by using the -L argument to specify directories to load from.

Symbolic values can be defined with -s <name> <bits> <type> where type can either be num or str to determine how the symbol is printed after evaluation. stdin is a special name that is automatically treated as the content of stdin, equivalent to -s stdin 32 -f 0 stdin (numeric file names are treated as file descriptors). A simple crackme can be solved as easily as

$ radius2 -p r100 -s stdin 96 -X Incorrect
  stdin : "Code_Talkers"

The -X option tells radius2 to avoid any addresses that contain XREFs to a string containing the argument. States that reach avoided address are discarded and the first state to finish execution without being discarded is used to evaluate the symbolic values. Addresses to avoid can be manually set like -x 0x400855, the addresses can be in decimal or hex (or octal or binary if you wanna get real nuts), can include symbols and even be offsets from symbols like

$ radius2 -p r100 -s stdin 96 -x main+109
  stdin : "Code_Talkers"

Conversely breakpoints, target addresses where execution should stop and evaluate, can be set with -b and string xref breakpoints with -B so radius2 -p r100 -s stdin 96 -B Nice also works.

More complicated code may require state merging to finish in a reasonable time like in this example where 0x00400811 is designated as a merge point

$ radius2 -p r200 -s stdin 48 -X Incorrect -m 0x00400811
  stdin : "rotors"

radius2 can also set symbolic file contents using -s sym 4096 -f /path/to/file sym and symbolic argv values with -A ls @-l sym (the @ is necessary to stop it from being taken as an option to radius2 itself). For both -f and -A any string which has not been defined as a symbol name will simply be that string. Files that are not supplied will be read from the real filesystem, but will never be written to. An example of these and other features is the solution to unbreakable

$ radius2 -p unbreakable -s flag 408 -c flag 'CTF{' -B 'Thank you' -z -A . flag
  flag : "CTF{0The1Quick2Brown3Fox4Jumped5Over6The7Lazy8Fox9}"

This example also constrains the first four bytes of flag to be "CTF{" with -c and passes -z to enable lazy solving, which will significantly speed up runtime (from 1 second down to 0.4 or so). In some cases string XREFs may not be found, in this case try passing -r aae which will tell r2 to emulate the program to find addtional references.

radius2 also has a basic testcase generation option, -F <dir> which will generate files containing values of the defined symbols for each different execution path.

$ radius2 -p ais3 -s flag 256 -A . flag -F testcases -P
init time:      74039
run time:       194957
instructions:   2226
instr/usec:     0.011418
generated:      5
total time:     269024
$ ls testcases 
flag0000 flag0001 flag0002 flag0003 flag0004 flag0005
$ cat testcases/flag0005

Here the -P option causes radius2 to print out some profiling information. Times are measured in microseconds so it took 0.27 seconds to explore every path of the program and generate the 5 unique testcases that traverse each one. The flag value is contained in the last one (it usually is).

However the most powerful feature of radius2 is the ability to write arbitrary hooks with ESIL. The previous example could also be solved using

$ radius2 -p r200 -s stdin 48 -m 0x4007ba -H 0x400849 'eax,!,?{,stdin,.,}'
000000000040084a: #x000073726f746f72 "rotors\u{0}\u{0}"

Instead of placing breakpoints or avoidpoints, this example hooks the address 0x400849 so that when reached by a state the expression eax,!,?{,stdin,.,} will be executed. This address is at the end of the validation function which is 0 when the input is correct. ESIL is a simple stack based VM that pushes values to a stack and has operators that pop them off and push the results. Here eax is pushed to the stack, then ! pops it off and pushes its boolean negation (so pushing 1 if eax is 0, 0 otherwise). Next ?{ is a conditional that executes the expression between the brackets if the popped value is nonzero, and stdin,. simply evaluates and prints stdin. A table of ESIL operators can be viewed by running ae?? in r2 and is reproduced below

| Examples:ESIL   examples and documentation
| =       assign updating internal flags
| :=      assign without updating internal flags
| +=      A+=B => B,A,+=
| +       A=A+B => B,A,+,A,=
| ++      increment, 2,A,++ == 3 (see rsi,--=[1], ... )
| --      decrement, 2,A,-- == 1
| *=      A*=B => B,A,*=
| /=      A/=B => B,A,/=
| %=      A%=B => B,A,%=
| &=      and ax, bx => bx,ax,&=
| |       or r0, r1, r2 => r2,r1,|,r0,=
| !=      negate all bits
| ^=      xor ax, bx => bx,ax,^=
| []      mov eax,[eax] => eax,[],eax,=
| =[]     mov [eax+3], 1 => 1,3,eax,+,=[]
| =[1]    mov byte[eax],1 => 1,eax,=[1]
| =[8]    mov [rax],1 => 1,rax,=[8]
| []      peek from random position
| [N]     peek word of N bytes from popped address
| [*]     peek some from random position
| =[*]    poke some at random position
| $       int 0x80 => 0x80,$
| $$      simulate a hardware trap
| ==      pops twice, compare and update esil flags
| <       compare for smaller
| <=      compare for smaller or equal
| >       compare for bigger
| >=      compare bigger for or equal
| >>=     shr ax, bx => bx,ax,>>=  # shift right
| <<=     shl ax, bx => bx,ax,<<=  # shift left
| >>>=    ror ax, bx => bx,ax,>>>=  # rotate right
| <<<=    rol ax, bx => bx,ax,<<<=  # rotate left
| ?{      if popped value != 0 run the block until }
| POP     drops last element in the esil stack
| DUP     duplicate last value in stack
| NUM     evaluate last item in stack to number
| SWAP    swap last two values in stack
| TRAP    stop execution
| BITS    16,BITS  # change bits, useful for arm/thumb
| TODO    the instruction is not yet esilized
| STACK   show contents of stack
| CLEAR   clears the esil stack
| REPEAT  repeat n times
| BREAK   terminates the string parsing
| SETJT   set jump target
| SETJTS  set jump target set
| SETD    set delay slot
| GOTO    jump to the Nth word popped from the stack
| $       esil interrupt
| $z      internal flag: zero
| $c      internal flag: carry
| $b      internal flag: borrow
| $p      internal flag: parity
| $s      internal flag: sign
| $o      internal flag: overflow
| $ds     internal flag: delay-slot
| $jt     internal flag: jump-target
| $js     internal flag: jump-target-set
| $$      internal flag: pc address

In addition to these operators radius2 adds a few special ones, namely ., _, and !!. . we have already seen. The operator _ constrains the popped argument to be not equal to 0 and !! sets the state to break, as if it hit a breakpoint.

As noted above ESIL is also what all instructions are lifted into so it can be instructive to read the expressions in the verbose output. Since ESIL can define any instruction it is essentially possible to do nearly anything with an ESIL hook.

Uhhhhhhh what else? radius2 can initialize states from a process running in a local or remote debugger so radius2 -p dbg:// -a addr -s sym 64 num -S x0 sym 64 will place a breakpoint and once hit will initiallize the state with the current context of the debuggee, set the register x0 to a symbolic value, and then start symbolic execution. This can also be done with frida so radius2 -p frida://usb/attach//wpa_supplicant -a free ... will set a hook on free and when the hook is hit will initialize an exact state of the current process. You can even use radius2 on a process running in qemu or attached via JTAG with gdb://.

In a blog post Trail of Bits described its symbolic execution tool manticore with the expression "there's more than one way to skin a cat" and called manticore a "cat skinning machine". As radius2 is orders of magnitude faster, works on more architectures and file formats, and is even more flexible than manticore, radius2 should be thought of as a Cat-Skinning Optimus Prime.