diff --git a/doc/api/errors.md b/doc/api/errors.md
index 4d3829f78e7b95..3e8b9dfc33043a 100644
--- a/doc/api/errors.md
+++ b/doc/api/errors.md
@@ -3072,6 +3072,16 @@ added: v18.1.0
The `Response` that has been passed to `WebAssembly.compileStreaming` or to
`WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming` is not a valid WebAssembly response.
+The thread requested in [`connect()`][] refused the connection or has no connections listener provided.
@@ -3085,6 +3095,16 @@ The `Worker` initialization failed.
The `execArgv` option passed to the `Worker` constructor contains
invalid flags.
+The thread ID requested in [`connect()`][] is invalid.
@@ -3104,6 +3124,16 @@ The `Worker` instance terminated because it reached its memory limit.
The path for the main script of a worker is neither an absolute path
nor a relative path starting with `./` or `../`.
+The thread id requested in [`connect()`][] is the current thread id.
@@ -3999,6 +4029,7 @@ An error occurred trying to allocate memory. This should never happen.
[`Writable`]: stream.md#class-streamwritable
[`child_process`]: child_process.md
[`cipher.getAuthTag()`]: crypto.md#ciphergetauthtag
+[`connect()`]: worker_threads.md#workerconnecttarget-data-timeout
[`crypto.getDiffieHellman()`]: crypto.md#cryptogetdiffiehellmangroupname
[`crypto.scrypt()`]: crypto.md#cryptoscryptpassword-salt-keylen-options-callback
[`crypto.scryptSync()`]: crypto.md#cryptoscryptsyncpassword-salt-keylen-options
diff --git a/doc/api/worker_threads.md b/doc/api/worker_threads.md
index e4e842c6d21365..a255195f202d75 100644
--- a/doc/api/worker_threads.md
+++ b/doc/api/worker_threads.md
@@ -61,6 +61,128 @@ Worker threads inherit non-process-specific options by default. Refer to
[`Worker constructor options`][] to know how to customize worker thread options,
specifically `argv` and `execArgv` options.
+## `worker.connect(target[, data][, timeout])`
+> Stability: 1.1 - Active development
+* `target` {number} The target thread ID.
+* `data` {any} Any arbitrary, cloneable JavaScript value.
+ The data will be passed as the second argument to the callback provided in the
+ target thread via [`worker.setConnectionsListener()`][].
+* `timeout` {number} Time to wait for the communication port to the target thread,
+ in milliseconds. By default it's `undefined`, which means wait forever.
+* Returns: {Promise} A promise for a `MessagePort`.
+Establishes a connection to another worker thread in the same process, returning a
+`MessagePort` that can be used for the communication.
+The target thread must have a connection listener setup via [`worker.setConnectionsListener()`][]
+otherwise the connection request will fail.
+This method does not support transferables in the `data` argument. If there is need to
+transfer objects between threads it can be accomplished via the returned port once the
+connection has been established.
+This method should be used when the target thread is not the direct
+parent or child of the current thread.
+If the two threads are parent-children, use the [`require('node:worker_threads').parentPort.postMessage()`][]
+and the [`worker.postMessage()`][] to let the threads communicate.
+If the messages never need transferable, use `BroadcastChannel` for the communication. Remember that
+they are one to many channels so if you need to narrow it down to a one to one channel you will have to
+ensure only two threads subscribe to a certain channel, for instance by using unique channel IDs.
+The example below shows the combined use of `connect` and [`worker.setConnectionsListener()`][]:
+it creates 10 nested threads, the last one will try to communicate with the third one.
+Since `MessagePort`s cannot be transferred in `BroadcastChannel`, the `connect` API was the only way
+to let the two threads talk.
+import { fileURLToPath } from 'node:url';
+import {
+ Worker,
+ connect,
+ setConnectionsListener,
+ threadId,
+ workerData,
+} from 'node:worker_threads';
+const level = workerData?.level ?? 0;
+const targetThread =
+ workerData?.targetThread ?? (level === 2 ? threadId : undefined);
+if (level < 10) {
+ const worker = new Worker(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url), {
+ workerData: { level: level + 1, targetThread },
+ });
+if (level === 2) {
+ setConnectionsListener((sender, port, data) => {
+ port.on('message', (message) => {
+ console.log(`${sender} -> ${threadId}`, message);
+ port.postMessage({ message: 'pong', data });
+ });
+ return true;
+ });
+} else if (level === 10) {
+ const port = await connect(targetThread, { foo: 'bar' });
+ port.on('message', (message) => {
+ console.log(`${targetThread} -> ${threadId}`, message);
+ port.close();
+ });
+ port.postMessage({ message: 'ping' });
+const {
+ Worker,
+ connect,
+ setConnectionsListener,
+ threadId,
+ workerData,
+} = require('node:worker_threads');
+const level = workerData?.level ?? 0;
+const targetThread =
+ workerData?.targetThread ?? (level === 2 ? threadId : undefined);
+if (level < 10) {
+ const worker = new Worker(__filename, {
+ workerData: { level: level + 1, targetThread },
+ });
+if (level === 2) {
+ setConnectionsListener((sender, port, data) => {
+ port.on('message', (message) => {
+ console.log(`${sender} -> ${threadId}`, message);
+ port.postMessage({ message: 'pong', data });
+ });
+ return true;
+ });
+} else if (level === 10) {
+ connect(targetThread, { foo: 'bar' }).then((port) => {
+ port.on('message', (message) => {
+ console.log(`${targetThread} -> ${threadId}`, message);
+ port.close();
+ });
+ port.postMessage({ message: 'ping' });
+ });
## `worker.getEnvironmentData(key)`
+> Stability: 1.1 - Active development
+* `fn` {Function} A callback to be executed when [`worker.connect()`][] is called from another thread.
+ The function will receive the following arguments:
+ * `sender` {number} The other thread ID.
+ * `port` {MessagePort} The port than can be used to communicate with the other thread.
+ * `data` {any} The data passed as second argument to [`worker.connect()`][].
+The function must return `true` to accept the connection or any other value to
+refuse the connection. If the function returns a `Promise`, it will be awaited.
+Sets the callback that handles connection from other worker threads in the same process.
+If the callback is `null` or `undefined` then the current listener is removed.
+When no listeners are present (the default) all connection requests are immediately
+See the example in [`worker.connect()`][] for more info on how to use this function and its callback.
## `worker.setEnvironmentData(key[, value])`