diff --git a/doc/api/errors.md b/doc/api/errors.md
index b786975c5fcbe0..79a653e98c72bc 100644
--- a/doc/api/errors.md
+++ b/doc/api/errors.md
@@ -1842,6 +1842,13 @@ A policy manifest resource had an invalid value for one of its fields. Update
the manifest entry to match in order to resolve this error. See the
documentation for [policy][] manifests for more information.
+A policy manifest resource had an invalid value for one of its dependency
+mappings. Update the manifest entry to match to resolve this error. See the
+documentation for [policy][] manifests for more information.
diff --git a/doc/api/policy.md b/doc/api/policy.md
index 6cca07f8ba59b2..01b3eba0a33084 100644
--- a/doc/api/policy.md
+++ b/doc/api/policy.md
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ by defining an "onerror" field in a policy manifest. The following values are
available to change the behavior:
* `"exit"`: will exit the process immediately.
- No cleanup code will be allowed to run.
+ No cleanup code will be allowed to run.
* `"log"`: will log the error at the site of the failure.
* `"throw"`: will throw a JS error at the site of the failure. This is the
@@ -80,9 +80,9 @@ compatible with the browser
[integrity attribute](https://www.w3.org/TR/SRI/#the-integrity-attribute)
associated with absolute URLs.
-When using `require()` all resources involved in loading are checked for
-integrity if a policy manifest has been specified. If a resource does not match
-the integrity listed in the manifest, an error will be thrown.
+When using `require()` or `import` all resources involved in loading are checked
+for integrity if a policy manifest has been specified. If a resource does not
+match the integrity listed in the manifest, an error will be thrown.
An example policy file that would allow loading a file `checked.js`:
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ and hash fragment. `./a.js?b` will not be used when attempting to load
`./a.js` and vice versa.
To generate integrity strings, a script such as
-`printf "sha384-$(cat checked.js | openssl dgst -sha384 -binary | base64)"`
+`node -e 'process.stdout.write("sha256-");process.stdin.pipe(crypto.createHash("sha256").setEncoding("base64")).pipe(process.stdout)' < FILE`
can be used.
Integrity can be specified as the boolean value `true` to accept any
@@ -140,13 +140,37 @@ The dependencies are keyed by the requested specifier string and have values
of either `true`, `null`, a string pointing to a module to be resolved,
or a conditions object.
-The specifier string does not perform any searching and must match exactly
-what is provided to the `require()` or `import`. Therefore, multiple specifiers
-may be needed in the policy if it uses multiple different strings to point
-to the same module (such as excluding the extension).
+The specifier string does not perform any searching and must match exactly what
+is provided to the `require()` or `import` except for a canonicalization step.
+Therefore, multiple specifiers may be needed in the policy if it uses multiple
+different strings to point to the same module (such as excluding the extension).
-If the value of the redirection is `true` the default searching algorithms are
-used to find the module.
+Specifier strings are canonicalized but not resolved prior to be used for
+matching in order to have some compatibility with import maps, for example if a
+resource `file:///C:/app/server.js` was given the following redirection from a
+policy located at `file:///C:/app/policy.json`:
+ "resources": {
+ "file:///C:/app/utils.js": {
+ "dependencies": {
+ "./utils.js": "./utils-v2.js"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+Any specifier used to load `file:///C:/app/utils.js` would then be intercepted
+and redirected to `file:///C:/app/utils-v2.js` instead regardless of using an
+absolute or relative specifier. However, if a specifier that is not an absolute
+or relative URL string is used, it would not be intercepted. So, if an import
+such as `import('#utils')` was used, it would not be intercepted.
+If the value of the redirection is `true`, a "dependencies" field at the top of
+the policy file will be used. If that field at the top of the policy file is
+`true` the default node searching algorithms are used to find the module.
If the value of the redirection is a string, it is resolved relative to
the manifest and then immediately used without searching.
@@ -207,7 +231,8 @@ is found by recursively reducing the resource URL by removing segments for
hash fragment. This leads to the eventual reduction of the URL to its origin.
If the URL is non-special the scope will be located by the URL's origin. If no
scope is found for the origin or in the case of opaque origins, a protocol
-string can be used as a scope.
+string can be used as a scope. If no scope is found for the URL's protocol, a
+final empty string `""` scope will be used.
Note, `blob:` URLs adopt their origin from the path they contain, and so a scope
of `"blob:https://nodejs.org"` will have no effect since no URL can have an
@@ -216,6 +241,61 @@ origin of `blob:https://nodejs.org`; URLs starting with
thus `https:` for its protocol scope. For opaque origin `blob:` URLs they will
have `blob:` for their protocol scope since they do not adopt origins.
+#### Example
+ "scopes": {
+ "file:///C:/app/": {},
+ "file:": {},
+ "": {}
+ }
+Given a file located at `file:///C:/app/bin/main.js`, the following scopes would
+be checked in order:
+1. `"file:///C:/app/bin/"`
+This determines the policy for all file based resources within
+`"file:///C:/app/bin/"`. This is not in the `"scopes"` field of the policy and
+would be skipped. Adding this scope to the policy would cause it to be used
+prior to the `"file:///C:/app/"` scope.
+2. `"file:///C:/app/"`
+This determines the policy for all file based resources within
+`"file:///C:/app/"`. This is in the `"scopes"` field of the policy and it would
+determine the policy for the resource at `file:///C:/app/bin/main.js`. If the
+scope has `"cascade": true`, any unsatisfied queries about the resource would
+delegate to the next relevant scope for `file:///C:/app/bin/main.js`, `"file:"`.
+3. `"file:///C:/"`
+This determines the policy for all file based resources within `"file:///C:/"`.
+This is not in the `"scopes"` field of the policy and would be skipped. It would
+not be used for `file:///C:/app/bin/main.js` unless `"file:///"` is set to
+cascade or is not in the `"scopes"` of the policy.
+4. `"file:///"`
+This determines the policy for all file based resources on the `localhost`. This
+is not in the `"scopes"` field of the policy and would be skipped. It would not
+be used for `file:///C:/app/bin/main.js` unless `"file:///"` is set to cascade
+or is not in the `"scopes"` of the policy.
+5. `"file:"`
+This determines the policy for all file based resources. It would not be used
+for `file:///C:/app/bin/main.js` unless `"file:///"` is set to cascade or is not
+in the `"scopes"` of the policy.
+6. `""`
+This determines the policy for all resources. It would not be used for
+`file:///C:/app/bin/main.js` unless `"file:"` is set to cascade.
#### Integrity using scopes
Setting an integrity to `true` on a scope will set the integrity for any
@@ -284,5 +364,64 @@ The following example, would allow access to `fs` for all `data:` resources:
-[relative-URL string]: https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#relative-url-with-fragment-string
+#### Example: [import maps][] emulation
+Given an import map:
+ "imports": {
+ "react": "./app/node_modules/react/index.js"
+ },
+ "scopes": {
+ "./ssr/": {
+ "react": "./app/node_modules/server-side-react/index.js"
+ }
+ }
+ "dependencies": true,
+ "scopes": {
+ "": {
+ "cascade": true,
+ "dependencies": {
+ "react": "./app/node_modules/react/index.js"
+ }
+ },
+ "./ssr/": {
+ "cascade": true,
+ "dependencies": {
+ "react": "./app/node_modules/server-side-react/index.js"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+Import maps assume you can get any resource by default. This means
+`"dependencies"` at the top level of the policy should be set to `true`.
+Policies require this to be opt-in since it enables all resources of the
+application cross linkage which doesn't make sense for many scenarios. They also
+assume any given scope has access to any scope above its allowed dependencies;
+all scopes emulating import maps must set `"cascade": true`.
+Import maps only have a single top level scope for their "imports". So for
+emulating `"imports"` use the `""` scope. For emulating `"scopes"` use the
+`"scopes"` in a similar manner to how `"scopes"` works in import maps.
+Caveats: Policies do not use string matching for various finding of scope. They
+do URL traversals. This means things like `blob:` and `data:` URLs might not be
+entirely interoperable between the two systems. For example import maps can
+partially match a `data:` or `blob:` URL by partitioning the URL on a `/`
+character, policies intentionally cannot. For `blob:` URLs import map scopes do
+not adopt the origin of the `blob:` URL.
+Additionally, import maps only work on `import` so it may be desirable to add a
+`"import"` condition to all dependency mappings.
+[import maps]: https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#relative-url-with-fragment-string
+[relative-url string]: https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#relative-url-with-fragment-string
[special schemes]: https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#special-scheme
diff --git a/lib/internal/errors.js b/lib/internal/errors.js
index 7541d7d1eb8926..0ba45e63387415 100644
--- a/lib/internal/errors.js
+++ b/lib/internal/errors.js
@@ -1360,6 +1360,9 @@ E('ERR_MANIFEST_INTEGRITY_MISMATCH',
'Manifest resource %s has invalid property value for %s',
+ 'Manifest resource %s has invalid dependency mapping %s',
+ TypeError);
E('ERR_MANIFEST_TDZ', 'Manifest initialization has not yet run', Error);
'Manifest specified unknown error behavior "%s".',
diff --git a/lib/internal/policy/manifest.js b/lib/internal/policy/manifest.js
index a8420343db1a3c..42ff63e87dc9cf 100644
--- a/lib/internal/policy/manifest.js
+++ b/lib/internal/policy/manifest.js
@@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
'use strict';
+// #region imports
const {
+ ArrayPrototypeSort,
+ RegExpPrototypeExec,
@@ -15,13 +18,10 @@ const {
} = primordials;
-const {
- canBeRequiredByUsers
-} = require('internal/bootstrap/loaders').NativeModule;
const {
} = require('internal/errors').codes;
let debug = require('internal/util/debuglog').debuglog('policy', (fn) => {
@@ -37,12 +37,13 @@ const HashDigest = uncurryThis(crypto.Hash.prototype.digest);
const BufferToString = uncurryThis(Buffer.prototype.toString);
const kRelativeURLStringPattern = /^\.{0,2}\//;
const { getOptionValue } = require('internal/options');
-const shouldAbortOnUncaughtException =
- getOptionValue('--abort-on-uncaught-exception');
+const shouldAbortOnUncaughtException = getOptionValue(
+ '--abort-on-uncaught-exception'
const { abort, exit, _rawDebug } = process;
+// #endregion
-const kTerminate = () => null;
+// #region constants
// From https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#special-scheme
const kSpecialSchemes = new SafeSet([
@@ -53,7 +54,14 @@ const kSpecialSchemes = new SafeSet([
+ * @type {symbol}
+ */
const kCascade = Symbol('cascade');
+ * @type {symbol}
+ */
+const kFallThrough = Symbol('fall through');
function REACTION_THROW(error) {
throw error;
@@ -70,31 +78,306 @@ function REACTION_EXIT(error) {
function REACTION_LOG(error) {
+// #endregion
+// #region DependencyMapperInstance
+class DependencyMapperInstance {
+ /**
+ * @type {string}
+ */
+ href;
+ /**
+ * @type {DependencyMap | undefined}
+ */
+ #dependencies;
+ /**
+ * @type {PatternDependencyMap | undefined}
+ */
+ #patternDependencies;
+ /**
+ * @type {DependencyMapperInstance | null | undefined}
+ */
+ #parentDependencyMapper;
+ /**
+ * @type {boolean}
+ */
+ #normalized = false;
+ /**
+ * @type {boolean}
+ */
+ cascade;
+ /**
+ * @type {boolean}
+ */
+ allowSameHREFScope;
+ /**
+ * @param {string} parentHREF
+ * @param {DependencyMap | undefined} dependencies
+ * @param {boolean} cascade
+ * @param {boolean} allowSameHREFScope
+ */
+ constructor(
+ parentHREF,
+ dependencies,
+ cascade = false,
+ allowSameHREFScope = false) {
+ this.href = parentHREF;
+ if (dependencies === kFallThrough ||
+ dependencies === undefined ||
+ dependencies === null) {
+ this.#dependencies = dependencies;
+ this.#patternDependencies = undefined;
+ } else {
+ const patterns = [];
+ for (const { 0: key } of ObjectEntries(dependencies)) {
+ if (StringPrototypeEndsWith(key, '*')) {
+ const target = RegExpPrototypeExec(/^([^*]*)\*([^*]*)$/);
+ if (!target) {
+ this.href,
+ target +
+ ', pattern needs to have a single' +
+ 'trailing "*" in target');
+ }
+ const prefix = target[1];
+ const suffix = target[2];
+ patterns.push([
+ target.slice(0, -1),
+ [prefix, suffix],
+ ]);
+ }
+ }
+ ArrayPrototypeSort(patterns, (a, b) => {
+ return a[0] < b[0] ? -1 : 1;
+ });
+ this.#dependencies = dependencies;
+ this.#patternDependencies = patterns;
+ }
+ this.cascade = cascade;
+ this.allowSameHREFScope = allowSameHREFScope;
+ ObjectFreeze(this);
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * @param {string} normalizedSpecifier
+ * @param {Set} conditions
+ * @param {Manifest} manifest
+ * @returns {URL | typeof kFallThrough | null}
+ */
+ _resolveAlreadyNormalized(normalizedSpecifier, conditions, manifest) {
+ let dependencies = this.#dependencies;
+ debug(this.href, 'resolving', normalizedSpecifier);
+ if (dependencies === kFallThrough) return true;
+ if (dependencies !== undefined && typeof dependencies === 'object') {
+ const normalized = this.#normalized;
+ if (normalized !== true) {
+ /**
+ * @type {Record}
+ */
+ const normalizedDependencyMap = ObjectCreate(null);
+ for (let specifier in dependencies) {
+ const target = dependencies[specifier];
+ specifier = canonicalizeSpecifier(specifier, manifest.href);
+ normalizedDependencyMap[specifier] = target;
+ }
+ ObjectFreeze(normalizedDependencyMap);
+ dependencies = normalizedDependencyMap;
+ this.#dependencies = normalizedDependencyMap;
+ this.#normalized = true;
+ }
+ debug(dependencies);
+ if (normalizedSpecifier in dependencies === true) {
+ const to = searchDependencies(
+ this.href,
+ dependencies[normalizedSpecifier],
+ conditions
+ );
+ debug({ to });
+ if (to === true) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ let ret;
+ if (parsedURLs && parsedURLs.has(to)) {
+ ret = parsedURLs.get(to);
+ } else if (RegExpPrototypeTest(kRelativeURLStringPattern, to)) {
+ ret = resolve(to, manifest.href);
+ } else {
+ ret = resolve(to);
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ }
+ const { cascade } = this;
+ if (cascade !== true) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ let parentDependencyMapper = this.#parentDependencyMapper;
+ if (parentDependencyMapper === undefined) {
+ parentDependencyMapper = manifest.getScopeDependencyMapper(
+ this.href,
+ this.allowSameHREFScope
+ );
+ this.#parentDependencyMapper = parentDependencyMapper;
+ }
+ if (parentDependencyMapper === null) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return parentDependencyMapper._resolveAlreadyNormalized(
+ normalizedSpecifier,
+ conditions,
+ manifest
+ );
+ }
+const kArbitraryDependencies = new DependencyMapperInstance(
+ 'arbitrary dependencies',
+ kFallThrough,
+ false,
+ true
+const kNoDependencies = new DependencyMapperInstance(
+ 'no dependencies',
+ null,
+ false,
+ true
+ * @param {string} href
+ * @param {JSONDependencyMap} dependencies
+ * @param {boolean} cascade
+ * @param {Map} store
+ */
+const insertDependencyMap = (
+ href,
+ dependencies,
+ cascade,
+ allowSameHREFScope,
+ store
+) => {
+ if (cascade !== undefined && typeof cascade !== 'boolean') {
+ throw new ERR_MANIFEST_INVALID_RESOURCE_FIELD(href, 'cascade');
+ }
+ if (dependencies === true) {
+ store.set(href, kArbitraryDependencies);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (dependencies === null || dependencies === undefined) {
+ store.set(
+ href,
+ cascade ?
+ new DependencyMapperInstance(href, null, true, allowSameHREFScope) :
+ kNoDependencies
+ );
+ return;
+ }
+ if (objectButNotArray(dependencies)) {
+ store.set(
+ href,
+ new DependencyMapperInstance(
+ href,
+ dependencies,
+ cascade,
+ allowSameHREFScope
+ )
+ );
+ return;
+ }
+ throw new ERR_MANIFEST_INVALID_RESOURCE_FIELD(href, 'dependencies');
+ * Finds the longest key within `this.#scopeDependencies` that covers a
+ * specific HREF
+ * @param {string} href
+ * @param {ScopeStore} scopeStore
+ * @returns {null | string}
+ */
+function findScopeHREF(href, scopeStore, allowSame) {
+ let protocol;
+ if (href !== '') {
+ // default URL parser does some stuff to special urls... skip if this is
+ // just the protocol
+ if (RegExpPrototypeTest(/^[^:]*[:]$/, href)) {
+ protocol = href;
+ } else {
+ let currentURL = new URL(href);
+ const normalizedHREF = currentURL.href;
+ protocol = currentURL.protocol;
+ // Non-opaque blobs adopt origins
+ if (protocol === 'blob:' && currentURL.origin !== 'null') {
+ currentURL = new URL(currentURL.origin);
+ protocol = currentURL.protocol;
+ }
+ // Only a few schemes are hierarchical
+ if (kSpecialSchemes.has(currentURL.protocol)) {
+ // Make first '..' act like '.'
+ if (!StringPrototypeEndsWith(currentURL.pathname, '/')) {
+ currentURL.pathname += '/';
+ }
+ let lastHREF;
+ let currentHREF = currentURL.href;
+ do {
+ if (scopeStore.has(currentHREF)) {
+ if (allowSame || currentHREF !== normalizedHREF) {
+ return currentHREF;
+ }
+ }
+ lastHREF = currentHREF;
+ currentURL = new URL('..', currentURL);
+ currentHREF = currentURL.href;
+ } while (lastHREF !== currentHREF);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (scopeStore.has(protocol)) {
+ if (allowSame || protocol !== href) return protocol;
+ }
+ if (scopeStore.has('')) {
+ if (allowSame || '' !== href) return '';
+ }
+ return null;
+// #endregion
+ * @typedef {Record | typeof kFallThrough} DependencyMap
+ * @typedef {Array<[string, [string, string]]>} PatternDependencyMap
+ * @typedef {Record | null | true} JSONDependencyMap
+ */
+ * @typedef {Map} ScopeStore
* @typedef {(specifier: string) => true | URL} DependencyMapper
- * @typedef {Record | true} DependencyMap
- * @typedef {true | string | SRI[]} Integrity
+ * @typedef {boolean | string | SRI[] | typeof kCascade} Integrity
class Manifest {
+ #defaultDependencies;
- * @type {Map}
- *
- * Used to compare a resource to the content body at the resource.
- * `true` is used to signify that all integrities are allowed, otherwise,
- * SRI strings are parsed to compare with the body.
+ * @type {string}
+ */
+ href;
+ /**
+ * @type {(err: Error) => void}
- * Separate from #resourceDependencies due to conflicts with things like
- * `blob:` being both a scope and a resource potentially as well as
- * `file:` being parsed to `file:///` instead of remaining host neutral.
+ * Performs default action for what happens when a manifest encounters
+ * a violation such as abort()ing or exiting the process, throwing the error,
+ * or logging the error.
- #scopeDependencies = new SafeMap();
+ #reaction;
- * @type {Map}
+ * @type {Map}
- * Used to allow arbitrary loading within a scope
+ * Used to find where a dependency is located.
+ *
+ * This stores functions to lazily calculate locations as needed.
+ * `true` is used to signify that the location is not specified
+ * by the manifest and default resolution should be allowed.
+ *
+ * The functions return `null` to signify that a dependency is
+ * not found
- #scopeIntegrities = new SafeMap();
+ #resourceDependencies = new SafeMap();
* @type {Map}
@@ -109,26 +392,23 @@ class Manifest {
#resourceIntegrities = new SafeMap();
- * @type {Map}
- *
- * Used to find where a dependency is located.
+ * @type {ScopeStore}
- * This stores functions to lazily calculate locations as needed.
- * `true` is used to signify that the location is not specified
- * by the manifest and default resolution should be allowed.
+ * Used to compare a resource to the content body at the resource.
+ * `true` is used to signify that all integrities are allowed, otherwise,
+ * SRI strings are parsed to compare with the body.
- * The functions return `null` to signify that a dependency is
- * not found
+ * Separate from #resourceDependencies due to conflicts with things like
+ * `blob:` being both a scope and a resource potentially as well as
+ * `file:` being parsed to `file:///` instead of remaining host neutral.
- #resourceDependencies = new SafeMap();
+ #scopeDependencies = new SafeMap();
- * @type {(err: Error) => void}
+ * @type {Map}
- * Performs default action for what happens when a manifest encounters
- * a violation such as abort()ing or exiting the process, throwing the error,
- * or logging the error.
+ * Used to allow arbitrary loading within a scope
- #reaction = null;
+ #scopeIntegrities = new SafeMap();
* `obj` should match the policy file format described in the docs
* it is expected to not have prototype pollution issues either by reassigning
@@ -137,17 +417,16 @@ class Manifest {
* `manifestURL` is a URL to resolve relative locations against.
* @param {object} obj
- * @param {string} manifestURL
+ * @param {string} manifestHREF
- constructor(obj, manifestURL) {
+ constructor(obj, manifestHREF) {
+ this.href = manifestHREF;
const scopes = this.#scopeDependencies;
- scopes.set(null, kTerminate);
- scopes.set(undefined, kTerminate);
const integrities = this.#resourceIntegrities;
- const dependencies = this.#resourceDependencies;
+ const resourceDependencies = this.#resourceDependencies;
let reaction = REACTION_THROW;
- if (obj.onerror) {
+ if (objectButNotArray(obj) && 'onerror' in obj) {
const behavior = obj.onerror;
if (behavior === 'throw') {
} else if (behavior === 'exit') {
@@ -160,319 +439,96 @@ class Manifest {
this.#reaction = reaction;
- const jsonResourcesEntries = ObjectEntries(obj.resources ?? {});
- const jsonScopesEntries = ObjectEntries(obj.scopes ?? {});
- function searchDependencies(resourceHREF, target, conditions) {
- if (
- target &&
- typeof target === 'object' &&
- !ArrayIsArray(target)
- ) {
- const keys = ObjectKeys(target);
- for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
- const key = keys[i];
- if (conditions.has(key)) {
- const ret = searchDependencies(
- resourceHREF,
- target[key],
- conditions);
- if (ret != null) {
- return ret;
- }
- }
- }
- } else if (typeof target === 'string') {
- return target;
- } else if (target === true) {
- return target;
- } else {
- resourceHREF,
- 'dependencies');
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * @param {string} resourceHREF
- * @param {{[key: string]: string | true}} dependencyMap
- * @param {boolean} cascade
- * @returns {DependencyMapper}
- */
- const createDependencyMapper = (
- resourceHREF,
- dependencyMap,
- cascade
- ) => {
- let parentDeps;
- return (toSpecifier, conditions) => {
- if (toSpecifier in dependencyMap !== true) {
- if (cascade === true) {
- /** @type {string | null} */
- let scopeHREF = resourceHREF;
- if (typeof parentDeps === 'undefined') {
- do {
- scopeHREF = this.#findScopeHREF(scopeHREF);
- if (scopeHREF === resourceHREF) {
- scopeHREF = null;
- }
- if (scopes.has(scopeHREF)) {
- break;
- }
- } while (
- scopeHREF !== null
- );
- parentDeps = scopes.get(scopeHREF);
- }
- return parentDeps(toSpecifier);
- }
- return null;
- }
- const to = searchDependencies(
- resourceHREF,
- dependencyMap[toSpecifier],
- conditions);
- if (to === true) {
- return true;
- }
- if (parsedURLs.has(to)) {
- return parsedURLs.get(to);
- } else if (canBeRequiredByUsers(to)) {
- const href = `node:${to}`;
- const resolvedURL = new URL(href);
- parsedURLs.set(to, resolvedURL);
- parsedURLs.set(href, resolvedURL);
- return resolvedURL;
- } else if (RegExpPrototypeTest(kRelativeURLStringPattern, to)) {
- const resolvedURL = new URL(to, manifestURL);
- const href = resourceHREF;
- parsedURLs.set(to, resolvedURL);
- parsedURLs.set(href, resolvedURL);
- return resolvedURL;
- }
- const resolvedURL = new URL(to);
- const href = resourceHREF;
- parsedURLs.set(to, resolvedURL);
- parsedURLs.set(href, resolvedURL);
- return resolvedURL;
- };
- };
- /**
- * Stores URLs keyed by string specifier relative to the manifest
- * @type {Map}
- */
- const parsedURLs = new SafeMap();
+ const jsonResourcesEntries = ObjectEntries(
+ obj.resources ?? ObjectCreate(null)
+ );
+ const jsonScopesEntries = ObjectEntries(obj.scopes ?? ObjectCreate(null));
+ const defaultDependencies = obj.dependencies ?? ObjectCreate(null);
- /**
- * Resolves a valid url string against the manifest
- * @param {string} originalHREF
- * @returns {string}
- */
- const resolve = (originalHREF) => {
- if (parsedURLs.has(originalHREF)) {
- return parsedURLs.get(originalHREF).href;
- } else if (
- RegExpPrototypeTest(kRelativeURLStringPattern, originalHREF)
- ) {
- const resourceURL = new URL(originalHREF, manifestURL);
- const resourceHREF = resourceURL.href;
- parsedURLs.set(originalHREF, resourceURL);
- parsedURLs.set(resourceURL.href, resourceURL);
- return resourceHREF;
- }
- const resourceURL = new URL(originalHREF);
- const resourceHREF = resourceURL.href;
- parsedURLs.set(originalHREF, resourceURL);
- return resourceHREF;
- };
- /**
- * @param {string} resourceHREF
- * @param {DependencyMap} dependencyMap
- * @param {boolean} cascade
- * @param {Map} store
- */
- const insertDependencyMap = (
- resourceHREF,
- dependencyMap,
- cascade,
- store
- ) => {
- if (cascade !== undefined && typeof cascade !== 'boolean') {
- resourceHREF,
- 'cascade');
- }
- if (dependencyMap === null || dependencyMap === undefined) {
- dependencyMap = ObjectCreate(null);
- }
- if (
- typeof dependencyMap === 'object' &&
- !ArrayIsArray(dependencyMap)
- ) {
- const dependencyRedirectList = createDependencyMapper(
- resourceHREF,
- dependencyMap,
- cascade);
- store.set(resourceHREF, dependencyRedirectList);
- return;
- } else if (dependencyMap === true) {
- const arbitraryDependencies = /** @type {()=>true} */() => true;
- store.set(resourceHREF, arbitraryDependencies);
- return;
- }
- resourceHREF,
- 'dependencies');
- };
- /**
- * Does a special allowance for scopes to be non-valid URLs
- * that are only protocol strings
- * @param {string} resourceHREF
- * @returns {string}
- */
- const protocolOrResolve = (resourceHREF) => {
- if (StringPrototypeEndsWith(resourceHREF, ':')) {
- // URL parse will trim these anyway, save the compute
- resourceHREF = StringPrototypeReplace(
- resourceHREF,
- // eslint-disable-next-line
- /^[\x00-\x1F\x20]|\x09\x0A\x0D|[\x00-\x1F\x20]$/g,
- ''
- );
- if (RegExpPrototypeTest(/^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z+\-.]*:$/, resourceHREF)) {
- return resourceHREF;
- }
- }
- return resolve(resourceHREF);
- };
+ this.#defaultDependencies = new DependencyMapperInstance(
+ 'default',
+ defaultDependencies === true ? kFallThrough : defaultDependencies,
+ false
+ );
for (let i = 0; i < jsonResourcesEntries.length; i++) {
- const { 0: originalHREF, 1: resourceDescriptor } =
- jsonResourcesEntries[i];
- const cascade = resourceDescriptor.cascade;
- const dependencyMap = resourceDescriptor.dependencies;
- const resourceHREF = resolve(originalHREF);
+ const { 0: originalHREF, 1: descriptor } = jsonResourcesEntries[i];
+ const { cascade, dependencies, integrity } = descriptor;
+ const href = resolve(originalHREF, manifestHREF).href;
- const integrity = resourceDescriptor.integrity;
if (typeof integrity !== 'undefined') {
debug('Manifest contains integrity for resource %s', originalHREF);
- if (integrities.has(resourceHREF)) {
- if (integrities.get(resourceHREF) !== integrity) {
- }
- }
if (typeof integrity === 'string') {
- integrities.set(resourceHREF, integrity);
+ integrities.set(href, integrity);
} else if (integrity === true) {
- integrities.set(resourceHREF, true);
+ integrities.set(href, true);
} else {
- resourceHREF,
- 'integrity');
+ throw new ERR_MANIFEST_INVALID_RESOURCE_FIELD(href, 'integrity');
} else {
- integrities.set(resourceHREF, cascade ? kCascade : null);
+ integrities.set(href, cascade === true ? kCascade : false);
- insertDependencyMap(resourceHREF, dependencyMap, cascade, dependencies);
+ insertDependencyMap(
+ href,
+ dependencies,
+ cascade,
+ true,
+ resourceDependencies
+ );
const scopeIntegrities = this.#scopeIntegrities;
for (let i = 0; i < jsonScopesEntries.length; i++) {
- const { 0: originalHREF, 1: scopeDescriptor } = jsonScopesEntries[i];
- const integrity = scopeDescriptor.integrity;
- const cascade = scopeDescriptor.cascade;
- const dependencyMap = scopeDescriptor.dependencies;
- const resourceHREF = protocolOrResolve(originalHREF);
+ const { 0: originalHREF, 1: descriptor } = jsonScopesEntries[i];
+ const { cascade, dependencies, integrity } = descriptor;
+ const href = emptyOrProtocolOrResolve(originalHREF, manifestHREF);
if (typeof integrity !== 'undefined') {
debug('Manifest contains integrity for scope %s', originalHREF);
- if (scopeIntegrities.has(resourceHREF)) {
- if (scopeIntegrities.get(resourceHREF) !== integrity) {
- }
- }
if (integrity === true) {
- scopeIntegrities.set(resourceHREF, true);
+ scopeIntegrities.set(href, true);
} else {
- resourceHREF,
- 'integrity');
+ throw new ERR_MANIFEST_INVALID_RESOURCE_FIELD(href, 'integrity');
} else {
- scopeIntegrities.set(resourceHREF, cascade ? kCascade : null);
+ scopeIntegrities.set(href, cascade === true ? kCascade : false);
- insertDependencyMap(resourceHREF, dependencyMap, cascade, scopes);
+ insertDependencyMap(href, dependencies, cascade, false, scopes);
- /**
- * Finds the longest key within `this.#scopeDependencies` that covers a
- * specific HREF
- * @param {string} href
- * @returns {null | string}
- */
- #findScopeHREF = (href) => {
- let currentURL = new URL(href);
- let protocol = currentURL.protocol;
- // Non-opaque blobs adopt origins
- if (protocol === 'blob:' && currentURL.origin !== 'null') {
- currentURL = new URL(currentURL.origin);
- protocol = currentURL.protocol;
- }
- // Only a few schemes are hierarchical
- if (kSpecialSchemes.has(currentURL.protocol)) {
- // Make first '..' act like '.'
- if (!StringPrototypeEndsWith(currentURL.pathname, '/')) {
- currentURL.pathname += '/';
- }
- let lastHREF;
- let currentHREF = currentURL.href;
- do {
- if (this.#scopeDependencies.has(currentHREF)) {
- return currentHREF;
- }
- lastHREF = currentHREF;
- currentURL = new URL('..', currentURL);
- currentHREF = currentURL.href;
- } while (lastHREF !== currentHREF);
- }
- if (this.#scopeDependencies.has(protocol)) {
- return protocol;
- }
- return null;
- }
- #createResolver = (resolve) => {
- return {
- resolve: (to, conditions) => resolve(`${to}`, conditions),
- reaction: this.#reaction
- };
- }
* @param {string} requester
+ * @returns {{resolve: any, reaction: (err: any) => void}}
getDependencyMapper(requester) {
const requesterHREF = `${requester}`;
const dependencies = this.#resourceDependencies;
- if (dependencies.has(requesterHREF)) {
- return this.#createResolver(
- dependencies.get(requesterHREF) ||
- (() => null)
- );
- }
- const scopes = this.#scopeDependencies;
- if (scopes.size !== 0) {
- const scopeHREF = this.#findScopeHREF(requesterHREF);
- if (typeof scopeHREF === 'string') {
- return this.#createResolver(scopes.get(scopeHREF));
- }
- }
- return this.#createResolver(() => null);
+ /**
+ * @type {DependencyMapperInstance}
+ */
+ const instance = (
+ dependencies.has(requesterHREF) ?
+ dependencies.get(requesterHREF) ?? null :
+ this.getScopeDependencyMapper(requesterHREF, true)
+ ) ?? this.#defaultDependencies;
+ return {
+ resolve: (specifier, conditions) => {
+ const normalizedSpecifier = canonicalizeSpecifier(
+ specifier,
+ requesterHREF
+ );
+ const result = instance._resolveAlreadyNormalized(
+ normalizedSpecifier,
+ conditions,
+ this
+ );
+ if (result === kFallThrough) return true;
+ return result;
+ },
+ reaction: this.#reaction,
+ };
assertIntegrity(url, content) {
@@ -496,10 +552,7 @@ class Manifest {
if (ArrayIsArray(integrityEntries)) {
// Avoid clobbered Symbol.iterator
for (let i = 0; i < integrityEntries.length; i++) {
- const {
- algorithm,
- value: expected
- } = integrityEntries[i];
+ const { algorithm, value: expected } = integrityEntries[i];
const hash = createHash(algorithm);
// TODO(tniessen): the content should not be passed as a string in the
// first place, see https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/39707
@@ -509,10 +562,7 @@ class Manifest {
timingSafeEqual(digest, expected)) {
return true;
- realIntegrities.set(
- algorithm,
- BufferToString(digest, 'base64')
- );
+ realIntegrities.set(algorithm, BufferToString(digest, 'base64'));
@@ -521,7 +571,7 @@ class Manifest {
- let scope = this.#findScopeHREF(href);
+ let scope = findScopeHREF(href, this.#scopeIntegrities, true);
while (scope !== null) {
if (this.#scopeIntegrities.has(scope)) {
const entry = this.#scopeIntegrities.get(scope);
@@ -532,8 +582,8 @@ class Manifest {
- const nextScope = this.#findScopeHREF(new URL('..', scope));
- if (!nextScope || nextScope === scope) {
+ const nextScope = findScopeHREF(scope, this.#scopeDependencies, false);
+ if (!nextScope) {
scope = nextScope;
@@ -541,6 +591,24 @@ class Manifest {
const error = new ERR_MANIFEST_ASSERT_INTEGRITY(url, realIntegrities);
+ /**
+ * @param {string} href
+ * @param {boolean} allowSameHREFScope
+ * @returns {DependencyMapperInstance | null}
+ */
+ getScopeDependencyMapper(href, allowSameHREFScope) {
+ if (href === null) {
+ return this.#defaultDependencies;
+ }
+ /** @type {string | null} */
+ const scopeHREF = findScopeHREF(
+ href,
+ this.#scopeDependencies,
+ allowSameHREFScope
+ );
+ if (scopeHREF === null) return this.#defaultDependencies;
+ return this.#scopeDependencies.get(scopeHREF);
+ }
// Lock everything down to avoid problems even if reference is leaked somehow
@@ -549,3 +617,107 @@ ObjectSetPrototypeOf(Manifest.prototype, null);
module.exports = ObjectFreeze({ Manifest });
+// #region URL utils
+ * Attempts to canonicalize relative URL strings against a base URL string
+ * Does not perform I/O
+ * If not able to canonicalize, returns the original specifier
+ *
+ * This effectively removes the possibility of the return value being a relative
+ * URL string
+ * @param {string} specifier
+ * @param {string} base
+ * @returns {string}
+ */
+function canonicalizeSpecifier(specifier, base) {
+ try {
+ if (RegExpPrototypeTest(kRelativeURLStringPattern, specifier)) {
+ return resolve(specifier, base).href;
+ }
+ return resolve(specifier).href;
+ } catch {}
+ return specifier;
+ * Does a special allowance for scopes to be non-valid URLs
+ * that are only protocol strings or the empty string
+ * @param {string} resourceHREF
+ * @param {string} [base]
+ * @returns {string}
+ */
+const emptyOrProtocolOrResolve = (resourceHREF, base) => {
+ if (resourceHREF === '') return '';
+ if (StringPrototypeEndsWith(resourceHREF, ':')) {
+ // URL parse will trim these anyway, save the compute
+ resourceHREF = StringPrototypeReplace(
+ resourceHREF,
+ // eslint-disable-next-line
+ /^[\x00-\x1F\x20]|\x09\x0A\x0D|[\x00-\x1F\x20]$/g,
+ ''
+ );
+ if (RegExpPrototypeTest(/^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z+\-.]*:$/, resourceHREF)) {
+ return resourceHREF;
+ }
+ }
+ return resolve(resourceHREF, base).href;
+ * @type {Map}
+ */
+let parsedURLs;
+ * Resolves a valid url string and uses the parsed cache to avoid double parsing
+ * costs.
+ * @param {string} originalHREF
+ * @param {string} [base]
+ * @returns {Readonly}
+ */
+const resolve = (originalHREF, base) => {
+ parsedURLs = parsedURLs ?? new SafeMap();
+ if (parsedURLs.has(originalHREF)) {
+ return parsedURLs.get(originalHREF);
+ } else if (RegExpPrototypeTest(kRelativeURLStringPattern, originalHREF)) {
+ const resourceURL = new URL(originalHREF, base);
+ parsedURLs.set(resourceURL.href, resourceURL);
+ return resourceURL;
+ }
+ const resourceURL = new URL(originalHREF);
+ parsedURLs.set(originalHREF, resourceURL);
+ return resourceURL;
+// #endregion
+ * @param {any} o
+ * @returns {o is object}
+ */
+function objectButNotArray(o) {
+ return o && typeof o === 'object' && !ArrayIsArray(o);
+function searchDependencies(href, target, conditions) {
+ if (objectButNotArray(target)) {
+ const keys = ObjectKeys(target);
+ for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
+ const key = keys[i];
+ if (conditions.has(key)) {
+ const ret = searchDependencies(href, target[key], conditions);
+ if (ret != null) {
+ return ret;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (typeof target === 'string') {
+ return target;
+ } else if (target === true) {
+ return target;
+ } else {
+ throw new ERR_MANIFEST_INVALID_RESOURCE_FIELD(href, 'dependencies');
+ }
+ return null;
diff --git a/test/fixtures/policy/canonicalize.mjs b/test/fixtures/policy/canonicalize.mjs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..64e7cd117ad7c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/fixtures/policy/canonicalize.mjs
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+import resolveAsFS from './dep.js';
+import fs from 'fs';
+let correct = resolveAsFS === fs && typeof resolveAsFS === 'object';
+process.exit(correct ? 0 : 1);
diff --git a/test/fixtures/policy/dependencies/dependencies-missing-policy-default-true.json b/test/fixtures/policy/dependencies/dependencies-missing-policy-default-true.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..10ab862d2b0cc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/fixtures/policy/dependencies/dependencies-missing-policy-default-true.json
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ "dependencies": true,
+ "resources": {
+ "../parent.js": {
+ "cascade": true,
+ "integrity": true
+ },
+ "../dep.js": {
+ "cascade": true,
+ "integrity": true
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/fixtures/policy/dependencies/dependencies-redirect-builtin-policy.json b/test/fixtures/policy/dependencies/dependencies-redirect-builtin-policy.json
index 437228a2e50277..7d2715f96a5092 100644
--- a/test/fixtures/policy/dependencies/dependencies-redirect-builtin-policy.json
+++ b/test/fixtures/policy/dependencies/dependencies-redirect-builtin-policy.json
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"../parent.js": {
"integrity": true,
"dependencies": {
- "./dep.js": "node:util"
+ "../dep.js": "node:util"
diff --git a/test/fixtures/policy/dependencies/dependencies-redirect-policy.json b/test/fixtures/policy/dependencies/dependencies-redirect-policy.json
index 993a683f10a38f..c5b73403d5f864 100644
--- a/test/fixtures/policy/dependencies/dependencies-redirect-policy.json
+++ b/test/fixtures/policy/dependencies/dependencies-redirect-policy.json
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"../parent.js": {
"integrity": true,
"dependencies": {
- "./dep.js": "../dep.js"
+ "../dep.js": "../dep.js"
"../dep.js": {
diff --git a/test/fixtures/policy/dependencies/dependencies-redirect-unknown-builtin-policy.json b/test/fixtures/policy/dependencies/dependencies-redirect-unknown-builtin-policy.json
index db2046c6d36f07..a2bcb2676223d3 100644
--- a/test/fixtures/policy/dependencies/dependencies-redirect-unknown-builtin-policy.json
+++ b/test/fixtures/policy/dependencies/dependencies-redirect-unknown-builtin-policy.json
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"../parent.js": {
"integrity": true,
"dependencies": {
- "./dep.js": "node:404"
+ "../dep.js": "node:404"
diff --git a/test/fixtures/policy/dependencies/dependencies-scopes-relative-specifier.json b/test/fixtures/policy/dependencies/dependencies-scopes-relative-specifier.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..7ce0b0262e48a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/fixtures/policy/dependencies/dependencies-scopes-relative-specifier.json
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ "scopes": {
+ "file:": {
+ "integrity": true,
+ "cascade": true,
+ "dependencies": {
+ "fs": "node:fs",
+ "../dep.js": "node:fs"
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/test/parallel/test-policy-dependencies.js b/test/parallel/test-policy-dependencies.js
index 157da8295266db..decc164dadd253 100644
--- a/test/parallel/test-policy-dependencies.js
+++ b/test/parallel/test-policy-dependencies.js
@@ -16,12 +16,13 @@ const dep = fixtures.path('policy', 'parent.js');
- const { status } = spawnSync(
+ const { status, stderr, stdout } = spawnSync(
'--experimental-policy', depPolicy, dep,
+ console.log('%s\n%s', stderr, stdout);
assert.strictEqual(status, 0);
@@ -55,12 +56,13 @@ const dep = fixtures.path('policy', 'parent.js');
- const { status } = spawnSync(
+ const { status, stderr, stdout } = spawnSync(
'--experimental-policy', depPolicy, dep,
+ console.log('%s\n%s', stderr, stdout);
assert.strictEqual(status, 0);
@@ -76,6 +78,19 @@ const dep = fixtures.path('policy', 'parent.js');
assert.strictEqual(status, 1);
+ const depPolicy = fixtures.path(
+ 'policy',
+ 'dependencies',
+ 'dependencies-missing-policy-default-true.json');
+ const { status } = spawnSync(
+ process.execPath,
+ [
+ '--experimental-policy', depPolicy, dep,
+ ]
+ );
+ assert.strictEqual(status, 0);
const depPolicy = fixtures.path(
@@ -107,5 +122,25 @@ const dep = fixtures.path('policy', 'parent.js');
/SyntaxError: Named export 'doesNotExist' not found\./,
- 'Should give the real SyntaxError and position');
+ new Error('Should give the real SyntaxError and position'));
+ const depPolicy = fixtures.path(
+ 'policy',
+ 'dependencies',
+ 'dependencies-scopes-relative-specifier.json');
+ const { status } = spawnSync(
+ process.execPath,
+ [
+ '--experimental-policy',
+ depPolicy,
+ fixtures.path('policy', 'canonicalize.mjs'),
+ ]
+ );
+ assert.strictEqual(
+ status,
+ 0,
+ new Error(
+ 'policies should canonicalize specifiers by default prior to matching')
+ );
diff --git a/test/parallel/test-policy-scopes-dependencies.js b/test/parallel/test-policy-scopes-dependencies.js
index 53c44886146bfe..f4b93a08e58c47 100644
--- a/test/parallel/test-policy-scopes-dependencies.js
+++ b/test/parallel/test-policy-scopes-dependencies.js
@@ -38,6 +38,41 @@ const assert = require('assert');
+ {
+ const manifest = new Manifest({
+ scopes: {
+ '': {
+ dependencies: true
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ for (const href of baseURLs) {
+ assert.strictEqual(
+ manifest.getDependencyMapper(href).resolve('fs'),
+ true
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ const manifest = new Manifest({
+ scopes: {
+ '': {
+ dependencies: true
+ },
+ 'file:': {
+ cascade: true
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ for (const href of baseURLs) {
+ assert.strictEqual(
+ manifest.getDependencyMapper(href).resolve('fs'),
+ true
+ );
+ }
+ }
const manifest = new Manifest({
scopes: {