Writing your system compliance and acceptance tests in pure Bash. An alternative to ServerSpec/Inspec.
source shelter.sh test_service_sshd () { assert_success 'systemctl -q is-active sshd' } test_service_ntpd () { assert_success 'systemctl -q is-active ntpd' } shelter_run_test_class myservices test_service_ | shelter_human_formatter
Writing unit-tests for your shell scripts and libraries
source shelter.sh add () { bc <<< "$1 + $2" } test_add_int () { assert_stdout 'add 1 2' <<< 3 } test_add_float () { assert_stdout 'add 0.9 2.1' <<< '3.0' } test_add_invalid () { assert_fail 'add' } set -u shelter_run_test_class add test_add_ | shelter_human_formatter
- Machine-readable output
- JUnit XML output format support
- Environment is captured
- STDOUT and STDERR are captured
- Test case, class, suite support
- Multiple command-mocking strategies
- Detailed documentation (
man shelter.sh
, also see the test suite bolerplate script which you can copy and tailor to your needs)
source shelter.sh
foo () {
assert_success true
bar () {
assert_fail false
test_good_hello () {
assert_stdout 'echo Hello' <<< 'Hello'
test_good_world () {
assert_stdout 'echo World' <(echo World)
test_bad_stdout () {
assert_stdout 'echo TEST' <<< 'FAIL'
test_bad_exit () {
assert_success false
skip_this_one () {
assert_success 'echo This test will not be executed'
skip_this_one_too () {
assert_success 'echo Neither this one'
test_mock_ls () {
patch_command function ls 'printf "%s\n%s\n%s\n" file1 file2 file3'
assert_stdout ls <<EOF
unpatch_command ls
test_mock_invert_false () {
patch_command mount /usr/bin/false true
assert_success 'bash -c "/usr/bin/false"'
unpatch_command /usr/bin/false
assert_fail 'bash -c "/usr/bin/false"'
test_mock_uname () {
patch_command path uname 'echo "Microsoft Windows 1.0"'
assert_stdout uname <<< "Microsoft Windows 1.0"
unpatch_command uname
suite_1 () {
shelter_run_test_case foo
shelter_run_test_case bar
shelter_run_test_class SuccessfulTests test_good_
shelter_run_test_class FailingTests test_bad_
shelter_run_test_case skip_this_one
shelter_run_test_case skip_this_one_too
shelter_run_test_class MockingTests test_mock_
SHELTER_SKIP_TEST_CASES=(skip_this_one skip_this_one_too)
# Mount mocks require root privileges. Skip test_mock_invert_false
# if not run by root
[[ "$(id -u)" -eq 0 ]] || SHELTER_SKIP_TEST_CASES+=(test_mock_invert_false)
shelter_run_test_suite suite_1 | shelter_junit_formatter
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<testsuite name="suite_1" skipped="3" tests="11" time="0.071">
<testcase name="foo" status="0" time="0.010">
<testcase name="bar" status="0" time="0.007">
<testcase classname="SuccessfulTests" name="test_good_hello" status="0" time="0.007">
<testcase classname="SuccessfulTests" name="test_good_world" status="0" time="0.011">
<testcase classname="FailingTests" name="test_bad_exit" status="1" time="0.008">
<failure message=""false" failed" type="assert_success"></failure>
<testcase classname="FailingTests" name="test_bad_stdout" status="1" time="0.009">
<failure message="STDOUT of "echo TEST" does not match the contents of "-"" type="assert_stdout"></failure>
1 --- /dev/fd/58 2018-10-21 18:11:40.551902033 +0100
2 +++ - 2018-10-21 18:11:40.553649148 +0100
3 @@ -1 +1 @@
<testcase name="skip_this_one">
<testcase name="skip_this_one_too">
<testcase classname="MockingTests" name="test_mock_invert_false">
<testcase classname="MockingTests" name="test_mock_ls" status="0" time="0.009">
<testcase classname="MockingTests" name="test_mock_uname" status="0" time="0.010">
Running the same suite piped into shelter_human_formatter
like this:
shelter_run_test_suite suite_1 | shelter_human_formatter
would output the following:
Suite: suite_1 (0.076s) [+] foo (0.012s) [+] bar (0.011s) [+] SuccessfulTests/test_good_hello (0.007s) [+] SuccessfulTests/test_good_world (0.008s) [F] FailingTests/test_bad_exit (exit 1) (0.007s) "false" failed (assert_success) [F] FailingTests/test_bad_stdout (exit 1) (0.010s) STDOUT of "echo TEST" does not match the contents of "-" (assert_stdout) captured output: --------------- --- /dev/fd/58 2018-10-21 18:12:44.759773788 +0100 +++ - 2018-10-21 18:12:44.762143454 +0100 @@ -1 +1 @@ -TEST +FAIL [-] skip_this_one [-] skip_this_one_too [-] MockingTests/test_mock_invert_false [+] MockingTests/test_mock_ls (0.009s) [+] MockingTests/test_mock_uname (0.012s) Test results: 6 passed, 2 failed, 0 errors, 3 skipped
Note the test_mock_invert_false
is skipped if the tests are not run by root.
sudo make install
cat <<"EOF" | sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/alikov.repo
sudo yum install shelter
curl 'https://bintray.com/user/downloadSubjectPublicKey?username=bintray' | sudo apt-key add -
cat <<"EOF" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/alikov.list
deb https://dl.bintray.com/alikov/deb xenial main
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install shelter