How to Install =============== Table of Contents --------------- - [Other Documents](#other-documents) - [Prerequisites](#prerequisites) - [Steps to Install](#steps-to-install) Other Documents --------------- - [README](../ - [How to Run]( Prerequisites --------------- The following software must be installed on your system in order to install and use jawf-geotiff-generator: - [git]( - [CPC Perl5 Library]( - [GrADS v2.0.2 or later]( To see if git is installed and what version your system has, enter: $ git --version Check that the CPC Perl5 Library is available via Perl's `@INC`. For example, enter: $ echo $PERL5LIB To see which version of GrADS your system uses by default, enter: $ grads -blc "quit" Steps to Install --------------- **NOTE:** This application was developed and tested in a Linux environment (RHEL 6), and these instructions are intended for installation in a similar environment. If you want to try installing this in a different operating system, you will have to modify the instructions on your own. ### Download and set up jawf-geotiff-generator on your system These instructions assume that the jawf-geotiff-generator app will be installed in `$HOME/apps`. If you install it in a different directory, modify these instructions accordingly. 1. Download jawf-geotiff-generator (this creates a directory called `jawf-geotiff-generator`): `$ cd $HOME/apps` `$ git clone` 2. Add the environment variable `$JAWF_GEOTIFFS` to `~/.profile_user` or whatever file you use to set up your profile: `export REALTIME_ONI="${HOME}/apps/realtime-oni"` 3. Set up the application, including initialization of the SST archive with the past 120 days of daily data: `$ cd $JAWF_GEOTIFFS` `$ make install` ### Setup cron **Sample basic cron entry:** `00 10 * * * $JAWF_GEOTIFFS/drivers/run-jawf-production.csh 1> $JAWF_GEOTIFFS/logs/run-jawf-production.csh 2>&1` **Sample CPC operational cron entry:** `00 10 * * * /situation/bin/ CPCOPS_RH6 '$JAWF_GEOTIFFS/drivers/run-jawf-production.csh 1> $JAWF_GEOTIFFS/logs/run-jawf-production.txt 2>&1'` **Sample CPC operational cron entry with later attempt to get final data using [keep-trying](, and emailing a logfile to the app owner:** `00 10 * * * /situation/bin/ CPCOPS_RH6 'keep-trying -i 60 -t 60 -e app.owner\@email.domain -s \"jawf-geotiff-generator production FAILED - Check attached logfile\" -l $JAWF_GEOTIFFS/logs/run-jawf-production.txt -- $JAWF_GEOTIFFS/drivers/run-jawf-production.csh'`