Following these Instructions results:
- Installing
- Chocolatey; software installation manager
- fnm; Node version manager built in Rust
- Git; Version Control System
- Git BASH; bash emulation for *NIX-like usage
- Node.js; LTS version of JavaScript Runtime environment
- VSCode; neat web development code editor
- adding files to HOME Directory:
Download Chocolatey to simplify installing software.
To Install Chocolatey, you must...
- Click
Button - Type
- Click
- Choose
At this point, you should be in a window that says Administrator: Windows Powershell
- Type
cd $HOME
orcd ~
and then clickenter
to change to your user directory
You must be in Windows Powershell as Administrator to do the following steps:
- Copy & Paste the following:
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
more info here
- Click
- Wait until complete
- After waiting, type
choco --help
and then clickenter
-- this should output the information on chocolatey commands
Open Windows Powershell as Administrator and have Chocolatey installed to easily install multiple software programs
- Copy & Paste the following:
choco install git fnm vscode -y
- Click
- Wait until complete... may need to hit
a bunch of times... - After it is complete, type
and then clickenter
- open powershell
- type
and then clickenter
-- it should return information about git
choco install fnm -y
Run this process in Git Bash as Administrator.
# start at the $HOME directory
cd ~
# override variable outputs into file .bashrc
fnm env > ~/.bashrc
echo '
eval "$(fnm env --use-on-cd --shell bash)"
' >> ~/.bashrc
# Git Bash requires .bash_profile to utilize .bashrc
echo "# generated by Git for Windows" > ~/.bash_profile
echo '
test -f ~/.profile && . ~/.profile
test -f ~/.bashrc && . ~/.bashrc
' >> ~/.bash_profile
# install and use latest lts
fnm install lts-latest
fnm use lts-latest
fnm default lts-latest
# use the settings
echo run bash_profile
. ~/.bash_profile
# node at LTS
node -v > ~/.node-version