--over WMI for plug-and-play devices
WMI = Windows Management Interface.
The primary goal of the project is to get battery level of WH-1000XM4
headphones. Perhaps Xm4Battery
might also works with similar models of headphones such as WH-1000XM3, WF-1000XM3 or WF-1000XM4.
- Desktop Application
- Xm4Poller
- Xm4Entity
- PnpEntity
- Device specific properties
- XM4 related properties
- Windows Radio
- References
The Windows Forms, trayiconed and window-less application at once.
Ready to run app is available under the Latest Release section.
System requirements: Windows 10 x64, .NET Desktop Runtime 8.0
Headphones | Win 10 | Win 11 |
WH-1000_XM4 | Yes | Yes |
WH-1000_XM3 | Yes | Unknown |
- F - 100% fully charged
- 4..9 - 40..90%
- 3 yellow - 30%
- 2 orange - 20%
- ! red - 10%
- X - headphones disconnected.
- % - headphones disconnected, the last known battery level was low (30% or lower).
When headphones are disconnected, a tooltip displays the last known battery level and the last known date/time of the headphone connection.
Right Mouse Button
opens a context menu:
- Connect - tries connect already paired headphones. ⚠
- Disconnect - tries disconnect headphones (not unpair, just disconnect). ⚠
- About - leads to this page.
- Quit - closes and unloads application at all.
⚠ Connect / Disconnect items appear if the app is run as an administrator.
⚠ These functions may cause system artefacts or unusual behavior of Volume Control, Sound Mixer, Bluetooth Device Manager, etc.
⚠ Especially the Disconnect item. Connect is a law-abiding one.
The real icon size is 256x256 pixels. It is automatically scaled by system depend on display scaling factor.
The app icon is currently adjusted to 125% display scale. Other scale factors may lead to uglifying tray icon.
Icon text color and background are defined in the CreateXmIcon
// icon background color
var iconBackgroundBrush =
uiBatteryLevel switch {
<= DisconnectedLevel => Brushes.Transparent,
<= CriticalPowerLevel => Brushes.Red,
<= LowPowerLevel => Brushes.Orange,
<= WarningPowerLevel => Brushes.Yellow,
_ => Brushes.White // 40..100(F)
// icon text color
var iconTextBrush =
uiBatteryLevel switch {
<= DisconnectedLevel => Brushes.WhiteSmoke,
<= CriticalPowerLevel => Brushes.White,
//<= LowPowerLevel => Brushes.Magenta,
//<= WarningLevel => Brushes.Cyan,
_ => Brushes.Black
Font of the notification icon text (battery level or headphones status):
static readonly Font _notifyIconFont =
new( "Segoe UI", 124, FontStyle.Regular );
Automatically updates status of headphones.
var xm4result = Xm4Entity.Create();
if ( xm4result.IsFailed ) return 1;
Xm4Entity xm4 = xm4result.Value;
var statePoller = new Xm4Poller (
( previousState, newState ) => {
// this handler is called when xm4 state changed:
// connection status or/and battery charge level.
// previousState <> newState - always unequal!
} );
// starts main loop of window-less WinForms app
// application was closed, quit
namespace WmiPnp.Xm4;
public record Xm4State
public bool Connected // true if connected, false - otherwise.
public int BatteryLevel // battery charge level
var xm4result = Xm4Entity.CreateDefault();
if ( xm4result.IsFailed ) return; // headphones did not found at all
Xm4Entity _xm4 = xm4result.Value;
bool connected = _xm4.IsConnected;
We don't know how to get the last connected time if headphones is online and already connected. This property is valid only if headphones are DISconnected.
Result<DateTime> dt = _xm4.LastConnectedTime;
bool disconnected = !_xm4.IsConnected;
if ( disconnected )
Console.WriteLine( $"Last connected time: {_xm4.LastConnectedTime.Value}.\n" );
var it_is_true = _xm4.LastConnectedTime.IsFailed; // can not get the last connected time
It can get the actual battery level if headphones are connected. Otherwise, headphones are DISconnected, it returns the last known level.
int level = _xm4.BatteryLevel;
When headphones are used with multiple sources (laptop, pc, smartphone, etc) you have to reconnect headphones from time to time. So headphones are already paired but disconnected. In this case WmiPnp
has experimental Xm4Entity.TryConnect()
and very unstable Xm4Entity.TryDisconnect()
. Both want the application run as administrator. Otherwise these functions are ignored.
If you are curious to find out about turn off bluetooth at all, see topic about Windows Radio.
First, we should know a name
or device id
of the device we are working with or at least a part of the device name.
- ByFriendlyName - exact a friendly name.
- ByDeviceId - exact a device id, like
{GUID} pid
. - FindByFriendlyName - a part of a friendly name. Returns a list of founded devices
or empty list otherwise. - FindByNameForExactClass - same as
but with exact class name equality. - EntityOrNone - a
part of WQL request to retrieve exact a single device only. - EntitiesOrNone - a
part of WQL request to retrieve zero, one or several devices at once.
All of methods produce instances of PnpEntity
or Result.Fail
if the given device was not found.
Result<PnpEntity> result =
PnpEntity.ByFriendlyName( "The Bluetooth Device #42" );
if ( result.IsSuccess ) { // device found
PnpEntity btDevice = result.Value;
PnpEntity btDevice = result.Value;
while ( !Console.KeyAvailable ) {
Result<DeviceProperty> propertyResult =
Xm4Entity.DeviceProperty_IsConnected );
if ( propertyResult.IsSuccess ) {
DeviceProperty dp = propertyResult.Value;
bool connected = (bool)(dp.Data ?? false);
$"{btDevice.Name} is {(connected ? "connected" : "disconnected")}" );
// wait a little before the next attempt
Thread.Sleep( TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 1 ) );
PnpEntity btDevice = result.Value;
IEnumerable<DeviceProperty> properties = btDevice.GetProperties();
foreach( var p in properties ) {
Console.WriteLine( $"{p.KeyName}: {p.Data}" );
Some devices could be enabled or disabled.
PnpEntity btDevice = result.Value;
Key = {GUID} pid
- Key =
{104EA319-6EE2-4701-BD47-8DDBF425BBE5} 2
- Type = 3 (Byte)
is in percents
- Key =
{83DA6326-97A6-4088-9453-A1923F573B29} 15
- Type = 17 (Boolean)
Data = False → device is disconnected
- Key =
{83DA6326-97A6-4088-9453-A1923F573B29} 102
- KeyName = DEVPKEY_Device_LastArrivalDate
- Type = 16 (FileTime)
Data = 20230131090906.098359+180 → 2023 Jan 31, 9:09:06 GMT+3
Key = {83da6326-97a6-4088-9453-a1923f573b29} 103
WH-1000XM4 Hands-Free AG
- exact name for PnpEntity to get a BATTERY LEVEL only.WH-1000XM4
- exact name for PnpEntity to get a STATE of the xm4.
Actually, the app utilize templates like
to generalize model of headphones (WH-1000XM3, WF-1000XM4, etc.)
Instead of this bit flags, we can use Is Connected property to retrieve a connection status of xm4.
Key =
{4340A6C5-93FA-4706-972C-7B648008A5A7} 2
KeyName = DEVPKEY_Device_DevNodeStatus
Type = 7 (Uint32)
Connected = 25190410 (fall bit#25): value & 0x20000 == 0
Disconnected = 58744842 (set bit#25): value & 0x20000 == 0x20000
This is only property to retrieve the last connection date-time of headphones. This property appears only when headphones are DISconnected.
- Key =
{2BD67D8B-8BEB-48D5-87E0-6CDA3428040A} 11
- KeyName = DEVPKEY_Bluetooth_LastConnectedTime
- Type = 16 (FileTime)
For ex.: Data = 20230131090906.098359+180 → 2023 Jan 31, 9:09:06, GMT+3
Contains the same data as the DEVPKEY_Bluetooth_LastConnectedTime property. Same behavior.
- Key =
{2BD67D8B-8BEB-48D5-87E0-6CDA3428040A} 5
- Type = 16 (FileTime)
There is a way to use UWP functions from desktop application. Just setup a TargetFramework
in YourProject.csproj
to use specific version of dotNet-framework-windows-only like: netX.x-windows10.0.xxxxx.x
. For example:
Now we can use Windows.Devices.Radios
using Windows.Devices.Radios;
⚠ Be aware, this one could switch off system bluetooth radio at all (not only enable or disable).
⚠ Use at your own risk!
public static async Task OsEnableBluetooth() =>
InternalBluetoothState( enable: true );
public static async Task OsDisableBluetooth() =>
InternalBluetoothState( enable: false );
private async Task InternalBluetoothState( bool enable )
var result = await Radio.RequestAccessAsync();
if (result != RadioAccessStatus.Allowed) return;
var bluetooth =
(await Radio.GetRadiosAsync())
radio => radio.Kind == RadioKind.Bluetooth );
await bluetooth?.SetStateAsync(
enable ? RadioState.On
: RadioState.Off );
We can also use
namespace or evenWindows.Devices.***
for other peripheral devices.
- Enumerating windows device. Enumerating the device using the SetupDi* API provided with WinXP. CodeProject // 17 Jun 2006
- How to get the details for each enumerated device? MSDN, Archived Forums 421-440.
Visual Basic
- Query battery level for WH-1000XM4 wireless headphones. GitHub gist.
- Enable/disable already paired bluetooth devices. StackOverflow. How to connect to a paired audio Bluetooth device using Windows UWP API?
- Talking to robots (or other devices) using Bluetooth from a Windows Runtime app.
namespace // May 7, 2014 - My Bluetooth headset can now be switched on and off from the command line.