Before you start, you should:
- have the latest version of the node
- configure the node to communicate with the testnet environment
- set up a relay node and run CLI
Cardano-node v.1.32.1 and later of the CLI no longer supports ASCII token names, only hex-encoded format is supported. The result of running
$ echo -n "assetName" | xxd -ps
Lovelace values can be specified in two ways:
${quantity} lovelace
(where quantity is a signed integer)${quantity}
(where quantity is a signed integer)${assetName}
(where assetName is hex-encoded 61737365744e616d65)
Values for other assets can be specified as:
${quantity} ${policyId}.${assetName}
${quantity} ${policyId}
Where quantity
is a signed integer and policyId
is a hex-encoded policy ID [a script hash]), and assetName
is a hex-encoded assetName.
The cardano-cli
can specify multi-asset values in transaction outputs and when minting or burning tokens. The syntax for these values has been designed to be backwards-compatible with the previous ada-only syntax (address+lovelace
- ada values are defined as integer (INT) lovelace, e.g.
42 lovelace
- multi-asset values can be defined as:
INT policyid.assetName
, e.g.42 $MYPOLICY.61737365744e616d65
INT policyid
, e.g.42 $MYPOLICY
(No assetName specified)policyid.assetName
, e.g$MYPOLICY.61737365744e616d65
(This will mint only one ofassetName
- Multiple assets can be combined in the same multi-asset value using the
operator, e.g:
100 lovelace + 42 $MYPOLICY.666f6f + -2 $MYPOLICY.626172 + 10 lovelace
Negating individual values
Any individual value can be negated using the -
prefix operator. For example:
-72191 $MYPOLICY.666f6f
-920 lovelace
Combining individual values
Values can be combined using the binary operator +
. For example:
42 lovelace + -1 (this would result in a Value of 41 lovelace)
20 $MYPOLICY + 12 $MYPOLICY.666f6f + -2 $MYPOLICY.626172
201 4$MYPOLICY.666f6f + 12 + -1 + 9 lovelace + 10 $MYPOLICY
The native tokens syntax can be used in the following contexts:
cardano-cli transaction build-raw --tx-out="..."
cardano-cli transaction build-raw --mint="..."
The CLI command cardano-cli transaction build-raw
creates the transaction body. The --tx-out
option specifies the transaction output in the usual way (This is expressed as address+lovelace, where address is a Bech32-encoded address, and lovelace is the amount in lovelace), and the --mint
option specifies the value to be minted or burnt.
The syntax for TxOut values has been extended to include multi-asset tokens. These values can be specified in two different ways:
$address $value
(where address is a Cardano address and value is a value). The second form is provided for backwards compatibility with earlier versions of the node.
To receive tokens, you just need to specify any address. It is not necessary to use special addresses to hold multi-asset tokens.
To inspect the values in an address, you need to view a UTXO value using:
cardano-cli query utxo --testnet-magic 1
This will show the content of any token bundles that you possess. You can choose to see a specific address using the --address
cardano-cli query utxo --address "$ADDRESS" --testnet-magic 1
Token minting policies are written using multi-signature scripts. This allows the asset controller to express conditions such as the need for specific token issuers to agree to mint new tokens, or to forbid minting tokens after a certain slot (if token locking is also used).
Here’s an example of a very simple minting policy, which grants the right to mint tokens to a single key:
"keyHash": "fe38d7...599",
"type": "sig"
This minting policy requires any transaction that mints tokens to be witnessed by the key with the hash fe38d7...599
. More involved examples can be found in the multi-signature simple scripts documentation.
This section describes how to manually mint a new native token ('melcoin') using cardano-cli, and send a transaction of this newly minted token to a new address.
Download the latest version of cardano-node from the releases page ( and config files for the public testnet from the Cardano World (
Run the cardano-node:
./cardano-node run --topology ./lpconfig/testnet-topology.json --database-path ./state-lp --port 3001
--config ./lpconfig/testnet-config.json --socket-path ~/cardano-lp.socket
export CARDANO_NODE_SOCKET_PATH=~/cardano-lp.socket
- Generate a verification key and a signing key:
cardano-cli address key-gen \
--verification-key-file pay.vkey \
--signing-key-file pay.skey
The code should output something similar to this:
$ cat pay.skey
"type": "PaymentSigningKeyShelley_ed25519",
"description": "Payment Signing Key",
"cborHex": "5820aed07e0b1ddd946da278ffb1f671cc5b24c8453e6b47c24b0a6b15d818444fe8"
$ cat pay.vkey
"type": "PaymentVerificationKeyShelley_ed25519",
"description": "Payment Verification Key",
"cborHex": "582031752dd50ffe7ed90ba136ea775dacd5113ff67d13001a25aac953f719aa1f92"
- Generate the payment address:
./cardano-cli address build \
--payment-verification-key-file pay.vkey \
--out-file pay.addr \
--testnet-magic 1
This code produces the following payment address:
$ cat pay.addr
- Check the balance of the payment address:
./cardano-cli query utxo --address addr_test1vqvlku0ytscqg32rpv660uu4sgxlje25s5xrpz7zjqsva3c8pfckz --testnet-magic 1
The response should show no funds:
TxHash TxIx Amount
- Fund the address:
curl -X POST -s ''
and check again:
./cardano-cli query utxo --address addr_test1vqvlku0ytscqg32rpv660uu4sgxlje25s5xrpz7zjqsva3c8pfckz --testnet-magic 1
TxHash TxIx Amount
b1ddb0347fed2aecc7f00caabaaf2634f8e2d17541f6237bbed78e2092e1c414 0 1000000000 lovelace
- Export the protocol parameters to a file for later use:
cardano-cli query protocol-parameters \
--testnet-magic 1 \
--out-file protocol.json
- Create a policy:
mkdir policy
cardano-cli address key-gen \
--verification-key-file policy/policy.vkey \
--signing-key-file policy/policy.skey
touch policy/policy.script && echo "" > policy/policy.script
echo "{" >> policy/policy.script
echo " \"keyHash\": \"$(./cardano-cli address key-hash --payment-verification-key-file policy/policy.vkey)\"," >> policy/policy.script
echo " \"type\": \"sig\"" >> policy/policy.script
echo "}" >> policy/policy.script
cat ./policy/policy.script
"keyHash": "5805823e303fb28231a736a3eb4420261bb42019dc3605dd83cccd04",
"type": "sig"
- Mint the new asset:
$ ./cardano-cli transaction policyid --script-file ./policy/policy.script
- Use this code to build the raw transaction:
$ echo -n "melcoin" | xxd -ps
./cardano-cli transaction build-raw \
--fee 0 \
--tx-in b1ddb0347fed2aecc7f00caabaaf2634f8e2d17541f6237bbed78e2092e1c414#0 \
--tx-out addr_test1vqvlku0ytscqg32rpv660uu4sgxlje25s5xrpz7zjqsva3c8pfckz+1000000000+"1000000000 328a60495759e0d8e244eca5b85b2467d142c8a755d6cd0592dff47b.6d656c636f696e" \
--mint="1000000000 328a60495759e0d8e244eca5b85b2467d142c8a755d6cd0592dff47b.6d656c636f696e" \
--out-file matx.raw
Use this code to calculate the minimum fee required for the transaction:
./cardano-cli transaction calculate-min-fee \
--tx-body-file matx.raw \
--tx-in-count 1 \
--tx-out-count 1 \
--witness-count 2 \
--testnet-magic 1 \
--protocol-params-file protocol.json
180109 Lovelace
The transaction will now include the fee:
./cardano-cli transaction build-raw \
--fee 180109 \
--tx-in b1ddb0347fed2aecc7f00caabaaf2634f8e2d17541f6237bbed78e2092e1c414#0 \
--tx-out addr_test1vqvlku0ytscqg32rpv660uu4sgxlje25s5xrpz7zjqsva3c8pfckz+999819891+"1000000000 328a60495759e0d8e244eca5b85b2467d142c8a755d6cd0592dff47b.6d656c636f696e" \
--mint="1000000000 328a60495759e0d8e244eca5b85b2467d142c8a755d6cd0592dff47b.6d656c636f696e" \
--out-file matx.raw
./cardano-cli transaction sign \
--signing-key-file pay.skey \
--signing-key-file policy/policy.skey \
--script-file policy/policy.script \
--testnet-magic 1 \
--tx-body-file matx.raw \
--out-file matx.signed
./cardano-cli transaction submit --tx-file matx.signed --testnet-magic 1
No response, which is the expected result. Check the Utxo for
./cardano-cli query utxo --address addr_test1vqvlku0ytscqg32rpv660uu4sgxlje25s5xrpz7zjqsva3c8pfckz --testnet-magic 1
TxHash TxIx Amount
fd0790f3984348f65ee22f35480b873b4eb9862065514f3e3a9c0f04d0a6ad63 0 999821915 lovelace + 1000000000 328a60495759e0d8e244eca5b85b2467d142c8a755d6cd0592dff47b.6d656c636f696e
- Generate a recipient address:
First, we need to generate an address to send the newly minted asset to.
mkdir recipient
- Generate the key pair:
cardano-cli address key-gen \
--verification-key-file recipient/recipientpay.vkey \
--signing-key-file recipient/recipientpay.skey
- Derive the payment address:
./cardano-cli address build \
--payment-verification-key-file recipient/recipientpay.vkey \
--out-file recipient/recipientpay.addr \
--testnet-magic 1
$ cat recipient/recipientpay.addr
- Send 1 melcoin to the recipient address:
./cardano-cli transaction build-raw \
--fee 0 \
--tx-in fd0790f3984348f65ee22f35480b873b4eb9862065514f3e3a9c0f04d0a6ad63#0 \
--tx-out addr_test1vp8s8zu6mr73nvlsjf935k0a38n8xvp3fptkyz2vl8pserqkcx5yz+10000000+"1 328a60495759e0d8e244eca5b85b2467d142c8a755d6cd0592dff47b.6d656c636f696e" \
--tx-out addr_test1vqvlku0ytscqg32rpv660uu4sgxlje25s5xrpz7zjqsva3c8pfckz+999821915+"999000000 328a60495759e0d8e244eca5b85b2467d142c8a755d6cd0592dff47b.6d656c636f696e" \
--out-file rec_matx.raw
- Calculate the minimum fee.
Use this code to calculate the minimum fee for the transaction:
./cardano-cli transaction calculate-min-fee \
--tx-body-file rec_matx.raw \
--tx-in-count 1 \
--tx-out-count 2 \
--witness-count 1 \
--testnet-magic 1 \
--protocol-params-file protocol.json
178393 Lovelace
./cardano-cli transaction build-raw \
--fee 178393 \
--tx-in fd0790f3984348f65ee22f35480b873b4eb9862065514f3e3a9c0f04d0a6ad63#0 \
--tx-out addr_test1vp8s8zu6mr73nvlsjf935k0a38n8xvp3fptkyz2vl8pserqkcx5yz+10000000+"1 328a60495759e0d8e244eca5b85b2467d142c8a755d6cd0592dff47b.6d656c636f696e" \
--tx-out addr_test1vqvlku0ytscqg32rpv660uu4sgxlje25s5xrpz7zjqsva3c8pfckz+989643522+"999999999 328a60495759e0d8e244eca5b85b2467d142c8a755d6cd0592dff47b.6d656c636f696e" \
--out-file rec_matx.raw
Sign the transaction using the keys generated earlier:
./cardano-cli transaction sign \
--signing-key-file pay.skey \
--testnet-magic 1 \
--tx-body-file rec_matx.raw \
--out-file rec_matx.signed
Submit the transaction to the chain:
./cardano-cli transaction submit --tx-file rec_matx.signed --testnet-magic 1
Note that we must send more than 1000000 Lovelace in the transaction. This minimum value is specified in the config file:
$ cat lpconfig/launchpad-shelley-genesis.json | grep minUTxOValue
"minUTxOValue": 1000000,
./cardano-cli query utxo --address addr_test1vp8s8zu6mr73nvlsjf935k0a38n8xvp3fptkyz2vl8pserqkcx5yz --testnet-magic 1
TxHash TxIx Amount
f90b8457a2cf6a1aba9c0001ae2c7084f653083c6108826115a0a64e862333a3 0 10000000 lovelace + 1 328a60495759e0d8e244eca5b85b2467d142c8a755d6cd0592dff47b.6d656c636f696e
The recipient address we created now has 10000000 Lovelace and 1 melcoin.
./cardano-cli query utxo --address addr_test1vqvlku0ytscqg32rpv660uu4sgxlje25s5xrpz7zjqsva3c8pfckz --testnet-magic 1
TxHash TxIx Amount
f90b8457a2cf6a1aba9c0001ae2c7084f653083c6108826115a0a64e862333a3 1 989643522 lovelace + 999999999 328a60495759e0d8e244eca5b85b2467d142c8a755d6cd0592dff47b.6d656c636f696e
The sender address now has 989643522 Lovelace and 999999999 melcoin.
Before submitting the transaction to the network, it needs to be signed. We need witnesses from two keys - one to spend the input $UTXO
, and one to satisfy the minting policy script:
cardano-cli transaction sign \
--signing-key-file "$SPENDING_KEY" \
--signing-key-file "$MINTING_KEY" \
--script-file "$SCRIPT" \
--testnet-magic 1 \
--tx-body-file "$TX_BODY_FILE" \
--out-file "$TX_FILE"
is the key that allows spending from $UTXO
is the key that hashes to the value specified in the $SCRIPT
To submit a transaction to the network, use the following command:
cardano-cli transaction submit --tx-file "$TX_FILE" --testnet-magic 1
The newly minted tokens will appear in the UTXO, and can be checked by:
cardano-cli query utxo --testnet-magic 1
The corresponding output shows the different types of asset that are embedded in the UTXO:
TxHash TxIx Amount
377eab...ad7 0 500000000 lovelace + 5 1cc8a9...a25.couttscoin
377eab...ad7 1 500000000 lovelace
Once tokens are minted, they can be communicated using ordinary transactions, without using the --mint
field. Note that in order to be valid, a transaction has to be balanced, and you should also have a minimum value of lovelace in every transaction output.
Tokens can be sent just like ada by any token holder. There is a caveat: every transaction output must contain some ada. This is because there is a minimum value of ada that is needed per transaction output. This value is given by a protocol parameter. In particular, it is not possible to send only multi-asset tokens in a transaction, as some ada always needs to be included in each output.
For example, some couttscoin
tokens could be sent using the following commands:
TXID=$(cardano-cli transaction txid --tx-body-file "$TX_BODY_FILE")
cardano-cli transaction build-raw \
--fee 0 \
--tx-in "$TXID"#0 \
--tx-out="$ADDR+$LOVELACE+5 $POLICYID.636f75747473636f696e" \
--out-file "$TX_BODY_FILE_1"
cardano-cli transaction sign \
--signing-key-file "$SPENDING_KEY" \
--testnet-magic 1097911063 \
--tx-body-file "$TX_BODY_FILE_1" \
--out-file "$TX_FILE_1"
cardano-cli transaction submit --tx-file "$TX_FILE_1" --testnet-magic 1
Token holders “buy” tokens from a token issuer. This will usually involve sending some ada to a specific address that has been set up by the token issuer and informing the token issuer about the address where the tokens should be sent. The token issuer will then set up a transaction that will transfer a multi-asset token to the specified address.
Tokens that have been issued to a token holder can be “spent” by returning them to a token issuer (i.e. by redeeming the tokens). This is done using a normal transaction. The token issuer will then provide the token holder with the agreed object in return (which may be an item of value, a service, a different kind of token, some ada, etc).
cardano-cli transaction build-raw ... --out-file txbody
cardano-cli transaction sign ... --tx-body-file txbody --out-file tx
cardano-cli transaction submit ... --tx-file tx
Tokens can be destroyed by a token issuer according to the token policy by supplying a negative value in the --mint
field. That allows acquiring tokens in the UTXO entry in the input of a transaction, without adding them to one of the outputs, effectively destroying them. For example, tokens created in the previous section can be destroyed as follows:
TXID1=$(cardano-cli transaction txid --tx-body-file "$TX_BODY_FILE_1")
cardano-cli transaction build-raw \
--fee 0 \
--tx-in "$TXID1"#0 \
--tx-out="$ADDR+$LOVELACE" \
--mint="-5 $POLICYID.636f75747473636f696e" \
--out-file "$TX_BODY_FILE_2"
cardano-cli transaction sign \
--signing-key-file "$SPENDING_KEY" \
--signing-key-file "$MINTING_KEY" \
--script-file "$SCRIPT" \
--testnet-magic 1 \
--tx-body-file "$TX_BODY_FILE_2" \
--out-file "TX_FILE_2"
cardano-cli transaction submit --tx-file "$TX_FILE_2" --testnet-magic 1097911063
Note: Destroying tokens requires both the payment credential for using the UTXO entry with the tokens, and a credential for the minting policy script.