@echo off
:: Prebuild generator for the Radegast
:: Command Line Options:
:: (none)            - create solution/project files and create compile.bat file to build solution
:: msbuild           - Create project files, compile solution
:: msbuild runtests  - create project files, compile solution, run unit tests
:: msbuild docs      - create project files, compile solution, build API documentation
:: msbuild docs dist - Create project files, compile solution, run unit tests, build api documentation, create binary zip
::                   - and exe installer
:: nant		     - Create project files, run nant to compile solution
:: nant runtests     - Create project files, run nant to compile solution, run unit tests

echo ##########################################
echo creating prebuild files for: vs2012
echo Parameters: %1 %2
echo ##########################################

if not exist bin mkdir bin

:: run prebuild to generate solution/project files from prebuild.xml configuration file
Build\Windows\Premake5.exe vs2012

:: build compile.bat file based on command line parameters
echo @echo off > compile.bat
if(.%1)==(.) echo %SystemRoot%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\msbuild Radegast.sln >> compile.bat

if(.%1)==(.msbuild) echo echo ==== COMPILE BEGIN ==== >> compile.bat
if(.%1)==(.msbuild) echo %SystemRoot%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe /p:Configuration=Release Radegast.sln >> compile.bat
if(.%1)==(.msbuild) echo IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO FAIL >> compile.bat

if(.%1)==(.nant) echo nant >> compile.bat
if(.%1)==(.nant) echo IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO FAIL >> compile.bat

if(.%3)==(.docs) echo echo ==== GENERATE DOCUMENTATION BEGIN ==== >> compile.bat
if(.%2)==(.docs) echo %SystemRoot%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe /p:Configuration=Release docs\Radegast.shfbproj >> compile.bat
if(.%2)==(.docs) echo IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO FAIL >> compile.bat
if(.%2)==(.docs) echo 7z.exe a -tzip docs\documentation.zip docs\trunk >> compile.bat
if(.%2)==(.docs) echo IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO FAIL >> compile.bat

if(.%2)==(.runtests) echo echo ==== UNIT TESTS BEGIN ==== >> compile.bat
if(.%2)==(.runtests) echo nunit-console bin\Radegast.Tests.dll /exclude:Network /nodots /labels /xml:testresults.xml >> compile.bat

if(.%2)==(.runtests) echo IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO FAIL >> compile.bat

if not (.%2)==(.dist) goto NODIST
echo echo ==== GENERATE DISTRIBUTION BEGIN ==== >> compile.bat
copy Radegast\radegast.nsi bin
echo del /q Radegast-*-installer.exe >> compile.bat
echo del /q radegast-latest.zip >> compile.bat

if not exist "%PROGRAMFILES%\NSIS\Unicode\makensis.exe" goto NOUNINSIS
echo "%PROGRAMFILES%\NSIS\Unicode\makensis.exe" bin\radegast.nsi >> compile.bat

if not exist "%PROGRAMFILES%\NSIS\makensis.exe" goto NONSIS
echo "%PROGRAMFILES%\NSIS\makensis.exe" bin\radegast.nsi >> compile.bat

echo cd bin >> compile.bat
echo 7z.exe a -r -tzip ..\radegast-latest.zip *.* >> compile.bat
echo cd .. >> compile.bat


echo :SUCCESS >> compile.bat
echo echo Build Successful! >> compile.bat
echo exit /B 0 >> compile.bat
echo :FAIL >> compile.bat
echo echo Build Failed, check log for reason >> compile.bat
echo exit /B 1 >> compile.bat

:: perform the appropriate action
if(.%1)==(.msbuild) compile.bat
if(.%1)==(.nant) compile.bat
if(.%1)==(.dist) compile.bat