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Git pre-commit hook for Micro-Manager repository

We use pre-commit hooks to maintain a consistent coding style.

Git pre-commit hooks are scripts that run each time you make a commit. We use the pre-commit framework, which makes setting up Git hooks simpler and more flexible.

You should enable pre-commit hooks before making changes to Micro-Manager code, especially if you intend to contribute back your changes.

Below are the instructions, and pointers to IDE plugin settings that will help with code styling.

The same checks are run automatically on all pull requests.

Enabling the pre-commit hook

Let's assume you have a newly (or previously) cloned copy of the repository, as if by:

git clone

(optionally with --recurse-submodules).

To enable the pre-commit hook, you need the following:

  • Install Python (3.8 or later)
  • Install pre-commit
  • Enable pre-commit

Installing Python

You should use any convenient way to install Python (if not already installed). The following are just suggestions.

Other methods, such as Miniconda or Chocolatey, should be no problem. You will want python to be on the command search path (PATH environment variable).

Installing pre-commit

pre-commit is a Python package that includes a command-line interface.

You can install it with the following command:

python -m pip install pre-commit

(You can also install pre-commit via brew, conda, or mamba. See pre-commit's installation instructions.)

Enabling pre-commit

cd path/to/micro-manager
pre-commit install

This will enable the pre-commit hook for the repository. Subsequent commits will invoke the hook to check the changed files before committing.

Working with the pre-commit hook

See also: pre-commit documentation.

Just run git commit as you normally would, after staging your changes.

The first time you run after enableing pre-commit, or when the hook settings have changed, it might take a few moments to install the checks. After that, the checks should be fast.

If there are any style issues detected, you will get an error. Fix them, stage changes, and try again.

(Some checks (not currently enabled for micro-manager) may automatically fix the issues by reformatting the code. In that case, inspect the changes, stage them (git add), and try again.)

You can also check if there are problems by running pre-commit run --all-files.

Bypassing: If there is some reason why you absolutely need to commit code that doesn't pass the checks (maybe it is a temporary commit to save your work), you can use git commit --no-verify to bypass the pre-commit hook.

Disabling and uninstalling

You can disable pre-commit hooks with

pre-commit uninstall

This might be useful when experimenting with old commits from before we set up pre-commit hooks.

If you want to free up disk space used by pre-commit:

  • pre-commit stores packages used for the hooks in a cache directory (usually .cache/pre-commit in your home directory).

  • In addition, the Java runtime and other files used to run Java tools (Checkstyle) is stored in the user cache directory (see cjdk docs).

Setting up IDE plugins for Checkstyle

Currently the main check run by the pre-commit hook is Checkstyle, a tool that finds code that fails to adhere to a coding style.

Our style rules for Checkstyle are in buildscripts/codestyle/checkstyle.xml.

At the moment, checks are only enforced on mmstudio code, but this is expected to expand in the future.

It is a very good idea to configure your IDE to display Checkstyle errors and wornings, and to format your code according to our style. This should save you a lot of manual work.

  • For IntelliJ IDEA, install the CheckStyle-IDEA plugin by Jamie Shiell (instructions).

    • Configure the plugin by going to Settings > Tools > Checkstyle and add buildscripts/codestyle/checkstyle.xml as a configuration file.
    • In Settings > Editor > Inspections, enable Checkstyle real-time scan (this can be done per project). You might want to set Severity to Warning.
    • Additionally, import the Checkstyle rules into code formatting settings: go to Settings > Editor > Code Style > Java; from the Gear (⚙️) menu, choose Import Scheme > Checkstyle Configuration. Then select buildscripts/codestyle/checkstyle.xml.
      • If the import fails in this last step (observed on macOS), you can instead use Import Scheme > IntelliJ IDEA code style XML and import buildscripts/codestyle/idea-java-code-style.xml.
  • Eclipse has a Checkstyle plugin

  • VSCode has support for Checkstyle