VnStat.js is a simple Web interface for the VnStat software. It is a HTTP node based on the Node.js framework. No Web server is needed, every think is included in the node.
- Install the VnStat and VnStati software.
Exemple on Debian Squeeze (using root console):
$ apt-get install vnstat vnstati
$ vnstat -u -i eth0 --nick "LAN0"
$ /etc/init.d/vnstat start
Install the Node.js framework following
Download the VnStat.js node
$ cd ~ $ git clone git://
Run the node:
$ cd ~/vnstat.js
$ node ./vnstat.js
On the console, the URL of the VnStat.js is displayed. Use a HTML5 compatible Web browser.
By default, the node listen on the TCP port 1337, do not forget to open your firewall if necessary. You can customized the web design by editing the css/style.css file.
VnStat.js use vnstat and vnstati softwares. You can edit the path using the lib/request.js file:
var cmd_vnstat = '/usr/bin/vnstat';
var cmd_vnstati = '/usr/bin/vnstati -c 5';
The end...