# Disclaimer
![PhonoStream Usage](https://github.com/nicohaenggi/PhonoStream/blob/master/doc/phonostream.gif)
[PhonoStream](https://github.com/nicohaenggi/PhonoStream) is intended for academic purposes and should not be used to exploit the SoundCloud API as it is against the TOS of SoundCloud. Use the Downloader for **personal purposes** only.

# PhonoStream
PhonoStream is a project created by [Nico Haenggi](https://github.com/nicohaenggi/) & [Cléo Amacher](http://www.cleoloulouamacher.com/).

## Support
If you discover a bug in the SoundCloud Downloader, please [search the issue tracker](https://github.com/nicohaenggi/PhonoStream/issues?q=is%3Aissue+sort%3Aupdated-desc) first. If it hasn't been reported, please [create a new issue](https://github.com/nicohaenggi/PhonoStream/issues/new).

### [Pull Requests](https://github.com/nicohaenggi/PhonoStream/pulls)
If you'd like to make your own changes ensure your pull request is made against the  `master` branch.

## Credits
- [nicohaenggi](https://github.com/nicohaenggi): downloader development
- [cleoloulouamacher](http://www.cleoloulouamacher.com): design & inspiration