- Content-type fix (#110)
- getDetailedFileInfo/getFileInfo support (#111)
- Scala 2.13 build
- Dependencies bumped
- Minor changes to event mappings
- Failures handling improved
- Message Block support
- Support for lookupByEmail
- Minor changes to event mappings
- 3rd party dependencies upgraded: Akka, Play
- Support for Events API (slack-scala-client#76)
- Support for customizing the base URI for requests (e.g. for mocking the server) (slack-scala-client#67)
- A few amendments to event mappings (slack-scala-client#83)
Also, we started to run Travis CI checks for the project.
- Fixes/amendments in te mapping of Slack API events
- Non-mandatory fields marked as
- Support post.ephemeral
- Implemented ping/pong to sustain websocket connection
Since 0.2.4
the library sends a ping message to Slack every minute. Pong
message is received (but not checked upon). That is to sustain a Slack
websocket connection even if idle - see Slack doc for ping and pong.
Previously the library caused the client to reconnect every 1 or 2 minute with the following messages:
[WebSocketClientActor] WebSocket disconnected.
[SlackRtmConnectionActor] WebSocket Client disconnected, reconnecting
[SlackRtmConnectionActor] Starting web socket client
- Fixes/amendments in the mapping of Slack API events
- Simplified/improved the websocket failure/reconnect logic
- Replaced spray-websocket with the akka-http websocket implementation
- Replaced dispatch http client with the akka-http http client
- Api clients now require an implicit
instead of anExecutionContext
- Api clients now require an implicit
- Added cross build for Scala 2.12
- Cleaned up library API by properly scoping internal variables and implementation details