- New filter_and_trim output dir with filtered and dropped fastqs (GH87)
- Unmerged reads now included in output (GH84)
- Cirro (https://cirro.bio/) compatibility
- DSL 2 pipeline
- In params.json sample_information and fastq_list must match or error
- Switching to
vsearch --iddef 0
clustering setting
- Clustering fwd and rev reads by sampleid (GH65)
- New counts file reports read counts at each step plus yield and denominator
- All filtered fwd and rev oriented reads are included in output (including unmerged) in seqtab_f.csv and seqtab_R.csv
- Filtered R1 and R2 reads are now included in output
- All off_target reads included in output
- Optionally include cutadapt to remove adapters (GH55)
- Docker image is built on Ubuntu 22.04 base (GH56)
- Docker image is hosted by GutHub container registry
- Simplify Docker and Singularity configuration; there is no longer a Singularity image associated with this project (both Docker and Singularity use the same image hosted on ghcr).
- Update GH action to build image and test sequentially; does not push latest tag to container registry except on tagged releases.
- Sort unmerged read fasta files in order of descending abundance (GH59)
- Support for ITS using vsearch alignments
- Handle null seqtab in
- Actually implements get_unmerged task
- Add script
identifying SV dropped as chimeras
- Implement downsampling (GH44)
- get_unmerged task saves empty file when there are no merged reads
- bugfix: fix column names in ljoin.R (GH40)
- New downsample: [int] argument in params (GH38)
- use dada2 1.18
- output includes files containing unmerged reads (GH11)
- remove native Singularity build file
- Handle mixed reads in either direction (GH37)
- Replace cmalign 16s filtering step with cmsearch (GH13)
- Update covariance model to use version from https://rfam.xfam.org/family/RF00177