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Move conformance tests to tests directory
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lucacome committed May 20, 2024
1 parent 6f709fe commit ba88062
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Showing 29 changed files with 418 additions and 574 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion .github/dependabot.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ updates:
- package-ecosystem: docker
- /build
- /conformance/tests
- /tests
- /tests/conformance
interval: daily

Expand Down
24 changes: 13 additions & 11 deletions .github/workflows/conformance.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ jobs:
- name: Checkout Repository
uses: actions/checkout@a5ac7e51b41094c92402da3b24376905380afc29 # v4.1.6
fetch-depth: 0

- name: Setup Golang Environment
uses: actions/setup-go@cdcb36043654635271a94b9a6d1392de5bb323a7 # v5.0.1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -67,12 +69,12 @@ jobs:
type=ref,event=branch,suffix=-rc,enable=${{ startsWith(github.ref, 'refs/heads/release') }}
- name: Prepare NGF files
- name: Generate static deployment
run: |
ngf_tag=${{ steps.ngf-meta.outputs.version }}
make update-ngf-manifest${{ inputs.image == 'plus' && '-with-plus' || ''}} PREFIX=${ngf_prefix} TAG=${ngf_tag}
working-directory: ./conformance
make generate-static-deployment PLUS_ENABLED=${{ inputs.image == 'plus' && 'true' || 'false' }} PREFIX=${ngf_prefix} TAG=${ngf_tag}
working-directory: ./tests

- name: Build binary
uses: goreleaser/goreleaser-action@5742e2a039330cbb23ebf35f046f814d4c6ff811 # v5.1.0
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -111,14 +113,14 @@ jobs:
- name: Update Go Modules
if: ${{ github.event_name == 'schedule' }}
run: make update-go-modules
working-directory: ./conformance
working-directory: ./tests

- name: Build Test Docker Image
uses: docker/build-push-action@2cdde995de11925a030ce8070c3d77a52ffcf1c0 # v5.3.0
file: conformance/tests/Dockerfile
file: tests/conformance/Dockerfile
tags: conformance-test-runner:${{ github.sha }}
context: "."
context: "tests"
load: true
cache-from: type=gha
cache-to: type=gha,mode=max
Expand All @@ -130,7 +132,7 @@ jobs:
k8s_version=${{ inputs.k8s-version }}
make create-kind-cluster KIND_KUBE_CONFIG=${{ github.workspace }}/kube-${{ github.run_id }} ${{ ! contains(inputs.k8s-version, 'latest') && 'KIND_IMAGE=kindest/node:v${k8s_version}' || '' }}
echo "KUBECONFIG=${{ github.workspace }}/kube-${{ github.run_id }}" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
working-directory: ./conformance
working-directory: ./tests

- name: Setup conformance tests
run: |
Expand All @@ -139,19 +141,19 @@ jobs:
if [ ${{ github.event_name }} == "schedule" ]; then export GW_API_VERSION=main; fi
if [ ${{ inputs.enable-experimental }} == "true" ]; then export ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL=true; fi
make install-ngf-local-no-build${{ inputs.image == 'plus' && '-with-plus' || ''}} PREFIX=${ngf_prefix} TAG=${ngf_tag}
working-directory: ./conformance
working-directory: ./tests

- name: Run conformance tests
run: |
make run-conformance-tests CONFORMANCE_TAG=${{ github.sha }} VERSION=${{ github.ref_name }}
make run-conformance-tests CONFORMANCE_TAG=${{ github.sha }} NGF_VERSION=${{ github.ref_name }}
core_result=$(cat conformance-profile.yaml | yq '.profiles[0].core.result')
extended_result=$(cat conformance-profile.yaml | yq '.profiles[0].extended.result')
if [ "${core_result}" == "failure" ] || [ "${extended_result}" == "failure" ]; then echo "Conformance test failed, see above for details." && exit 2; fi
working-directory: ./conformance
working-directory: ./tests

- name: Upload profile to release
if: ${{ inputs.k8s-version == 'latest' && startsWith(github.ref, 'refs/tags/') }}
run: gh release upload ${{ github.ref_name }} conformance-profile.yaml --clobber
working-directory: ./conformance
working-directory: ./tests
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions .github/workflows/functional.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ jobs:
- name: Checkout Repository
uses: actions/checkout@a5ac7e51b41094c92402da3b24376905380afc29 # v4.1.6
fetch-depth: 0

- name: Setup Golang Environment
uses: actions/setup-go@cdcb36043654635271a94b9a6d1392de5bb323a7 # v5.0.1
Expand Down
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions .github/workflows/release-pr.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -74,8 +74,6 @@ jobs:
sed -i -e "s/v${{ steps.vars.outputs.current_version }}/v${{ inputs.version }}/g"
sed -i -e "s/\[${{ steps.vars.outputs.current_version }}\]/\[${{ inputs.version }}\]/g"
sed -i -e "s/VERSION = edge/VERSION = ${{ inputs.version }}/g" Makefile
sed -i -e "s/VERSION = ${{ steps.vars.outputs.current_version }}/VERSION = ${{ inputs.version }}/g" conformance/Makefile
sed -i -e "s/TAG = edge/TAG = ${{ inputs.version }}/g" **/Makefile
sed -i "6r .github/"
sed -i -e "s/%%VERSION%%/${{ inputs.version }}/g"
make generate-manifests
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@

# Dependency directories (remove the comment below to include it)
# vendor/
Expand Down
51 changes: 34 additions & 17 deletions Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,12 +2,14 @@
VERSION = edge
GIT_COMMIT = $(shell git rev-parse HEAD || echo "unknown")
DATE = $(shell date -u +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
SELF_DIR := $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))
MANIFEST_DIR = $(CURDIR)/deploy/manifests
CHART_DIR = $(CURDIR)/charts/nginx-gateway-fabric
CHART_DIR = $(SELF_DIR)charts/nginx-gateway-fabric
NGINX_CONF_DIR = internal/mode/static/nginx/conf
NJS_DIR = internal/mode/static/nginx/modules/src
NGINX_DOCKER_BUILD_PLUS_ARGS = --secret id=nginx-repo.crt,src=nginx-repo.crt --secret id=nginx-repo.key,src=nginx-repo.key

# the telemetry related variables below are also configured in goreleaser.yml
Expand All @@ -16,7 +18,7 @@ TELEMETRY_ENDPOINT=# if empty, NGF will report telemetry in its logs at debug le

NODE_VERSION = $(shell cat .nvmrc)

# go build flags - should not be overridden by the user
Expand All @@ -31,18 +33,23 @@ NGINX_PLUS_PREFIX ?= $(PREFIX)/nginx-plus## The name of the nginx plus image. Fo
TAG ?= $(VERSION:v%=%)## The tag of the image. For example, 1.1.0
TARGET ?= local## The target of the build. Possible values: local and container
KIND_KUBE_CONFIG=$${HOME}/.kube/kind/config## The location of the kind kubeconfig
OUT_DIR ?= $(CURDIR)/build/out## The folder where the binary will be stored
OUT_DIR ?= build/out## The folder where the binary will be stored
GOARCH ?= amd64## The architecture of the image and/or binary. For example: amd64 or arm64
GOOS ?= linux## The OS of the image and/or binary. For example: linux or darwin
override HELM_TEMPLATE_COMMON_ARGS += --set creator=template --set nameOverride=nginx-gateway## The common options for the Helm template command.
override HELM_TEMPLATE_EXTRA_ARGS_FOR_ALL_MANIFESTS_FILE += --set service.create=false## The options to be passed to the full Helm templating command only.


ifneq (,$(findstring plus,$(MAKECMDGOALS)))

.PHONY: help
help: Makefile ## Display this help
@grep -E '^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | sort | awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "; printf "Usage:\n\n make \033[36m<target>\033[0m [VARIABLE=value...]\n\nTargets:\n\n"}; {printf " \033[36m%-30s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}'
@grep -E '^(override )?[a-zA-Z_-]+ \??\+?= .*?## .*$$' $< | sort | awk 'BEGIN {FS = " \\??\\+?= .*?## "; printf "\nVariables:\n\n"}; {gsub(/override /, "", $$1); printf " \033[36m%-30s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}'
@grep -hE '^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | sort | awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "; printf "Usage:\n\n make \033[36m<target>\033[0m [VARIABLE=value...]\n\nTargets:\n\n"}; {printf " \033[36m%-30s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}'
@grep -hE '^(override )?[a-zA-Z_-]+ \??\+?= .*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | sort | awk 'BEGIN {FS = " \\??\\+?= .*?## "; printf "\nVariables:\n\n"}; {gsub(/override /, "", $$1); printf " \033[36m%-30s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}'

.PHONY: build-prod-images
build-prod-images: build-prod-ngf-image build-prod-nginx-image ## Build the NGF and nginx docker images for production
Expand All @@ -62,21 +69,21 @@ build-prod-ngf-image: build-ngf-image ## Build the NGF docker image for producti

.PHONY: build-ngf-image
build-ngf-image: check-for-docker build ## Build the NGF docker image
docker build --platform linux/$(GOARCH) --build-arg BUILD_AGENT=$(BUILD_AGENT) --target $(strip $(TARGET)) -f build/Dockerfile -t $(strip $(PREFIX)):$(strip $(TAG)) .
docker build --platform linux/$(GOARCH) --build-arg BUILD_AGENT=$(BUILD_AGENT) --target $(strip $(TARGET)) -f $(SELF_DIR)build/Dockerfile -t $(strip $(PREFIX)):$(strip $(TAG)) $(strip $(SELF_DIR))

.PHONY: build-prod-nginx-image
build-prod-nginx-image: build-nginx-image ## Build the custom nginx image for production

.PHONY: build-nginx-image
build-nginx-image: check-for-docker ## Build the custom nginx image
docker build --platform linux/$(GOARCH) $(strip $(NGINX_DOCKER_BUILD_OPTIONS)) -f build/Dockerfile.nginx -t $(strip $(NGINX_PREFIX)):$(strip $(TAG)) .
docker build --platform linux/$(GOARCH) $(strip $(NGINX_DOCKER_BUILD_OPTIONS)) -f $(SELF_DIR)build/Dockerfile.nginx -t $(strip $(NGINX_PREFIX)):$(strip $(TAG)) $(strip $(SELF_DIR))

.PHONY: build-prod-nginx-plus-image
build-prod-nginx-plus-image: build-nginx-plus-image ## Build the custom nginx plus image for production

.PHONY: build-nginx-plus-image
build-nginx-plus-image: check-for-docker ## Build the custom nginx plus image
docker build --platform linux/$(GOARCH) $(strip $(NGINX_DOCKER_BUILD_OPTIONS)) $(strip $(NGINX_DOCKER_BUILD_PLUS_ARGS)) -f build/Dockerfile.nginxplus -t $(strip $(NGINX_PLUS_PREFIX)):$(strip $(TAG)) .
docker build --platform linux/$(GOARCH) $(strip $(NGINX_DOCKER_BUILD_OPTIONS)) $(strip $(NGINX_DOCKER_BUILD_PLUS_ARGS)) -f $(SELF_DIR)build/Dockerfile.nginxplus -t $(strip $(NGINX_PLUS_PREFIX)):$(strip $(TAG)) $(strip $(SELF_DIR))

.PHONY: check-for-docker
check-for-docker: ## Check if Docker is installed
Expand All @@ -86,7 +93,7 @@ check-for-docker: ## Check if Docker is installed
build: ## Build the binary
ifeq (${TARGET},local)
@go version || (code=$$?; printf "\033[0;31mError\033[0m: unable to build locally\n"; exit $$code)
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=$(GOOS) GOARCH=$(GOARCH) go build -trimpath -a -ldflags "$(GO_LINKER_FLAGS)" $(ADDITIONAL_GO_BUILD_FLAGS) -o $(OUT_DIR)/gateway
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=$(GOOS) GOARCH=$(GOARCH) go build -C $(SELF_DIR) -trimpath -a -ldflags "$(GO_LINKER_FLAGS)" $(ADDITIONAL_GO_BUILD_FLAGS) -o $(OUT_DIR)/gateway

.PHONY: build-goreleaser
Expand All @@ -103,13 +110,25 @@ generate-crds: ## Generate CRDs and Go types using kubebuilder
go run crd object paths=./apis/... output:crd:artifacts:config=config/crd/bases
kubectl kustomize config/crd >deploy/crds.yaml

.PHONY: install-crds
install-crds: ## Install CRDs
kubectl kustomize config/crd | kubectl apply -f -

.PHONY: install-gateway-crds
install-gateway-crds: ## Install Gateway API CRDs

.PHONY: uninstall-gateway-crds
uninstall-gateway-crds: ## Uninstall Gateway API CRDs

.PHONY: generate-manifests
generate-manifests: ## Generate manifests using Helm.
helm template nginx-gateway $(CHART_DIR) $(HELM_TEMPLATE_COMMON_ARGS) $(HELM_TEMPLATE_EXTRA_ARGS_FOR_ALL_MANIFESTS_FILE) -n nginx-gateway | cat $(strip $(MANIFEST_DIR))/namespace.yaml - > $(strip $(MANIFEST_DIR))/nginx-gateway.yaml
helm template nginx-gateway $(CHART_DIR) $(HELM_TEMPLATE_COMMON_ARGS) $(HELM_TEMPLATE_EXTRA_ARGS_FOR_ALL_MANIFESTS_FILE) --set --set nginx.image.repository=$(NGINX_PLUS_PREFIX) -n nginx-gateway | cat $(strip $(MANIFEST_DIR))/namespace.yaml - > $(strip $(MANIFEST_DIR))/nginx-plus-gateway.yaml
helm template nginx-gateway $(CHART_DIR) $(HELM_TEMPLATE_COMMON_ARGS) $(HELM_TEMPLATE_EXTRA_ARGS_FOR_ALL_MANIFESTS_FILE) --set nginxGateway.gwAPIExperimentalFeatures.enable=true -n nginx-gateway | cat $(strip $(MANIFEST_DIR))/namespace.yaml - > $(strip $(MANIFEST_DIR))/nginx-gateway-experimental.yaml
helm template nginx-gateway $(CHART_DIR) $(HELM_TEMPLATE_COMMON_ARGS) $(HELM_TEMPLATE_EXTRA_ARGS_FOR_ALL_MANIFESTS_FILE) --set nginxGateway.gwAPIExperimentalFeatures.enable=true --set --set nginx.image.repository=$(NGINX_PLUS_PREFIX) -n nginx-gateway | cat $(strip $(MANIFEST_DIR))/namespace.yaml - > $(strip $(MANIFEST_DIR))/nginx-plus-gateway-experimental.yaml
helm template nginx-gateway $(CHART_DIR) $(HELM_TEMPLATE_COMMON_ARGS) --set metrics.enable=false --set nginxGateway.productTelemetry.enable=false -n nginx-gateway -s templates/deployment.yaml > conformance/provisioner/static-deployment.yaml
helm template nginx-gateway $(CHART_DIR) $(HELM_TEMPLATE_COMMON_ARGS) --set metrics.enable=false --set nginxGateway.productTelemetry.enable=false -n nginx-gateway -s templates/deployment.yaml > config/tests/static-deployment.yaml
helm template nginx-gateway $(CHART_DIR) $(HELM_TEMPLATE_COMMON_ARGS) -n nginx-gateway -s templates/service.yaml > $(strip $(MANIFEST_DIR))/service/loadbalancer.yaml
helm template nginx-gateway $(CHART_DIR) $(HELM_TEMPLATE_COMMON_ARGS) --set service.annotations.'service\.beta\.kubernetes\.io\/aws-load-balancer-type'="nlb" -n nginx-gateway -s templates/service.yaml > $(strip $(MANIFEST_DIR))/service/loadbalancer-aws-nlb.yaml
helm template nginx-gateway $(CHART_DIR) $(HELM_TEMPLATE_COMMON_ARGS) --set service.type=NodePort --set service.externalTrafficPolicy="" -n nginx-gateway -s templates/service.yaml > $(strip $(MANIFEST_DIR))/service/nodeport.yaml
Expand All @@ -128,7 +147,7 @@ deps: ## Add missing and remove unused modules, verify deps and download them to

.PHONY: create-kind-cluster
create-kind-cluster: ## Create a kind cluster
$(eval KIND_IMAGE=$(shell grep -m1 'FROM kindest/node' <conformance/tests/Dockerfile | awk -F'[ ]' '{print $$2}'))
$(eval KIND_IMAGE=$(shell grep -m1 'FROM kindest/node' <$(SELF_DIR)tests/Dockerfile | awk -F'[ ]' '{print $$2}'))
kind create cluster --image $(KIND_IMAGE)
kind export kubeconfig --kubeconfig $(KIND_KUBE_CONFIG)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -189,14 +208,12 @@ install-ngf-local-build: build-images load-images helm-install-local ## Install
install-ngf-local-build-with-plus: build-images-with-plus load-images-with-plus helm-install-local-with-plus ## Install NGF with NGINX Plus from local build on configured kind cluster.

.PHONY: helm-install-local
helm-install-local: ## Helm install NGF on configured kind cluster with local images. To build, load, and install with helm run make install-ngf-local-build.
./conformance/scripts/ $(GW_API_VERSION) $(ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL)
helm install dev $(CHART_DIR) --create-namespace --wait --set service.type=NodePort --set nginxGateway.image.repository=$(PREFIX) --set nginxGateway.image.tag=$(TAG) --set nginxGateway.image.pullPolicy=Never --set nginx.image.repository=$(NGINX_PREFIX) --set nginx.image.tag=$(TAG) --set nginx.image.pullPolicy=Never --set nginxGateway.gwAPIExperimentalFeatures.enable=$(ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL) -n nginx-gateway
helm-install-local: install-gateway-crds ## Helm install NGF on configured kind cluster with local images. To build, load, and install with helm run make install-ngf-local-build.
helm install nginx-gateway $(CHART_DIR) --set nginx.image.repository=$(NGINX_PREFIX) --create-namespace --wait --set nginxGateway.image.pullPolicy=Never --set service.type=NodePort --set nginxGateway.image.repository=$(PREFIX) --set nginxGateway.image.tag=$(TAG) --set nginx.image.tag=$(TAG) --set nginx.image.pullPolicy=Never --set nginxGateway.gwAPIExperimentalFeatures.enable=$(ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL) -n nginx-gateway $(HELM_PARAMETERS)

.PHONY: helm-install-local-with-plus
helm-install-local-with-plus: ## Helm install NGF with NGINX Plus on configured kind cluster with local images. To build, load, and install with helm run make install-ngf-local-build-with-plus.
./conformance/scripts/ $(GW_API_VERSION) $(ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL)
helm install dev $(CHART_DIR) --create-namespace --wait --set service.type=NodePort --set nginxGateway.image.repository=$(PREFIX) --set nginxGateway.image.tag=$(TAG) --set nginxGateway.image.pullPolicy=Never --set nginx.image.repository=$(NGINX_PLUS_PREFIX) --set nginx.image.tag=$(TAG) --set nginx.image.pullPolicy=Never --set --set nginxGateway.gwAPIExperimentalFeatures.enable=$(ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL) -n nginx-gateway
helm-install-local-with-plus: install-gateway-crds ## Helm install NGF with NGINX Plus on configured kind cluster with local images. To build, load, and install with helm run make install-ngf-local-build-with-plus.
helm install nginx-gateway $(CHART_DIR) --set nginx.image.repository=$(NGINX_PLUS_PREFIX) --create-namespace --wait --set nginxGateway.image.pullPolicy=Never --set service.type=NodePort --set nginxGateway.image.repository=$(PREFIX) --set nginxGateway.image.tag=$(TAG) --set nginx.image.tag=$(TAG) --set nginx.image.pullPolicy=Never --set nginxGateway.gwAPIExperimentalFeatures.enable=$(ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL) -n nginx-gateway --set $(HELM_PARAMETERS)

# Debug Targets
.PHONY: debug-build
Expand Down
File renamed without changes.

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