diff --git a/hugo/content/changelog.md b/hugo/content/changelog.md
index 6430ebd4f..1f29daa6d 100644
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+++ b/hugo/content/changelog.md
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title: "Changelog"
draft: false
description: "NGINX Agent updates changelog."
-weight: 900
+weight: 1100
toc: true
tags: [ "docs" ]
docs: "DOCS-1093"
diff --git a/hugo/content/community.md b/hugo/content/community.md
index 773e06419..460385fcb 100644
--- a/hugo/content/community.md
+++ b/hugo/content/community.md
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
title: "Contributing and Support"
draft: false
description: "Learn about the NGINX Agent community."
-weight: 800
+weight: 900
toc: true
tags: [ "docs" ]
docs: "DOCS-1087"
diff --git a/hugo/content/configuration-overview.md b/hugo/content/configuration-overview.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ff99e3a80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hugo/content/configuration-overview.md
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+title: "Configuration Overview"
+draft: false
+description: "Learn the overview of configuration"
+weight: 500
+toc: true
+tags: [ "docs" ]
+docs: "DOCS-1229"
+categories: ["configuration"]
+doctypes: ["task"]
+## Overview
+The following sections explain how to configure the NGINX Agent using configuration files, CLI flags, and environment variables.
+- The NGINX Agent interprets configuration values set by configuration files, CLI flags, and environment variables in the following priorities:
+ 1. CLI flags overwrite configuration files and environment variable values.
+ 2. Environment variables overwrite configuration file values.
+ 3. Config files are the lowest priority and config settings are superseded if either of the other options is used.
+- You must open any required firewall ports or add SELinux/AppArmor rules for the ports and IPs you want to use.
+### Configure with Config Files
+The configuration files for the NGINX Agent are `/etc/nginx-agent/nginx-agent.conf` and `/var/lib/nginx-agent/agent-dynamic.conf`. The `agent-dynamic.conf` file location is different for FreeBSD which is located `/var/db/nginx-agent/agent-dynamic.conf`. These files have comments at the top indicating their purpose.
+Examples of the configuration files are provided below:
+ example nginx-agent.conf
+In the following example `nginx-agent.conf` file, you can change the `server.host` and `server.grpcPort` to connect to the control/management plane.
+```nginx {hl_lines=[13]}
+# /etc/nginx-agent/nginx-agent.conf
+# Configuration file for NGINX Agent.
+# This file tracks agent configuration values that are meant to be statically set. There
+# are additional NGINX Agent configuration values that are set via the API and agent install script
+# which can be found in /etc/nginx-agent/agent-dynamic.conf.
+# specify the server grpc port to connect to
+ # host of the control plane
+ host:
+ grpcPort: 443
+# tls options
+ # enable tls in the nginx-agent setup for grpcs
+ # default to enable to connect with secure connection but without client cert for mtls
+ enable: true
+ # controls whether the server certificate chain and host name are verified.
+ # for production use, see instructions for configuring TLS
+ skip_verify: false
+ # set log level (panic, fatal, error, info, debug, trace; default "info")
+ level: info
+ # set log path. if empty, don't log to file.
+ path: /var/log/nginx-agent/
+ # path of NGINX logs to exclude
+ exclude_logs: ""
+ # Set to true when NGINX configuration should contain no warnings when performing a configuration apply (nginx -t is used to carry out this check)
+ treat_warnings_as_errors: false # Default is false
+# data plane status message / 'heartbeat'
+ status:
+ # poll interval for dataplane status - the frequency the agent will query the dataplane for changes
+ poll_interval: 30s
+ # report interval for dataplane status - the maximum duration to wait before syncing dataplane information if no updates have been observed
+ report_interval: 24h
+ # specify the size of a buffer to build before sending metrics
+ bulk_size: 20
+ # specify metrics poll interval
+ report_interval: 1m
+ collection_interval: 15s
+ mode: aggregated
+# OSS NGINX default config path
+# path to aux file dirs can also be added
+config_dirs: "/etc/nginx:/usr/local/etc/nginx"
+ - nginx-app-protect
+# Enable reporting NGINX App Protect details to the control plane.
+ # Report interval for NGINX App Protect details - the frequency the NGINX Agent checks NGINX App Protect for changes.
+ report_interval: 15s
+ # Enable precompiled publication from the NGINX Management Suite (true) or perform compilation on the data plane host (false).
+ precompiled_publication: true
+ example dynamic-agent.conf
+# /var/lib/nginx-agent/agent-dynamic.conf
+# On FreeBSD /var/db/nginx-agent/agent-dynamic.conf
+# Dynamic configuration file for NGINX Agent.
+# The purpose of this file is to track agent configuration
+# values that can be dynamically changed via the API and the agent install script.
+# You may edit this file, but API calls that modify the tags on this system will
+# overwrite the tag values in this file.
+# The agent configuration values that API calls can modify are as follows:
+# - tags
+# The agent configuration value that the agent install script can modify are as follows:
+# - instance_group
+instance_group: devenv-group
+ - devenv
+ - test
+### NGINX Agent CLI Flags & Usage {#nginx-agent-cli-flags-usage}
+This section displays the configurable options for the NGINX Agent that can be set with CLI flags. See the CLI flags and their uses in the figure below:
+ NGINX Agent CLI flags & usage
+ nginx-agent [flags]
+ nginx-agent [command]
+Available Commands:
+ completion Generate completion script.
+ help Help about any command
+ --api-cert string The cert used by the Agent API.
+ --api-host string The host used by the Agent API. (default "")
+ --api-key string The key used by the Agent API.
+ --api-port int The desired port to use for nginx-agent to expose for HTTP traffic.
+ --config-dirs string Defines the paths that you want to grant nginx-agent read/write access to. This key is formatted as a string and follows Unix PATH format. (default "/etc/nginx:/usr/local/etc/nginx:/usr/share/nginx/modules:/etc/nms")
+ --dataplane-report-interval duration The amount of time the agent will report on the dataplane. After this period of time it will send a snapshot of the dataplane information. (default 24h0m0s)
+ --dataplane-status-poll-interval duration The frequency the agent will check the dataplane for changes. Used as a "heartbeat" to keep the gRPC connections alive. (default 30s)
+ --display-name string The instance's 'name' value.
+ --features strings A comma-separated list of features enabled for the agent. (default [registration,nginx-config-async,nginx-ssl-config,nginx-counting,metrics,metrics-throttle,dataplane-status,process-watcher,file-watcher,activity-events,agent-api])
+ -h, --help help for nginx-agent
+ --instance-group string The instance's 'group' value.
+ --log-level string The desired verbosity level for logging messages from nginx-agent. Available options, in order of severity from highest to lowest, are: panic, fatal, error, info, debug, and trace. (default "info")
+ --log-path string The path to output log messages to. If the default path doesn't exist, log messages are output to stdout/stderr. (default "/var/log/nginx-agent")
+ --metrics-bulk-size int The amount of metrics reports collected before sending the data back to the server. (default 20)
+ --metrics-collection-interval duration Sets the interval, in seconds, at which metrics are collected. (default 15s)
+ --metrics-mode string Sets the desired metrics collection mode: streaming or aggregation. (default "aggregated")
+ --metrics-report-interval duration The polling period specified for a single set of metrics being collected. (default 1m0s)
+ --nginx-config-reload-monitoring-period duration The duration the NGINX Agent will monitor error logs after a NGINX reload (default 10s)
+ --nginx-exclude-logs string One or more NGINX access log paths that you want to exclude from metrics collection. This key is formatted as a string and multiple values should be provided as a comma-separated list.
+ --nginx-socket string The NGINX Plus counting unix socket location. (default "unix:/var/run/nginx-agent/nginx.sock")
+ --nginx-treat-warnings-as-errors On nginx -t, treat warnings as failures on configuration application.
+ --server-command string The name of the command server sent in the tls configuration.
+ --server-grpcport int The desired GRPC port to use for nginx-agent traffic.
+ --server-host string The IP address of the server host. IPv4 addresses and hostnames are supported.
+ --server-metrics string The name of the metrics server sent in the tls configuration.
+ --server-token string An authentication token that grants nginx-agent access to the commander and metrics services. Auto-generated by default. (default "750d0148-c4b2-499a-9011-ca5a8c752d52")
+ --tags strings A comma-separated list of tags to add to the current instance or machine, to be used for inventory purposes.
+ --tls-ca string The path to the CA certificate file to use for TLS.
+ --tls-cert string The path to the certificate file to use for TLS.
+ --tls-enable Enables TLS for secure communications.
+ --tls-key string The path to the certificate key file to use for TLS.
+ --tls-skip-verify Only intended for demonstration, sets InsecureSkipVerify for gRPC TLS credentials
+ -v, --version version for nginx-agent
+Use "nginx-agent [command] --help" for more information about a command.
+#### NGINX Agent Config Dirs Option
+Use the `--config-dirs` command-line option, or the `config_dirs` key in the `nginx-agent.conf` file, to identify the directories the NGINX Agent can read from or write to. This setting also defines the location to which you can upload config files when using a control/management plane. The NGINX Agent cannot write to directories outside the specified location when updating a config and cannot upload files to directories outside of the configured location.
+The NGINX Agent follows NGINX configuration directives to file paths outside the designated directories and reads certificates' metadata. The NGINX Agent uses the following directives:
+- [`ssl_certificate`](https://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_ssl_module.html#ssl_certificate)
+### NGINX Agent Environment Variables
+This section displays the configurable options for the NGINX Agent that can be set with environment variables. A list of the configurable environment variables can be seen below:
+ NGINX Agent Environment Variables
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diff --git a/hugo/content/dev-environment-setup.md b/hugo/content/dev-environment-setup.md
index a368ac053..7fd520d13 100644
--- a/hugo/content/dev-environment-setup.md
+++ b/hugo/content/dev-environment-setup.md
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
title: "Development Environment Setup"
draft: false
description: "Learn how to setup a Development Environment for NGINX Agent."
-weight: 700
+weight: 800
toc: true
tags: [ "docs" ]
docs: "DOCS-1088"
diff --git a/hugo/content/getting-started.md b/hugo/content/getting-started.md
index 2f141b2a3..1be99b7e8 100644
--- a/hugo/content/getting-started.md
+++ b/hugo/content/getting-started.md
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
title: "Getting Started"
draft: false
description: "Learn how to configure and run NGINX Agent."
-weight: 600
+weight: 700
toc: true
tags: [ "docs" ]
docs: "DOCS-1089"
diff --git a/hugo/content/technical-specifications.md b/hugo/content/technical-specifications.md
index 38d3e8ff9..15a866100 100644
--- a/hugo/content/technical-specifications.md
+++ b/hugo/content/technical-specifications.md
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
title: "Technical Specifications"
draft: false
description: "This document describes the requirements for NGINX Agent."
-weight: 800
+weight: 1000
toc: true
tags: [ "docs" ]
docs: "DOCS-1092"
diff --git a/hugo/content/upgrading.md b/hugo/content/upgrading.md
index 54ef81b78..361f4ac8f 100644
--- a/hugo/content/upgrading.md
+++ b/hugo/content/upgrading.md
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
title: "Upgrade NGINX Agent Package"
draft: false
description: "Learn how to upgrade NGINX Agent"
-weight: 500
+weight: 600
toc: true
tags: [ "docs" ]
docs: "DOCS-1227"