The following is subject to change. The goal is to put all user serviceable parts at the top. but details outside of that could change.
Use eslint and the configured .eslintrc.json
. The primary dev machine comes with v6.4.0, which is an older release.
For things it cannot handle at the moment:
before the first use -
static public classes
static public fields (alphabetical, usually none)
static public getters/setters (alphabetical)
static public methods
public fields (alphabetical, usually none)
public getters/setters (alphabetical)
public methods
static private classes
static private fields (alphabetical)
static private getters/setters (alphabetical)
static private methods
private fields (alphabetical)
private getters/setters (alphabetical)
private methods
nested testcases (friends)
Should go into the NexusHoratio
namespace object with an object the same name as the library.
Each library should have a version
number that is strictly increasing. NOT SemVer!
Skeleton for lib/foo.js:
// ==UserScript==
// ==UserLibrary==
// @name NH_foo
// @description Foo library does Foo stuff.
// @version N
// @license GPL-3.0-or-later;
// @homepageURL
// @supportURL
// @match*
// ==/UserLibrary==
// ==/UserScript==
window.NexusHoratio ??= {}; = (function foo() {
'use strict';
const version = N;
// Note that *ver?* here is from {xunit,base}.version, NOT the @require URL.
const NH = window.NexusHoratio.base.ensure([
{name: 'xunit', minVersion: ver0},
{name: 'base', minVersion: ver1},
function bar() {
if (!right) {'Something was not right with bar', 'Details ...');
return {
version: version,
Some of the above is simply to keep eslint happy.
Libraries and apps should use base.ensure() to restrict the namespace and verify minimal versions are present.
const NH = window.NexusHoratio.base.ensure([{name: 'xunit'}, {name: 'base'}]);
Libraries and apps should use base.issues to post bugs. Apps should set a listener on base.issues to process those bugs (e.g., put them somewhere a user can easily get to them that is not just the console logs).'Something bad', 'detail 1', 'detail 2');
Use the
userscript namespace.
Use libraries as hosted on Greasy Fork. As of 2023-10-16, we now use the new format that embeds the Greasy Fork version (different from the library version), inside the URL. See the strings ABC
and XYZ
in the skeleton.
Skeleton for bar.user.js:
// ==UserScript==
// @name Bar
// @namespace
// @match*
// @noframes
// @version X
// @author Mike Castle
// @description Bar does that.
// @license GPL-3.0-or-later;
// @downloadURL
// @supportURL
// @require
// @require
// ==/UserScript==
(async () => {
'use strict';
// Note that *ver?* here is from {xunit,base}.version, NOT the @require URL.
const NH = window.NexusHoratio.base.ensure([
{name: 'xunit', minVersion: ver0},
{name: 'base', minVersion: ver1},
function issueListener(...issues) {
// Handle issues
In a POSIX environment, set up the hooks after cloning:
git config core.hooksPath hooks
I am not wholly committed to the npm
ecosystem. If it cannot easily be installed on a Debian system using apt install
, I will not use it. Unfortunately, this can mean things like using older versions of tools like eslint as well as emacs plugins.
Most libraries, include base depend on xunit.
All tests should subclass TestCase
and register itself with testing.testCases.
Assertions are being added to TestCase
as needed. Use for naming guidance.
All tests are ran in the browser, and applications should include the following line, which will run all tests registered in testing.testCases.;
Typically, a library or app will do something like the following to register tests:
/* eslint-disable no-empty-function */
/* eslint-disable no-magic-numbers */
/* eslint-disable no-new */
/* eslint-disable require-jsdoc */
class FooTestCase extends NH.xunit.TestCase {
... do test stuff ...
/* eslint-enable */
Keep any eslint-disable directives used minimal and sorted.
The mentioned above will then execute the tests on page load, iff NH.xunit.testing.enabled === true
Experience has shown that test logs can become interleaved with other messages, so the run() may want to be placed after the application has defined tests, but before it starts doing anything.
If using Violentmonkey to develop:
Add the following the the userscript at the end of the UserScript directive:
// @require http://localhost:8000/lib/base.js?0
// @require http://localhost:8000/lib/foo.js?0
In one window:
python -m http.server -d src/userscripts/
In another:
inotifywait --quiet --monitor --event CLOSE_WRITE --format '%w%f' lib | while read filename; do sum=$(cksum $filename | awk '{print $1}'); sed -i "s+\(${filename}\)?.*+\1?${sum}+" linkedin-tool.user.js; done
As the libraries are updated, the extra @require
statements will be updated which will force VM to reload them because the URLs have changed. Two versions of the library will be loaded, but the second one will take precedence. Not yet tested with other userscript managers.
Do NOT check in!
Supporting a new page is not always easy. Many pages load dynamically, which is why things like Page
's pageReadySelector exists. Learning what that selector should be can be challenging, and it will be discovered that, depending on what gets loaded onto the page, it may change from time to time.
One technique is to create MutationObserver that simply adds a counter to each element on the page as it arrives. Elements that existed before the observe gets activated will have no counter. Simply watching to see when the page settles down can provide a strong hint on when things are ready.
The is an example of a new Page
that does this. Note that sometimes, nodes get removed from a page moments after they get added. Shipping your org chart FTW!
class WatchPage extends Page { // eslint-disable-line require-jsdoc
/** @param {SPA} spa - SPA instance that manages this Page. */
constructor(spa) {
super({spa: spa});
this.#MO = new MutationObserver(this.#mutationHandler);
this.#activator = this.addService(WatchPage.#Activator); = this;
static #Activator = class extends NH.base.Service {
/** @inheritdoc */
constructor(name) {
this.on('activate', this.#onActivate)
/** @returns {WatchPage} - Associated instance. */
get page() {
return this.#page;
/** @param {WatchPage} val - Associated instance. */
set page(val) {
this.#page = val;
#onActivate = () => {
const me = 'onActivate';
this.logger.entered(me); = 1;'body'),
{childList: true, subtree: true});
* MutationObserver callback.
* @param {MutationRecord[]} records - Standard mutation records.
#mutationHandler = (records) => { // eslint-disable-line max-statements
const me = 'mutationHandler';
this.logger.entered(me, `records: ${records.length}`);
const adds = [];
const dels = [];
for (const record of records) {
if (record.type === 'childList') {
for (const node of record.addedNodes) {
if (node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
node.dataset.counter = this.counter;
this.counter += 1;
for (const node of record.removedNodes) {
if (node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE &&
node.matches('[data-counter]')) {
if (adds.length) {
this.logger.starting('adds', adds.length);
for (const node of adds) {
this.logger.log('node:', node, node.innerText);
if (dels.length) {
this.logger.starting('dels', dels.length);
for (const node of dels) {
this.logger.log('node:', node);
this.logger.leaving(me, this.counter);
Then in the console, do a query for the largest data-counter to see what the last thing loaded was. Having timestamps turned on in the console helps.
Without true details passed to super(), this will watch any page being loaded, so careful.
Skeleton for a new Page
/** Class for handling the Foo page. */
class Foo extends Page {
/** @param {SPA} spa - SPA instance that manages this Page. */
constructor(spa) {
super({spa: spa, ...Foo.#details});
this.#keyboardService = this.addService(VMKeyboardService);
static #details = {
pathname: '/foo/',
pageReadySelector: '#last-element-loaded',