- API v1: 🏁 Removed with API v4: until Nextcloud 21
- API v2: 🏁 Removed with API v4: Nextcloud 19 - 21
- API v3: 🏁 Removed with API v4: Nextcloud 21 only
- API v4: Base endpoint
: since Nextcloud 22
!!! note
Due to the structure of the `lastMessage.reactions` array the response is not valid in XML.
It is therefor recommended to use `format=json` or send the `Accept: application/json` header,
to receive a JSON response.
!!! note
When `modifiedSince` is provided only conversations with a newer `lastActivity` are returned. If `includeStatus` is set to `true` all one-to-one conversations will be returned to make sure the latest user status is returned.
Due to the nature of the data structure we can not return information that a conversation was deleted
or the user removed from a conversation. Therefore it is recommended to do a full refresh:
* Every 5 minutes
* When a signaling message of type `delete` or `disinvite` was received
* Internal signaling mode is used
- Method:
- Endpoint:
- Data:
field | type | Description |
noStatusUpdate |
int | When the user status should not be automatically set to online set to 1 (default 0) |
includeStatus |
bool | Whether the user status information of all one-to-one conversations should be loaded (default false) |
modifiedSince |
int | Use with care as per note above. When provided only conversations with a newer lastActivity (and one-to-one conversations when includeStatus is provided) are returned. |
- Response:
Status code:
200 OK
401 Unauthorized
when the user is not logged in
field | type | Description |
X-Nextcloud-Talk-Hash |
string | Sha1 value over some config. When you receive a different value on subsequent requests, the capabilities and the signaling settings should be refreshed. |
X-Nextcloud-Talk-Modified-Before |
string | Timestamp from before the database request that can be used as modifiedSince parameter in the next request |
X-Nextcloud-Talk-Federation-Invites |
string | Optional: Number of pending invites to federated conversations the user has. (Only available when the user can do federation and has at least one invite pending) |
- Data:
Array of conversations, each conversation has at least:
field | type | Added | Removed | Description |
id |
int | v1 | Numeric identifier of the conversation | |
token |
string | v1 | Token identifier of the conversation which is used for further interaction | |
type |
int | v1 | See list of conversation types in the constants list | |
name |
string | v1 | Name of the conversation (can also be empty) | |
displayName |
string | v1 | name if non empty, otherwise it falls back to a list of participants |
description |
string | v3 | Description of the conversation (can also be empty) (only available with room-description capability) |
participantType |
int | v1 | Permissions level of the current user | |
attendeeId |
int | v3 | Unique attendee id | |
attendeePin |
string | v3 | Unique dial-in authentication code for this user, when the conversation has SIP enabled (see sipEnabled attribute) |
actorType |
string | v3 | Actor type of the current user (see constants list) | |
actorId |
string | v3 | The unique identifier for the given actor type | |
permissions |
int | v4 | Combined final permissions for the current participant, permissions are picked in order of attendee then call then default and the first which is Custom will apply (see constants list) |
attendeePermissions |
int | v4 | Dedicated permissions for the current participant, if not Custom this are not the resulting permissions (see constants list) |
callPermissions |
int | v4 | Call permissions, if not Custom this are not the resulting permissions, if set they will reset after the end of the call (see constants list) |
defaultPermissions |
int | v4 | Default permissions for new participants (see constants list) | |
participantInCall |
bool | v1 | v2 | Removed: use participantFlags instead |
participantFlags |
int | v1 | "In call" flags of the user's session making the request (only available with in-call-flags capability) |
readOnly |
int | v1 | Read-only state for the current user (only available with read-only-rooms capability) |
listable |
int | v3 | Listable scope for the room (only available with listable-rooms capability) |
messageExpiration |
int | v4 | The message expiration time in seconds in this chat. Zero if disabled. (only available with message-expiration capability) |
count |
int | v1 | v2 | Removed: Count the users on the Get list of participants in a conversation endpoint |
numGuests |
int | v1 | v2 | Removed: Count the guests on the Get list of participants in a conversation endpoin |
lastPing |
int | v1 | Timestamp of the user's session making the request | |
sessionId |
string | v1 | '0' if not connected, otherwise an up to 512 character long string that is the identifier of the user's session making the request. Should only be used to pre-check if the user joined already with this session, but this might be outdated by the time of usage, so better check via Get list of participants in a conversation |
hasPassword |
bool | v1 | Flag if the conversation has a password | |
hasCall |
bool | v1 | Flag if the conversation has an active call | |
callFlag |
int | v3 | Combined flag of all participants in the current call (see constants list, only available with conversation-call-flags capability) |
canStartCall |
bool | v1 | Flag if the user can start a new call in this conversation (joining is always possible) (only available with start-call-flag capability) |
canDeleteConversation |
bool | v2 | Flag if the user can delete the conversation for everyone (not possible without moderator permissions or in one-to-one conversations) | |
canLeaveConversation |
bool | v2 | Flag if the user can leave the conversation (not possible for the last user with moderator permissions) | |
lastActivity |
int | v1 | Timestamp of the last activity in the conversation, in seconds and UTC time zone | |
isFavorite |
bool | v1 | Flag if the conversation is favorited by the user | |
notificationLevel |
int | v1 | The notification level for the user (See Participant notification levels) | |
lobbyState |
int | v1 | Webinar lobby restriction (0-1), if the participant is a moderator they can always join the conversation (only available with webinary-lobby capability) (See Webinar lobby states) |
lobbyTimer |
int | v1 | Timestamp when the lobby will be automatically disabled (only available with webinary-lobby capability) |
sipEnabled |
int | v3 | SIP enable status (see constants list) | |
canEnableSIP |
int | v3 | Whether the given user can enable SIP for this conversation. Note that when the token is not-numeric only, SIP can not be enabled even if the user is permitted and a moderator of the conversation | |
unreadMessages |
int | v1 | Number of unread chat messages in the conversation (only available with chat-v2 capability) |
unreadMention |
bool | v1 | Flag if the user was mentioned since their last visit | |
unreadMentionDirect |
bool | v4 | Flag if the user was mentioned directly (ignoring @all mentions) since their last visit (only available with direct-mention-flag capability) |
lastReadMessage |
int | v1 | ID of the last read message in a room (only available with chat-read-marker capability) |
lastCommonReadMessage |
int | v3 | ID of the last message read by every user that has read privacy set to public in a room. When the user themself has it set to private the value is 0 (only available with chat-read-status capability) |
lastMessage |
message | v1 | Last message in a conversation if available, otherwise empty. Note: Even when given the message will not contain the parent or reactionsSelf attribute due to performance reasons |
objectType |
string | v1 | The type of object that the conversation is associated with (See Object types) | |
objectId |
string | v1 | See Object types documentation for explanation | |
breakoutRoomMode |
string | v4 | Breakout room configuration mode (see constants list) (only available with breakout-rooms-v1 capability) |
breakoutRoomStatus |
string | v4 | Breakout room status (see constants list) (only available with breakout-rooms-v1 capability) |
status |
string | v4 | Optional: Only available for one-to-one conversations, when includeStatus=true is set and the user has a status |
statusIcon |
?string | v4 | Optional: Only available for one-to-one conversations, when includeStatus=true is set and the user has a status, can still be null even with a status |
statusMessage |
?string | v4 | Optional: Only available for one-to-one conversations, when includeStatus=true is set and the user has a status, can still be null even with a status |
statusClearAt |
?int | v4 | Optional: Only available for one-to-one conversations, when includeStatus=true is set and the user has a status, can still be null even with a status |
participants |
array | v1 | v2 | Removed |
guestList |
string | v1 | v2 | Removed |
avatarVersion |
string | v4 | Version of conversation avatar used to easier expiration of the avatar in case a moderator updates it, since the avatar endpoint should be cached for 24 hours. (only available with avatar capability) |
isCustomAvatar |
bool | v4 | Flag if the conversation has a custom avatar (only available with avatar capability) |
callStartTime |
int | v4 | Timestamp when the call was started (only available with recording-v1 capability) |
callRecording |
int | v4 | Type of call recording (see Constants - Call recording status) (only available with recording-v1 capability) |
recordingConsent |
int | v4 | Whether recording consent is required before joining a call (Only 0 and 1 will be returned, see constants list) (only available with recording-consent capability) |
mentionPermissions |
int | v4 | Whether all participants can mention using @all or only moderators (see constants list) (only available with mention-permissions capability) |
isArchived |
bool | v4 | Flag if the conversation is archived by the user (only available with archived-conversations capability) |
Note: Creating a conversation as a child breakout room, will automatically set the lobby when breakout rooms are not started and will always overwrite the room type with the parent room type. Also, moderators of the parent conversation will be automatically added as moderators.
- Method:
- Endpoint:
- Data:
field | type | Description |
roomType |
int | See constants list |
invite |
string | user id (roomType = 1 ), group id (roomType = 2 - optional), circle id (roomType = 2 , source = 'circles' ], only available with circles-support capability)) |
source |
string | The source for the invite, only supported on roomType = 2 for groups and circles (only available with circles-support capability) |
roomName |
string | Conversation name up to 255 characters (Not available for roomType = 1 ) |
objectType |
string | Type of an object this room references, currently only allowed value is room to indicate the parent of a breakout room (See Object types) |
objectId |
string | Id of an object this room references, room token is used for the parent of a breakout room |
- Response:
Status code:
200 OK
When the "one to one" conversation already exists201 Created
When the conversation was created400 Bad Request
When an invalid conversation type was given400 Bad Request
When the conversation name is empty fortype = 3
401 Unauthorized
When the user is not logged in404 Not Found
When the target to invite does not exist
Data: See array definition in
Get user´s conversations
Status code:
200 OK
404 Not Found
When the conversation could not be found for the participant
field | type | Description |
X-Nextcloud-Talk-Hash |
string | Sha1 value over some config. When you receive a different value on subsequent requests, the capabilities and the signaling settings should be refreshed. |
- Data: See array definition in `Get user´s conversations`
The conversation is like a group conversation and the user is the owner, but with the following limitations:
- Can not add participants to the conversation
- Can not allow guests
- Can not make read-only
- Can not open the conversations to users or guests
- Can not change permissions
- Can not set lobby
- Can not enable SIP
- Can not configure breakout rooms
- Can not call
If the conversation does not exist at the moment, it will be generated and the user added automatically.
Required capability:
Status code:
200 OK
401 Unauthorized
When the user is not logged in
field | type | Description |
X-Nextcloud-Talk-Hash |
string | Sha1 value over some config. When you receive a different value on subsequent requests, the capabilities and the signaling settings should be refreshed. |
- Data: See array definition in `Get user´s conversations`
Required capability:
Status code:
200 OK
401 Unauthorized
when the user is not logged in
field | type | Description |
searchTerm |
string | search term |
- Data: See array definition in `Get user´s conversations`
Get all (for moderators and in case of "free selection") or the assigned breakout room
Required capability:
Status code:
200 OK
400 Bad Request
When the conversation does not have breakout rooms configured400 Bad Request
When the breakout rooms are not started and the participant is not a moderator401 Unauthorized
When the user is not logged in404 Not Found
When the conversation could not be found for the participant
Data: See array definition in
Get user´s conversations
- Method:
- Endpoint:
- Data:
field | type | Description |
roomName |
string | New name for the conversation (up to 255 characters) |
- Response:
- Status code:
200 OK
400 Bad Request
When the name is too long or empty400 Bad Request
When the conversation is a one to one conversation403 Forbidden
When the current user is not a moderator/owner404 Not Found
When the conversation could not be found for the participant
- Status code:
Note: Deleting a conversation that is the parent of breakout rooms, will also delete them.
- Status code:
200 OK
400 Bad Request
When the conversation is a one-to-one conversation (Use Remove yourself from a conversation instead)403 Forbidden
When the current user is not a moderator/owner404 Not Found
When the conversation could not be found for the participant
- Status code:
- Required capability:
- Method:
- Endpoint:
- Data:
field | type | Description |
description |
string | New description for the conversation |
- Response:
- Status code:
200 OK
400 Bad Request
When the description is too long400 Bad Request
When the conversation is a one to one conversation403 Forbidden
When the current user is not a moderator/owner404 Not Found
When the conversation could not be found for the participant
- Status code:
- Status code:
200 OK
400 Bad Request
When the conversation is not a group conversation403 Forbidden
When the current user is not a moderator/owner404 Not Found
When the conversation could not be found for the participant
- Status code:
- Status code:
200 OK
400 Bad Request
When the conversation is not a public conversation403 Forbidden
When the current user is not a moderator/owner404 Not Found
When the conversation could not be found for the participant
- Status code:
- Required capability:
- Method:
- Endpoint:
- Data:
field | type | Description |
state |
int | New state for the conversation, see constants list |
- Response:
- Status code:
200 OK
400 Bad Request
When the conversation type does not support read-only (only group and public conversation)403 Forbidden
When the current user is not a moderator/owner or the conversation is not a public conversation404 Not Found
When the conversation could not be found for the participant
- Status code:
- Method:
- Endpoint:
- Data:
field | type | Description |
password |
string | New password for the conversation |
- Response:
Status code:
200 OK
400 Bad Request
When the password does not match the password policy. Showocs.data.message
to the user in this case400 Bad Request
When the conversation is a breakout room403 Forbidden
When the current user is not a moderator or owner403 Forbidden
When the conversation is not a public conversation404 Not Found
When the conversation could not be found for the participant
field type Description message
string Only available on 400 Bad Request
, translated error with the violated password policy rules
- Method:
- Endpoint:
- Data:
field | type | Description |
mode |
string | default or call , in case of call the permissions will be reset to 0 (default) after the end of a call. (🏁 call is no-op since Talk 20) |
permissions |
int | New permissions for the attendees, see constants list. If permissions are not 0 (default), the 1 (custom) permission will always be added. Note that this will reset all custom permissions that have been given to attendees so far. |
- Response:
- Status code:
200 OK
400 Bad Request
When the conversation type does not support setting publishing permissions, e.g. one-to-one conversations400 Bad Request
When the mode is invalid400 Bad Request
When the conversation is a breakout room403 Forbidden
When the current user is not a moderator, owner or guest moderator404 Not Found
When the conversation could not be found for the participant
- Status code:
Required capability:
Federation capability:
- Status code:
200 OK
401 Unauthorized
When the participant is a guest404 Not Found
When the conversation could not be found for the participant
- Status code:
Required capability:
Federation capability:
- Status code:
200 OK
401 Unauthorized
When the participant is a guest404 Not Found
When the conversation could not be found for the participant
- Status code:
- Required capability:
- Federation capability:
- Method:
- Endpoint:
- Data:
field | type | Description |
level |
int | The notification level (See Participant notification levels) |
- Response:
- Status code:
200 OK
400 Bad Request
When the given level is invalid401 Unauthorized
When the participant is a guest404 Not Found
When the conversation could not be found for the participant
- Status code:
- Required capability:
- Method:
- Endpoint:
- Data:
field | type | Description |
level |
int | The call notification level (See Participant call notification levels) |
- Response:
- Status code:
200 OK
400 Bad Request
When the given level is invalid401 Unauthorized
When the participant is a guest404 Not Found
When the conversation could not be found for the participant
- Status code:
- Required capability:
- Method:
- Endpoint:
- Data:
field | type | Description |
seconds |
int | The messages expiration in seconds. If is zero, messages will not be deleted automatically. |
- Response:
- Status code:
200 OK
400 Bad Request
Invalid value400 Bad Request
When the conversation is a breakout room403 Forbidden
When the current user is not a moderator, owner or guest moderator404 Not Found
When the conversation could not be found for the participant
- Status code:
- Required capability:
- Method:
- Endpoint:
- Data:
field | type | Description |
recordingConsent |
int | New consent setting for the conversation (Only 0 and 1 from the constants are allowed here.) |
- Response:
- Status code:
200 OK
400 Bad Request
When the consent value is invalid400 Bad Request
When the consent is being enabled while a call is going on403 Forbidden
When the current user is not a moderator/owner404 Not Found
When the conversation could not be found for the participant
- Status code:
- Required capability:
- Method:
- Endpoint:
- Data:
field | type | Description |
scope |
int | The room listable scope (See listable scopes) |
- Response:
- Status code:
200 OK
400 Bad Request
When the conversation type does not support making it listable (only group and public conversation)400 Bad Request
When the conversation is a breakout room403 Forbidden
When the current user is not a moderator/owner or the conversation is not a public conversation404 Not Found
When the conversation could not be found for the participant
- Status code:
- Required capability:
- Method:
- Endpoint:
- Data:
field | type | Description |
mentionPermissions |
int | New mention permissions for the conversation (See mention permssions) |
- Response:
- Status code:
200 OK
400 Bad Request
When the conversation type does not support setting mention permissions (only group and public conversation)400 Bad Request
When the conversation is a breakout room400 Bad Request
When permissions value is invalid403 Forbidden
When the current user is not a moderator/owner404 Not Found
When the conversation could not be found for the participant
- Status code:
See Capability handling in federated conversations to learn which capabilities should be considered from the local server or from the remote server.
Required capability:
Status code:
200 OK
Get capabilities404 Not Found
When the conversation could not be found for the participant
field | type | Description |
X-Nextcloud-Talk-Proxy-Hash |
string | Sha1 value over the capabilities in case the conversation is hosted on another server. |
X-Nextcloud-Talk-Hash |
string | Sha1 value over the capabilities in case the conversation is hosted on this server. |
- Data: Server capabilities limited to the `spreed` sub-array or an empty array in case the app is disabled (for the user)