diff --git a/src/data/nav.yml b/src/data/nav.yml
index cdf96ee9f..13bc22ea3 100644
--- a/src/data/nav.yml
+++ b/src/data/nav.yml
@@ -164,6 +164,8 @@
url: /contribute-to-quickstarts/build-a-quickstart/create-alerts
- title: Create a quickstart
url: /contribute-to-quickstarts/build-a-quickstart/create-quickstart
+ - title: Query alerts for quickstart
+ url: '/contribute-to-quickstarts/query-alerts-for-quickstart'
- title: Try our APIs
icon: nr-share
url: '/try-our-apis'
diff --git a/src/images/query-alerts/baseline-alert-query.png b/src/images/query-alerts/baseline-alert-query.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..40de9615b
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/images/query-alerts/baseline-alert-query.png differ
diff --git a/src/images/query-alerts/build-query.png b/src/images/query-alerts/build-query.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d829caecf
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/images/query-alerts/build-query.png differ
diff --git a/src/images/query-alerts/condition-id.png b/src/images/query-alerts/condition-id.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4b1033705
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/images/query-alerts/condition-id.png differ
diff --git a/src/images/query-alerts/nerdgraph-interface.png b/src/images/query-alerts/nerdgraph-interface.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0b0030e7c
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/images/query-alerts/nerdgraph-interface.png differ
diff --git a/src/images/query-alerts/outlier-alert-query.png b/src/images/query-alerts/outlier-alert-query.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c3c8794f6
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/images/query-alerts/outlier-alert-query.png differ
diff --git a/src/images/query-alerts/static-alert-query.png b/src/images/query-alerts/static-alert-query.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e4771ab7e
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/images/query-alerts/static-alert-query.png differ
diff --git a/src/markdown-pages/contribute-to-quickstarts/query-alerts-for-quickstart.mdx b/src/markdown-pages/contribute-to-quickstarts/query-alerts-for-quickstart.mdx
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/markdown-pages/contribute-to-quickstarts/query-alerts-for-quickstart.mdx
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+path: '/contribute-to-quickstarts/query-alerts-for-quickstart'
+duration: '10 min'
+title: 'Query alerts for quickstart'
+template: 'GuideTemplate'
+description: 'Reference guide to query alerts for quickstarts using NerdGraph'
+ title: 'Query alerts for quickstart'
+ description: 'Reference guide to query alerts for quickstarts using NerdGraph'
+ - nerdgraph query components
+ - quickstart
+Quickstarts equips you with dashboards, alerts, and other observability building blocks to get value from your data faster. To help you query your existing alerts and add them to your [quickstart](/contribute-to-quickstarts/build-a-quickstart), we provide you with the New Relic's [Nerdgraph API explorer](https://api.newrelic.com/graphiql). Here you learn how to use the Nerdgraph to get a JSON representation of each alert condition and populate the corresponding alert file in quickstart.
+It is assumed that you already have alerts and a quickstart. This guide will walk you through adding the alerts with Nerdgraph. Refer to [Build a quickstart](/contribute-to-quickstart/build-a-quickstart) for a detailed guide.
+## Build a query in Nerdgraph
+Open the [Nerdgraph API explorer](https://api.newrelic.com/graphiql) and select your key from the dropdown menu.
+![graphiql interface](../../images/query-alerts/nerdgraph-interface.png)
+Building a query is simple in the explorer. Check the appropriate boxes to build a GraphQL query:
+ actor {
+ account(id: REPLACE_ACCOUNT_ID) {
+ alerts {
+ nrqlCondition(id: REPLACE_CONDITION_ID) {
+ ... on AlertsNrqlStaticCondition {
+ id
+ name
+ nrql {
+ query
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+![build a query](../../images/query-alerts/build-query.png)
+Replace your account ID and condition ID in the above query to get the details of your alert condition. In [New Relic](https://one.newrelic.com/), go to **Alerts & AI** an then **Policies** in left hand navigation. Choose your policy from the list and click on the corresponding condition to get its ID.
+![get alert condition id](../../images/query-alerts/condition-id.png)
+## Query an existing static alert in Nerdgraph
+Build the following query for existing static alert in Nerdgraph:
+ actor {
+ account(id: REPLACE_ACCOUNT_ID) {
+ alerts {
+ nrqlCondition(id: REPLACE_CONDITION_ID) {
+ ... on AlertsNrqlStaticCondition {
+ id
+ name
+ type
+ nrql {
+ query
+ }
+ valueFunction
+ terms {
+ operator
+ priority
+ threshold
+ thresholdDuration
+ thresholdOccurrences
+ }
+ violationTimeLimitSeconds
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+The above query will return you the json representation of the specified static condition that you can use to update your quickstart.
+![static alert query](../../images/query-alerts/static-alert-query.png)
+Use the _static-alert.yml_ file from quickstart template and start populating it using the information returned from above query.
+# Name of the alert
+name: Apdex
+# Description and details
+details: |+
+ This alert is triggered whenever the apdex score is below 0.85 for at least 5 minutes.
+# Type of alert
+type: STATIC
+# NRQL query
+ query: "SELECT apdex(apm.service.apdex) FROM Metric WHERE entity.guid = 'MzAxNDkwMXxBUE18QVBQTElDQVRJT058NTE3NTY0MzAz' FACET entity.guid"
+# Function used to aggregate the NRQL query value(s) for comparison to the terms.threshold (Default: SINGLE_VALUE)
+valueFunction: SINGLE_VALUE
+# List of Critical and Warning thresholds for the condition
+- priority: CRITICAL
+ # Operator used to compare against the threshold.
+ operator: BELOW
+ # Value that triggers a violation
+ threshold: 0.85
+ # Time in seconds; 120 - 3600
+ thresholdDuration: 300
+ # How many data points must be in violation for the duration
+ thresholdOccurrences: ALL
+# Duration after which a violation automatically closes
+# Time in seconds; 300 - 2592000 (Default: 86400 [1 day])
+violationTimeLimitSeconds: 259200
+Here, you added the pre-existing apdex alert to the quickstart. Follow the same procedure to add baseline and outlier alerts.
+## Query an existing baseline alert in Nerdgraph
+Build the following query for baseline alert in Nerdgraph:
+ actor {
+ account(id: REPLACE_ACCOUNT_ID) {
+ alerts {
+ nrqlCondition(id: REPLACE_CONDITION_ID) {
+ ... on AlertsNrqlBaselineCondition {
+ id
+ name
+ nrql {
+ query
+ }
+ baselineDirection
+ terms {
+ priority
+ threshold
+ thresholdDuration
+ thresholdOccurrences
+ }
+ violationTimeLimitSeconds
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+Note that here, we run query on AlertsNrqlBaselineCondition. The above query will return you the json representation of the specified baseline condition.
+![baseline alert query](../../images/query-alerts/baseline-alert-query.png)
+Use the _baseline-alert.yml_ file from quickstart template and start populating it using the information returned from above query.
+# Name of the alert
+name: Error Percentage
+# Description and details
+details: |+
+ This alert is triggered whenever error percentage deviates 3 standard deviations for at least 5 minutes from the baseline.
+ It also sends a warning signal if error percentage only deviates 2 standard deviations from the baseline.
+# Type of alert
+# NRQL query
+ # Baseline alerts can use an optional FACET
+ query: "SELECT count(apm.service.error.count) / count(apm.service.transaction.duration) * 100 FROM Metric WHERE entity.guid = 'MzAxNDkwMXxBUE18QVBQTElDQVRJT058NTE3NTY0MzAz' FACET entity.guid"
+# Direction in which baseline is set (Default: LOWER_ONLY)
+baselineDirection: UPPER_ONLY
+# List of Critical and Warning thresholds for the condition
+- priority: CRITICAL
+ # Value that triggers a violation
+ threshold: 3
+ # Time in seconds; 120 - 3600, must be a multiple of 60 for Baseline conditions
+ thresholdDuration: 300
+ # How many data points must be in violation for the duration
+ thresholdOccurrences: ALL
+# Adding a Warning threshold is optional
+- priority: WARNING
+ threshold: 2
+ thresholdDuration: 300
+ thresholdOccurrences: ALL
+# Duration after which a violation automatically closes
+# Time in seconds; 300 - 2592000 (Default: 86400 [1 day])
+violationTimeLimitSeconds: 259200
+Here, you added an existing baseline alert called Error Percentage to your quickstart.
+## Query an existing outlier alert in Nerdgraph
+Build the following query for outlier alert in Nerdgraph:
+ actor {
+ account(id: REPLACE_ACCOUNT_ID) {
+ alerts {
+ nrqlCondition(id: REPLACE_CONDITION_ID) {
+ ... on AlertsNrqlOutlierCondition {
+ id
+ name
+ nrql {
+ query
+ }
+ expectedGroups
+ terms {
+ priority
+ threshold
+ thresholdDuration
+ thresholdOccurrences
+ }
+ violationTimeLimitSeconds
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+The above query will return you the json representation of the specified outlier condition that you can use to update your quickstart.
+![outlier alert query](../../images/query-alerts/outlier-alert-query.png)
+Use the _outlier-alert.yml_ file from quickstart template and start populating it using the information returned from above query.
+# Name of the alert
+name: Misbehaving instance
+# Description and details
+details: |+
+ This alert is triggered when any facet(s) deviate from the center of the group for at least 5 mins
+# Type of alert
+type: OUTLIER
+# NRQL query
+ # Outlier alerts require FACET
+ query: "SELECT average(duration) FROM Transaction WHERE appName='UTE' FACET host"
+# Number of groups expected in the returned values for the condition (Default: 2)
+expectedGroups: 2
+# List of Critical and Warning thresholds for the condition
+- priority: CRITICAL
+ # Value that triggers a violation
+ threshold: 1
+ # Time in seconds; 120 - 3600
+ thresholdDuration: 300
+ # How many data points must be in violation for the duration
+ thresholdOccurrences: ALL
+# Duration after which a violation automatically closes
+# Time in seconds; 300 - 2592000 (Default: 86400 [1 day])
+violationTimeLimitSeconds: 2592000
+Here, you added an outlier alert to your quickstart.
+## Summary
+This guide teaches you to query your existing alert conditions using Nerdgraph and use the json response to populate corresponding alert files in quickstart.
+If you're not familiar with alerts, then check our [docs for alerts](https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/alerts-applied-intelligence/).
+To learn more about the quickstarts and how to create one, please refer to [Build a quickstart](/contribute-to-quickstart/build-a-quickstart).
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