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Hacks on Loki & Grafana

This file will help you using loki-operator since it's still WIP project. You can check this PR for dev usage and the file for status

Fake Loki frontend

If you only need basic http endpoints with fake datas from grafana examples, you can create a fake server using json-server.

Install json-server globally:

sudo npm install -g json-server

Run the server on http://localhost:3100:

json-server --watch ./examples/loki_api_examples.json --routes ./examples/routes.json --port 3100 --delay 100

This will expose routes from routes.json with loki_api_examples.json datas. You can also use loki_api_custom.json instead for OpenShift real sample datas.

Loki Operator without gateway

Loki operator can be run without gateway for debug on kind or Openshift. It will create the same ressources as helm lokistack installation: distributor, compactor, ingester, querier, query-frontend

Check loki components before getting started.


  • Install kubectl CLI for communicating with the cluster.
  • Running Kubernetes cluster using kind.
  • A container registry that you and your Kubernetes cluster can reach.

From Sources

Clone loki-operator repository and open folder

git clone
cd loki-operator

Disable loki auth for development in loki-config.yaml

sed -i 's/auth_enabled: true/auth_enabled: false/g' internal/manifests/internal/config/loki-config.yaml

Build and push the container image and then deploy the operator

make oci-build oci-push deploy REGISTRY_ORG=netobserv VERSION=latest

Create a LokiStack instance to get the various components of Loki up and running

kubectl apply -f hack/lokistack_dev.yaml

This will create distributor, compactor, ingester, querier and query-frontend components.

Loki Operator on Openshift with gateway

Content moved to

Loki & Grafana stack with Helm

Deploy loki and grafana to your cluster from official images using helm

helm upgrade --install loki grafana/loki-stack --set promtail.enabled=false
helm install loki-grafana grafana/grafana

Wait for the service running then forward port

kubectl port-forward service/loki-grafana 3000:80

Login : admin Password should be retreive with :

kubectl get secret loki-grafana -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-password}" | base64 --decode ; echo


If loki-grafana deployment fails with following error on OpenShift: Error creating: pods "loki-grafana-XXXXXXXXXX" is forbidden: unable to validate against any security context

Simply run:

oc adm policy add-scc-to-user anyuid -z loki
oc adm policy add-scc-to-user anyuid -z loki-grafana


If you installed loki using the operator, you will not have grafana installed. You may need to install it to make queries and dashboards but it's not mandatory to make loki work.

From Image with oauth

Create grafana instance from official image. Update examples/grafana.ini configuration and run:

kubectl create configmap grafana-config --from-file=examples/grafana.ini
kubectl apply -f examples/grafana.yaml

Wait for the service running then forward port

kubectl port-forward service/grafana 3000:3000


Use route at http://grafana-default.apps.<MY_CLUSTER_URL>

Login : admin Password : admin Info : You can skip password definition or change it at first login

From Openshift OperatorHub

Grafana operator is available on OperatorHub. Open your Openshift Administrator Console and go to: Operators -> OperatorHub Search for 'grafana' Install it using default options in default namespace for example This can take some minutes

Then go to: Operators -> Installed Operators Select grafana-operator Click on Create Instance in the Grafana Provided API card This can take some minutes

This will create a grafana instance with a route available in: Networking -> Routes

Login : root Password : secret

You can follow this blog post for more details

Grafana Usage

Open http://localhost:3000/ and login with admin + password according to previous sections

Select "add datasource" => "Loki" and set your source :

  • http://loki:3100 for helm
  • http://loki-query-frontend-http-lokistack-dev.default.svc.cluster.local:3100 for loki-operator without gateway
  • lokistack-gateway-http-lokistack-dev.openshift-logging.svc.cluster.local:8080/api/logs/v1/tenant-a for loki-operator with gateway enabled using tenant-a endpoint. Check Forward Oauth Identity option to send X-Forwarded-User according to grafana.ini

You should get "Data source connected and labels found." after clicking Save & Test button

Example of queries for netobserv-flowcollector app:

  • View raw logs: {app="netobserv-flowcollector"}

  • Top 10 sources by volumetry (1 min-rate): topk(10, (sum by(SrcWorkload,SrcNamespace) ( rate({ app="netobserv-flowcollector" } | json | __error__="" | unwrap Bytes [1m]) )))

  • Top 10 destinations for a given source (1 min-rate): topk(10, (sum by(DstWorkload,DstNamespace) ( rate({ app="netobserv-flowcollector",SrcNamespace="default",SrcWorkload="goflow" } | json | __error__="" | unwrap Bytes [1m]) )))