CommonTasker is a preliminary release of a mobile application, whose goal is to crowdsource tasks in a CN. The general idea is that CN users can use the application to jointly organize events and actions, exchange knowledge and tips on their work, get help with manual tasks, and even share tools and machinery with each other. The application is meant to work over CNs without any support from public Internet infrastructure and serve two purposes: (a) become an online assistant for getting help with many daily tasks of the community, including network-related maintenance tasks; (b) strengthen the community links and cooperation values among the network participants. Both purposes are important for the sustainability question faced by all CNs.
The first release of the application contains the description of the app, the design choices that came out of the participatory design process so far, and the first skeleton of the application with basic functionality (e.g., submit a new task, browse ongoing tasks, announce an event etc).
The current version of the app rather serves as a prototype that demonstrates the different capabilities offered by the technology. Then, the selection of the most important functionalities that will address specific needs of our target community, the farmers and breeders in the Sarantaporo valley, will be subject to the outcomes of the participatory design process.