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Generate BigQuery SQL views from JSON

npm version tests build

This CLI tool reads a JSON file and produces BigQuery compatible SQL views from the given JSON. It assumes you have a JSON blob column in a BigQuery dataset that you will reference with the created view.


npx @nealwp/blobview@latest [options] <filepath> 
  filepath      path to valid JSON file

  -t TABLE, --table=TABLE           specify a table name to use in FROM clause. default: "<table>"
  -d DATASET, --dataset=DATASET     specify a dataset to use in FROM clause. default: "<dataset>" 
  -h, --help                        show help


Default output to STDOUT:

npx @nealwp/blobview ./path/to/file.json

Dataset and table as input options:

npx @nealwp/blobview --dataset=myDataset --table=myTable ./path/to/file.json
# shorthand options
npx @nealwp/blobview -d myDataset -t myTable ./path/to/file.json

Redirect output to file:

npx @nealwp/blobview@latest ./path/to/file.json > my-view-file.sql


  • Produces valid BigQuery syntax SQL
  • Creates separate query for each nested object
  • Detects STRING, DECIMAL, and INTEGER types from JSON data and casts column datatypes accordingly
  • Detects GeoJSON Feature Collection type and formats to JSON string
  • Auto-formats column names to snake_case from camelCase and PascalCase
  • Detects deeply-nested objects and formats to JSON string
  • Pre-populates FROM clause with BigQuery-style placeholders
  • BigQuery dataset and table name can be supplied as input options


  • Does not detect DATE or TIMESTAMP types, or other types like BOOLEAN
  • Arrays will get formatted as JSON strings
  • Assumes the BigQuery source dataset column name is always json_blob
  • Does not create SQL views in any syntax other than BigQuery
  • Requires a local JSON file to read
  • Does not include option to write queries to separate files instead of STDOUT
  • BigQuery project name cannot be supplied as input

Example Output

// sample-data.json
  "stringField": "any string goes here",
  "integerField": 1234,
  "decimalField": 3.1234,
  "childField1": {
      "gender": "male",
      "latitude": 32.667598
  "childField2": {
      "favoriteFruit": "banana",
      "longitude": 4.219472
  "childWithNestedObject": {
      "isNormal": "i sure hope so",
      "nestedObject": {
        "favoritePhilosopher": "Kant", 
        "shoeSize": 14.5
  "examplGeoJson": {
    "type": "FeatureCollection",
    "features": [
        "type": "Feature",
        "id": 16,
        "geometry": {
          "type": "Polygon",
          "coordinates": [
              [-32.667598, -4.239272],
              [-32.767999, -4.319272]
# terminal command
npx @nealwp/blobview sample-data.json

The above command will produce the following output:

/* stdout */
    CAST(JSON_VALUE(json_blob.stringField) as STRING) as string_field
    , CAST(JSON_VALUE(json_blob.integerField) as INTEGER) as integer_field
    , CAST(JSON_VALUE(json_blob.decimalField) as DECIMAL) as decimal_field
    , TO_JSON_STRING(json_blob.exampleGeoJson) as example_geo_json 
FROM <project>.<dataset>.<table>
    CAST(JSON_VALUE(json_blob.childField1.gender) as STRING) as gender 
    , CAST(JSON_VALUE(json_blob.childField1.latitude) as DECIMAL) as latitude 
FROM <project>.<dataset>.<table>
    CAST(JSON_VALUE(json_blob.childField2.favoriteFruit) as STRING) as favorite_fruit 
    , CAST(JSON_VALUE(json_blob.childField2.longitude) as DECIMAL) as longitude 
FROM <project>.<dataset>.<table>
    CAST(JSON_VALUE(json_blob.childWithNestedObject.isNormal) as STRING) as is_normal 
    , TO_JSON_STRING(json_blob.childWithNestedObject.nestedObject) as nested_object 
FROM <project>.<dataset>.<table>
# terminal command with input options
npx @nealwp/blobview --dataset=myDataset --table=myTable sample-data.json

Will produce the following output:

/* stdout */
    CAST(JSON_VALUE(json_blob.stringField) as STRING) as string_field
    , CAST(JSON_VALUE(json_blob.integerField) as INTEGER) as integer_field
    , CAST(JSON_VALUE(json_blob.decimalField) as DECIMAL) as decimal_field
    , TO_JSON_STRING(json_blob.exampleGeoJson) as example_geo_json 
FROM <project>.myDataset.myTable
    CAST(JSON_VALUE(json_blob.childField1.gender) as STRING) as gender 
    , CAST(JSON_VALUE(json_blob.childField1.latitude) as DECIMAL) as latitude 
FROM <project>.myDataset.myTable
    CAST(JSON_VALUE(json_blob.childField2.favoriteFruit) as STRING) as favorite_fruit 
    , CAST(JSON_VALUE(json_blob.childField2.longitude) as DECIMAL) as longitude 
FROM <project>.myDataset.myTable
    CAST(JSON_VALUE(json_blob.childWithNestedObject.isNormal) as STRING) as is_normal 
    , TO_JSON_STRING(json_blob.childWithNestedObject.nestedObject) as nested_object 
FROM <project>.myDataset.myTable