This organization shall be known as the Linux Users Group (LUG) at North Carolina State University.
The mission of the LUG is:
- To promote the understanding of computers and computer science,
- to encourage creative endeavors in computing,
- to provide a forum for learning about and discussing recent developments in computing, and
- to support the use and development of free and open source software.
Membership shall be open to all regularly enrolled students, staff, or faculty of NCSU who are interested in Linux. Members may be elected to office.
People in the surrounding community that are not a student, faculty, or staff member of NCSU may be “associate members”. Per NCSU administrative regulations, they may not hold office in LUG.
The Officers of the LUG are the President, Vice-President, Public Relations Officer, and Treasurer.
The President is the nominal leader of the LUG. Duties include:
- communicating with the University and other organizations
- directing business meetings
- managing and conducting regular club meetings
- performing any other duties that become necessary.
The Vice-President assists the President as necessary, and fills in for the President when absent. Duties include:
- keeping meeting minutes
- aiding in elections
The Secretary publicizes news about LUG events to the LUG and to the greater campus community, as well as taking meeting notes when necessary. Duties include:
- club advertising
- drafting and publishing announcements and blog posts
- maintaining the website
The Treasurer maintains records of the LUG's income and expenses. Duties include:
- maintaining the club bank account
- handling club purchases
- keeping financial records
All of the Officers and any Chairpersons (see Committees) make up the Steering Committee, which is responsible for the operation of the LUG. Meetings shall be directed by the President or any other member of the Steering Committee. In the event that the President is absent, meetings shall be directed by the Vice-President, then the Secretary, then the Treasurer, then any other member of the Steering Committee, in that order.
Elections shall be held at the last meeting of the semester before the start of exams (as published by Registration and Records). There must be at least 5 members in attendance excepting the candidates to hold an election. Elections may also be held in the case of a vacancy or at the discretion of the Steering Committee at a regularly scheduled meeting provided that an announcement has been made at least one week prior to the election.
The officers shall be elected by the organization members to serve a term of one semester. A officer shall continue to hold their office in future semesters if 1) they remain affiliated with NCSU as either a student, staff, or faculty member; 2) The officer does not get elected into another officer position in the LUG; 3) The officer does not object to serving another semester.
The membership at large may remove an officer by a two-thirds (2/3) majority at 1) an election meeting, or 2) any other meeting provided that it is announced at least 1 week in advance that a motion will be made to remove an officer.
Members and associate members in attendance at an election meeting are eligible to vote in an election.
There are no fixed dues for the LUG.
If deemed necessary the Steering Committee can request a special assessment from the organization members. This request must be approved by the majority of the organization members present and voting at a regularly scheduled meeting.
Disbursement of funds is at the discretion of the Steering Committee.
Amendments to the constitution shall be presented by members of the organization in writing at a regular meeting but shall not be voted upon until the next regular meeting, and then only after informing each member of the proposed amendments. A majority of 2/3 of the members present and voting shall be required.
The LUG shall hold meetings at least once every two weeks. More frequent meetings can be scheduled at the discretion of the Steering Committee.
The time, date, and location of meetings shall be distributed to members during the first two weeks of a semester by a member of the steering committee at a meeting and other means such as e-mailing the LUG mailing list or the LUG web page.
At the discretion of the steering committee, a meeting can be canceled due to events such as, but not limited to, student semester exams, university holidays, student breaks, and adverse weather.
Official LUG business will be handled at meetings and any actions will be decided by a consensus of the members present.
The Steering Committee can form committees for special projects or assignments as necessary. The members of the committees are to be drawn from the current members on a volunteer basis.
At least one member of the committee will be designated as the Chairperson of the Committee. All Chairpersons will be members of the Steering Committee (see Officers).
Discrimination based upon race, color, religion, creed, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, or sexual orientation is in violation of federal and state law and North Carolina State University policy, and will not be tolerated.
Last revised August 27, 2016.