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File metadata and controls

92 lines (63 loc) · 2.56 KB



This is a very light (<2Ko) alternative to Axios when using VueJS and/or Laravel in API mode (appliction/json header).

This library is based on the native javascript Fetch function.


import { fetchApi } from "@ncisrc/fetchApi";

const page = await fetchApi.get('');

const reply = await'', {
  data: 'hello world !'


fetchApi can automaticaly set a Bearer Token if your token is stored in a secure cookie in your browser.

The default cookie name is _appToken

You can customize the cookie name by setting one of these environement variable in your .env file :

  • VUE_APP_TOKEN_COOKIE_NAME : For VueJS projects
  • VITE_TOKEN_COOKIE_NAME : For ViteJS projects
  • MIX_TOKEN_COOKIE_NAME : For Laravel Mix projects

Take care to correctly (and securely) set your cookie (Secure Flag, SameSite, check your CORS, etc.).

You can use if you want a simple library to set secure cookies in your JS frontend.

Uploading files

fetchApi can upload files using the upload method:


  <input id="inputFile" type="file" />
  <button onClick="upload()">


import fetchApi from '@ncisrv/fetchApi'

async function upload() {
  const inputElt = document.getElementById('inputFile');
  return await fetchApi.upload('/upload', inputElt);

Handling Errors

Most of time, you want to redirect your users to the login page/component if fetchApi get a !response.ok or an HTTP 40X error code.

You can acheive this by adding you fail handler, return true if you want to continue the fetchApi flow, false if you want to stop everything after you failHandler :

fetchApi.failHandler((response) => {

  // Your tests on the FETCH response object

  // Your redirects

  return true; // true : continue, false : stop

Example :

fetchApi.failHandler((response) => {

  const unauthentified = (response.status > 399 && response.status <500)

  if (unauthentified)
    window.location = '/login'

  return !unauthentified;

Set bearer token

You can set the bearer token manually by using the setBearerToken method :

Example :
