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File metadata and controls

32 lines (24 loc) · 1.39 KB

This repository contains a collection of helper functions and aliases that will hopefully make your git-driven life easier.

First, clone the githelpers repository:

git clone [email protected]:nbroslawsky/githelpers.git ~/githelpers

Run the following commands to set up your username and email globally. After doing so you'll have a .gitconfig file in your home directory:

git config --global "Your Name"
git config --global "[email protected]"

Run the following command to allow git to pull our new configuration (provided that you are using git 1.7.10+):

git config --global include.path "~/githelpers/gitconfig"

Also, update your bash profile (~/.bash_profile) to include the script from this repo:

source 'githelpers/'

From there, a really handy way of decorating your prompt is to include the information about the repository that is checked out (eg. which branch, if there are modified files waiting to be staged, if there are staged changes, rebasing/merging status, etc.). The following looks good on a darker background (the color aliases are defined in colors).

PS1="${YELLOW}\u@\h ${RESET}\W ${CYAN}\$(__git_ps1 '(%s) ')${RESET}\$ "

(if you already have your PS1 set up the way you like it, the important thing in there is to add ${CYAN}\$(__git_ps1 '(%s) ')${RESET} somewhere inside of it)