These tests are about the FileSystem
class itself, as opposed to instances
describe 'The FileSystem class', ->
Ensure the global variable FileSystem
is defined.
it 'is defined', ->
expect( window.FileSystem ).toBeTruthy()
Ensure it has the class members it provides, functioning as a namespace.
it 'provides class members like a namespace does', ->
expect( window.FileSystem::pathSeparator ).toBeTruthy()
expect( window.FileSystem::escapeCharacter ).toBeTruthy()
Test the path-splitting routine stored in the FileSystem
it 'provides a working path-splitting function', ->
First, simple splits with no escape characters, first relative, then
absolute, then with .
and ..
expect( FileSystem::_splitPath '/' ).toEqual [ ]
expect( FileSystem::_splitPath 'abc/def' ).toEqual \
[ 'abc', 'def' ]
expect( FileSystem::_splitPath '/ab/cd/ef' ).toEqual \
[ 'ab', 'cd', 'ef' ]
expect( FileSystem::_splitPath '/ab/./ef' ).toEqual \
[ 'ab', '.', 'ef' ]
expect( FileSystem::_splitPath 'ab/../ef' ).toEqual \
[ 'ab', '..', 'ef' ]
Second, splits that have some escape characters in them.
expect( FileSystem::_splitPath 'you\\/me/stuff' ) \
.toEqual [ 'you/me', 'stuff' ]
expect( FileSystem::_splitPath 'latex/\\\\mathbb' ) \
.toEqual [ 'latex', '\\mathbb' ]
expect( FileSystem::_splitPath \
'\\/tex/\\\\in/3\\\\Z' ).toEqual [ '/tex', '\\in', '3\\Z' ]
In reverse, we take the exact same examples, and try to path-join them, and ensure that they recreate the original inputs.
expect( FileSystem::_joinPath [ ] ).toEqual ''
expect( FileSystem::_joinPath [ 'abc', 'def' ] ) \
.toEqual 'abc/def'
expect( FileSystem::_joinPath [ 'ab', 'cd', 'ef' ] ) \
.toEqual 'ab/cd/ef'
expect( FileSystem::_joinPath [ 'ab', '.', 'ef' ] ) \
.toEqual 'ab/./ef'
expect( FileSystem::_joinPath [ 'ab', '..', 'ef' ] ) \
.toEqual 'ab/../ef'
expect( FileSystem::_joinPath [ 'you/me', 'stuff' ] ) \
.toEqual 'you\\/me/stuff'
expect( FileSystem::_joinPath \
[ 'latex', '\\mathbb' ] ).toEqual 'latex/\\\\mathbb'
expect( FileSystem::_joinPath \
[ '/tex', '\\in', '3\\Z' ] ).toEqual '\\/tex/\\\\in/3\\\\Z'
Finally, be sure that the two functions in succession do not change any input string.
example = 'fk\\\\js/j/fja\\\\dslfj\\/fs'
expect( FileSystem::_joinPath FileSystem::_splitPath \
example ).toEqual example
example = [
expect( FileSystem::_splitPath FileSystem::_joinPath \
example ).toEqual example
One more small test: Multiple path separators in a row should just become one.
expect( FileSystem::_splitPath '//ab//ef' ).toEqual \
[ 'ab', 'ef' ]
expect( FileSystem::_splitPath '//ab////ef' ).toEqual \
[ 'ab', 'ef' ]
First, we test to see if the conversion of relative to absolute paths functions correctly.
it 'converts relative to absolute paths correctly', ->
expect( FileSystem::_toAbsolutePath '/exa/mple',
'thing1/thing2' ).toEqual '/exa/mple/thing1/thing2'
expect( FileSystem::_toAbsolutePath '',
'thing1/thing2' ).toEqual '/thing1/thing2'
expect( FileSystem::_toAbsolutePath '/', 'a/..//b/' )
.toEqual '/a/../b'
Next, we test to see if the conversion of absolute to canonical paths functions correctly.
it 'converts absolute to canonical paths correctly', ->
expect( FileSystem::_toCanonicalPath '/a/../b' ).toEqual '/b'
expect( FileSystem::_toCanonicalPath \
'/the/./thing/is/../../X' ).toEqual '/the/X'
expect( FileSystem::_toCanonicalPath \
'/../../../../' ).toEqual '/'