Create document on Firestore. Document names will be the same with the file names.
Parameters | Explanation | Required | Default | Remarks |
project_id | GCP project id | Yes | None | |
location | GCP location | Yes | None | |
credentials.file | A service account .json file path | No | None | |
credentials.content | A dictionary containing service account info in Google format | No | None | |
collection | Collection name | Yes | None | |
src_dir | Directory that files exists | Yes | None | |
src_pattern | File pattern of source. Regexp is available | Yes | None |
- step:
class: FirestoreDocumentCreate
project_id: test_gcp
location: asia-northeast1
file: /root/gcp_credential.json
collection: user
src_dir: /user/data
src_pattern: .*\.json
- step: Embed contents of credentials at scenario.yml
class: FirestoreDocumentsCreate
project_id: test_gcp
location: asia-northeast1
content: |
"type": "service_account",
collection: user
src_dir: /user/data
src_pattern: .*\.json